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Swanlight shatters dusk,
fractured gold on silent waves,
love sinks, sings, returns.

 Mar 12 Ami Mathur
E Lynch
It arrives,
Unnoticed, unannounced.

At first.

Seeping, dripping.

I put it down to a few stressful weeks.
I carry on.

It unpacks,
Worries, anxieties.

For now,

Whispers, creaks.

‘It will leave soon’ I think ‘It always does.’
I keep going.

It settles in,
Getting comfortable.

Getting louder,
And louder.

Banging thoughts,

‘Please don’t be happening again’.
I shuffle along my daily routine.

Claws in,


Shame, worthlessness,

‘Please go away’.
I’m barely coping.

Growing roots,
Into my brain and heart.

Blossoming pain,
With every beat.

Emptiness, loneliness,

Silence, Stillness,
‘I can’t move, I can’t cope.’
What’s meant stays,  
quiet and sure.  
True love waits,  
even when we turn away.  
What isn’t ours  
like water,  
gone before we know it.
....sun will rise tomorrow
Veil of light bleeds slow,
horizon rends, gold-furrowed—
angels laugh in mist.

In every flower
There is a poem
In a garland
There's poetry

Pastel similes
Bright metaphors
Sweet allusions
Quaint allegories

In every flower
There is a poem
For every season
And every day

A song of Spring
A verse of winter -
And all that life
Brings your way.
 Feb 28 Ami Mathur
swan glides through the mist,  

rippling glass of tranquil lakes,  

nature's breath in peace.
St Paul's feast day today we get a public holiday ❣️
 Feb 28 Ami Mathur
lilac clusters sway,

teasing black-furred bumblebee,

soft hum in the breeze.
I see it beaming through the windows
I see it slanting through the doors
It’s jiving on the ceiling
It's waltzing on the floor
It's smiling on the potted plants
On red flower beds and vines
It's quilting skies with gold
And lighting up wind chimes
A silken web is glistening -
The gossamer that's spun
I'll keep my share of sun shine
A pocket full of sun.
A poem is an evening
When dark falls
The evening meal is served
Packed with emotions
Dessert is the ending
Feelings of warmth
Feelings of friendships
A poem is words
From the heart
It conveys
A beautiful start
A poem is an evening
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