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 Jun 2021 PixieWee
Pepper Dove
You ever bite your tongue,
to not hurt someone with the truth?

You bite down even harder,
knowing it's only hurting you.
 Nov 2020 PixieWee
Pepper Dove
The taste of pennies
in her mouth
As she continues
to bite

Her lips
Her cheeks
and her

Holding back
So others

All the while
this way of life is more than tranquil,
from day one to five, we sharpen
our tools with our desires and an anvil

in our spare time, we chase the the high
until our third eyes tells the three of us
it is way too much for us to handle

me myself and i, if it grabs our attention,
we will approach it with a purpose, whether
it be a person, wording or a purchase

none of which was intended to be perfect,
but deserving, why would the sea chase the earth’s surface if it felt that it was not worth it

what is with all this talk about rising sun,
your compatibility with sagittarius and the
complexities of astrology. stop telling me
about my star sign, i’m trying to read out
the graffiti on that stop sign - and no - i
don’t owe you an apology.

i do not know what is the meaning of balance -
you want to give me all the love i deserve, but
receiving what is reciprocated is the challenge,
you tell me that you have a ginormous forehead,
but if i agree with you i am the *******, i guess
i never knew the meaning of double standards

selling myself short, you
tell me that my accolades
are less than impressive.
she saw me nodding my head
in the city, as i downed a couple
of alcoholic beverages.
she told me that i should
practice sobriety, i told her every
-one has their thing, she told to
not act like i am a head in a crowd,
striving to be average. i told her no
one wants to be the odd one out,
even you are searching for that

it is befitting we closed our eyes
when our lips first held each other
following this romantic film’s script,
staying true to every single word
that we did not

kissing on the kitchen counter
swinging your feet to an
imaginary soundtrack, the feeling
of uncontrollable love accompanies
us through these drunken early hours

gliding through suburbia,
the radio never whispers,
but tonight it seems out
of breath. these glass w-
indows seem more like m-
irrors as we self reflect w-
ith a little more depth. m-
ore depth then when the
sun is up. it’s more her t-
han me, i am yet to feel
love. yet to receive it, m-
y basket is empty. she w-
orries about longevity,
i wonder what it feels lik-
e to have any.

i can feel it in the air
i can almost taste it
the challenge of
separating my devils
and desperations

long have i yearned
for serene balance
a nightmarish search
through pink matter
and my own madness

even on the brightest
days i am met with grins
from the shadows
nirvana thins
my past drowns
me in a pool of pathos

but i can almost describe it
the taste that is
even voices within
choose to deny it
a new coat of white
is clearing my canvas

you’re almost there.
what’s the hurry
one of my elders told
me about the power of
stillness   you scurry
hoping you will make it
in time   he said i will ne-
ver be able to capture
the essence of life if i am
constantly bewildered  
  worried that clear visions
will turn out muddy   chasing
another human for fulfilment
   questioning whether he or she
will love me  am i enough for my
loved one’s endearment   judging
how other’s worry  forgetting about
my own commitments   my elder told
me to be at peace with the past and
appreciate everything that is
worth loving   everything that is not
will  in due time  reciprocate these
thoughts that build on your spiritual

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