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CJ M Dec 2015
The black of the sky can overtake the white of the moon,
Those that you claimed to love can easily leave you,
The closer to love, the closer its doom,
And a close doom makes it easy to bereave you.

The deeper the love, the deeper the cut it makes,
The darker the chocolate brings the sweet of the cake,
The more beautiful the girl the more on her that’s fake,
The uglier the situation the more pills it forces you to take.

The harder the hit, the farther you fly,
The harder the times the longer you cry,
The stronger the will the harder you die,
The prettier the mind the uglier the guy.

I’m a poet’s shell and a story teller’s mind, I’m a form of the past and a tale of the present. I’m a blank sheet on a blank form and a blank form with a filled mind. I mumble when I think in order to keep my thoughts in order, I hold back cries into my pillows and hold back howls at the unforgiving light of the moon as it defies the rest of the night’s sky.
More vents
CJ M Dec 2015
Is it true that nowadays the value of a man is in how many women he ***** on a daily basis?
Is it true that nerdy is only good when it’s a vulnerable female rather than a young boy trying to actually get somewhere in his life?
Is it true that women consider themselves ******* and that being a “lady” is simply for the old or stuck up hoes?
Excuse my vulgarity.
Is it true that if I were to back into, *******, and ******* on you, you wouldn’t mind? Hell, it’s a dance, relax.
Is it true that if I were to come to you as a true gentleman, opening doors and kissing on your hand rather than trying to **** your face off in the first 15 minutes, you’ll deny me, not because I’m not a good guy, but because that style is dead?
Is it just me, or am I holding on to a time of the dead? Is it just me or are we in a time of complete confusion?
Is it true that If I were to show you intimacy and go deeper to showing feelings of actual love, you’d simply consider me a boyfriend and not actually a counterpart?
Where did it go? What happened to the times when a love was formed and built rather than packaged and given easily? What happened to the times when you’d say “girlfriend” and think of love and consideration rather than just the title itself? What happened to actually loving your counterpart as apposed to simply having them around you?
I was just blowing off a little annoyed steam. I want to think more, but it's like something is in a grapple with my mind, and It all comes out wrong. So this is just a work of releasing my mind.
CJ M Nov 2015
Storms Off The Coast

Winds Blow and tumble me around like tumbleweeds.
I hear the storm coming close as the clouds roll over me, menacing in all aspects.
Thunder crashes all around me, light escaping small gaps through the small cracks in the clouds. I could feel the cool of a hailstorm brewing…
So I changed my train of thought.
I felt the clouds recede, I felt my mind clear as I frantically searched my brain for things to think of besides.
But they came back.
Again, I felt the clouds creeping around me as another stress infiltrated my mind. I could feel the cool breath of the wind, but there was something more menacing.
Turning my head around, the clouds change their forms. I become surrounded by dark giants, staring at me, fists clenched ready for war.
The inevitability of the situation hits hard, I can’t stop thinking about it, stresses fog me, stresses that, regardless of how I deal with them, creep closer and closer to me, an unbreathable fog that won’t lift.
I take a breath and succumb to inevitability, arms spread as if to greet it with the warmth of a hug, my mind at peace at last.
It never arrives.
Opening my eyes, I realize that I am alone in a paradise near water. Clear air with a warm sunset and a red sky- this is peace.
Maybe one day I shall know it, maybe one day I shall attain it, but as of now I am fully aware that there is a series of storms brewing, storms I can call mine, storms forming off the coast.
CJ M Nov 2015
Elaborately interesting Eagle-eyed lover, you are my heart and soul today.
Let us dance, swishing hips and leaning close, leaving behind all feelings of regret and escape into our own multiverse once more.
Let our lips touch and make waves crash, let our close proximity cause sparks to roar to flame, let our touch form paths that lead to paradise.
Let us share love like potlucks or make it like bakeries. Let us know intimacy like we know the pledge or feel it like caressing.
Let’s be one.
Let me have your heart and give you mine, I don’t mind an even trade. I’ll be gentle and you’ll be consistent, we both have what we need and exactly what we want.
I want you.
And I know you desire e as well, so let’s make desired passion a passion that we both know, a passion that we both bring.
Eagle eyes are sharp and attentive, so that's where that came from lol don't ask who's the inspiration XD.
CJ M Nov 2015
I have no secret agenda. And for that, people feel bad for me.
I’m still in my gentleman’s valence, and for that, women feel sad for me.
I don’t keep grave secrets lest a grave robber dig up my past and show the skeletons as if they were fresh details rather than a forcefully faded memory.
I wear my glasses, freshly cleaned for better sight, and yet I still can’t see.
I can’t see what everybody else sees. To me, I see a nice guy, a guy that’s lucky to have someone who's lucky to have him. And I don’t flaunt this…………. But apparently I’m oblivious of my own visage.
Apparently I’m a creature of pure evil and disgust for the better things of life.
Apparently I’m perverse when I smile at people and apparently I’m old fashion for opening doors for people.
But in all my aspects of supposed incompleteness, I recognize those that judge me as confused souls just the same as me. For one who shows no respect shalt not receive any, and yet I still don’t receive any.
I can’t stand the feeling of love lost, and yet I feel it every day. I feel the emptiness crowding around me as if I were in a trash compactor. Why is it that nice guys finish last when we started the race? Why is it that If I show no respect, I get more respect from the people I wish to earn it from?
Why do women like fuckboi rather than knowledgeable counterpart? Why am I alone in a world where I know for a fact there is someone who thinks like me?
Why do I even care what anyone thinks? Why am I still looking for a love that I’ve professed not to care about? Why is it that even under my circumstances, I could care less about what’s to do about any and every one of my flaws, giving the same belief that love accepts all flaws?
I tell myself to stop sometimes so that I can look at myself, but even when I look in the mirror, I see broken shards of glass appear at my imperfections. And for that, I know what the meaning of change should imply to me.
CJ M Nov 2015
This one goes out to the regular ladies. The ones popping pimples in mirrors and not worrying about make-up in the morning. The ones who say forget about their friends and go out exploring.
The ones who give kisses to random associates and giggle about it to their friends later but make sure somehow not to confuse him with emotions he had to create to start a feeling. The ones who keep the quiet ones closest and the loudest front and center.
The ones that pay attention to me, smile sometimes, and move on. You have no idea how it feels to be recognized once again, and I’m loving you guys for it. The ones who play with their hair in class, no ***** given about what you say to them about it.
This one goes out to the girls who keep a low-pro and just go with the flow, speaking only when spoken to and giving  false smiles as an indication of how little they are interested. To the girls who have a shyness that needs to be broken, but no party animals can claw through it without her unwilling will,
This one’s for the loners, all alone in a world that they refuse to abandon, sheltered by a reminiscence that doesn’t break through the storm of becoming current again. Those who were beginning something by themselves and ended up with a partner by the end, we know and we’re happy for you.
Now, I only named a few that this was for, but truly, it’s for all those who want it to be for them. I just want you to know that you’re not alone, ever. You’ve personally got an angel who knows what’s going on with you. A guardian if only you let them through,
And I know this, because I am one of those guardians, and I’m willing to serve and protect any who declare me employed for the task.
CJ M Nov 2015
By the love in my heart, I never meant to do you any wrong.
In all my meaning, I intended to curb your appetite for love to the best of my intentions. Only, the hunger for it in your heart was so voracious that, even if I were to have been around enough for it to have made a difference, I couldn’t have sated you. And I humble myself to that fact.
By the heat of my body, I never meant to miss you. I thought what was past was past and that I could escape it by running. But I’m out of gas on an abandoned highway and your memory stuck behind me, willing to show its presence but not to pass me.
By the chill in my soul, I never meant to abandon you. Sure, you brought out the worst in me, skipping classes, cursing more, using every knot of energy to find different ways to connect to you, but you also brought out the best, for if it wasn’t for you, I never would’ve figured out how pivotal human love was to me. I still crave it to this day like junkies and needles.
But I can’t feed.
Let’s admit it, I say everytime that I won’t find someone like you and that I’d stop trying, but I always do and then treat them the same way I treated you- with contentment, but a sense of caution, not too close to be intimate but not far enough to be distant. And then I leave. It’s my schedule, my signature of leaving a trail of confused and broken hearts behind as if I were smashing glasses.
I’m sorry for the pains that I might’ve caused you… You all, for there’s more than one in the works whenever I’m foreman.
Brianna, Sarah, Katrina, Sade, Erykah, all of those who I believed I left confused if not alone. I was unclear of intentions because I didn’t know what my intentions even were, I was winging it like birds on their migrations. And now I’m stuck in a reminiscent past like tires stuck in muddy earth.
Am I allowed to feel such empty emotions? Am I allowed to feel apologetic even if nothing was deemed wrong? Wronging all of those who come to me like grading papers, but still in the field looking for a future counterpart, my next meal as if I’m a vulture.
And for that, I can never forgive myself enough to rise over it.
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