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In hell I roam.
For that is life, is it not?
A living hell in which we must reside.
A place of sorrow, a place with no joy.
A place where pasts haunt a lonely path.

I live in a sea.
A sea of people, but I'm just pretending.
Pretending to be something I'm not.
Hurting and crying from the depth, yet no one echoes in response.

I believed.
Yes, indeed, I speak in past tense.
I believed in something that never followed through.
I believed in people who fed me lies.

I was hurt.
Hurt by the one person who should have loved.
Not loved the way he did.
Loved the way a brother should love his younger sister.
Instead, he loved in a way the scared.

I don't regret.
Regret is such a strong word.
I wonder what life would have been like, but no regret do I hold.
The past is what brought me to this moment.

The moment where I can look at the people who have stayed in my life, and not regret where my path has brought me to.
To look and see that what happened six years ago, made me stronger.
It made me hurt, and it makes me suffer still.
However, it brought me to a place where I had no choice but to turn around and run.
It brought me to freedom.
I was chained, but now I'm free.

No, I regret nothing.
Just wonder what it might have been.
I don't regret what happened to me. I wonder. I wonder what it would have been like if I would have done things differently. Yet, it brought people in my life that I could never have had in my life otherwise. People who have mentored me, supported me, and brought me closer to the truth.
My friends are all gone, like companions long lost
The battle is lost
Death has won
I count the costs

Scars appear upon my skin
My soul finally caves in
Running from eternal hell
Wishing for The Doctor's help

A past that always haunts my sleep
I'm praying for eternal peace
Blood running in the streets

I pray I meet my Trenzalore
The day I finally fall to sleep
The day that brings eternal peace
 Feb 2014 Priest Green
Shower me with your smiles, muse of my heart,
Armored with loyalty perhaps, and still
Your stare does make my lust suggest a part
In a two-piece game. Prohibited thrills,
Your voice plucks and plays with no strings attached
-Can't you see there must be nothing between-
You pay no mind with newly freed sighs hatched
From an innocent enough looking screen,
Hiding dark. Be content, muse of my eye,
Knowing not one dream has ever come true
There's no danger in my thoughts. But I lie:
I will pillage any chance to win you.
     Taken, why did you have to take me too,
     I wish no harm, except I might love you.

Take me, little death, in your sweet embrace,
Tell Hypnos it’s his time to carry me
From the lit plains of sunflower faces
And lay me to rest under moon lilies.
Shower me with your kiss – I’ll drink it all
And parched will start dreaming. Let us be shy,
Your blush will meet mine, caress, we will fall
As others have in life’s greatest lie –
But we, we will lie otherwise, ourselves
As one, in two, evermore intimate.
Under the lightless pillows we must delve,
Hide me, little death, for the sun is late.
     I will sleep, and dream with you, always true,
     Always true, and till the morrow, love you.
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
The day I buried
your memories,
you sent me a postcard
with your love written
in blood. And despite
the pain you've brought to me,
my hands couldn't fathom
how to drop this last piece of you
into the grave.

You left no return address.
No way for me to slap
you with the stinging
knowledge of how thoughtless
I considered you to be.
So instead I filled the
back of a Polaroid
with everything I never said,
and placed it in the postman's hand.

I told him that if
he ever saw the person
from the picture, and
placed the Polaroid in
his hand, that I would
pay him in stories about
a broken life.

Or if he preferred,
fifty one dollar bills.
A writing exercise from my creative writing class.
I found the box that I used
To keep your old letters in.
Hidden in the darkest corner,
Lingering to once again be found.
Dare I read the once familiar words
Of a person I no longer know?
My fingers fumbled clumsily through
As I decided which paper to unearth.
My eyes caught glimpses of
Familiar figures,
Animated animals, clever lettering,
The nicknames I answered to only by you.
I picked up one letter,
Slowly unfolding the lovingly worn edges
To expose the tender-hearted words.
Reading, smiling, laughing,
I enjoyed discovering the blissful memories
That stayed lurking in the back of my mind.
My heart began to murmur as I recalled your voice
Almost as if you were reading right beside me.
Images of a past that once was present,
Fluttering clips that flash past my eyes.
Murmuring heart, beating too fast.
I refolded the paper and laid it to rest,
Quietly sleeping until its next escape.

— The End —