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Mar 2019 · 344
Soul mate
SingingTree Mar 2019
When I met you, It finally made sense,
What others meant when they spoke of soul mate.
Mar 2019 · 345
It's not a poem..
SingingTree Mar 2019
I fell,
I bruised,
I cried,
I prayed,
I lost,
I stood,
I won,

And I saw that I am capable of achieving much more than I have ever imagined.
SingingTree Mar 2019
Dear me,

You have been a forgiving and understanding person till now.
It's time you stop looking for reasons to keep ungrateful people in your life.

You deserve happiness and peaceful life. Oh god, just for once, can I be little ***** and tell them where they belong??
Feb 2019 · 384
Peace is easy
SingingTree Feb 2019
People don't understand, war is difficult and peace is easy.

Ego is prison and forgiveness is freedom.
Praying for a peaceful world.
Feb 2019 · 305
The positive me
SingingTree Feb 2019
Seeing a rising sun today,
I realise anything can be possible.

There is always going to be a bright day after a long night.
Feb 2019 · 697
It's raining
SingingTree Feb 2019
It is pouring outside, and I can feel the restlessness of rain drops to kiss the ground
Feb 2019 · 176
The fleeting moment!
SingingTree Feb 2019
Grab the best one and store it in your memory.

Let the unpleasant one fly high and vanish in the sky of your memories.
Feb 2019 · 235
Accepting yourself!
SingingTree Feb 2019
I wandered around to seek comfort and peace, never realising it was within me.

I looked for validation from people, when what I needed was self-love.

I complained about the chaos outside, when the storm was inside me.

Once the realisation hit me, all pain, self-doubt, loneliness and restlessness vanished.

And only that remained was bliss and contentment.

I accepted my flaws and loved what I am.
It has been a heck of a journey from self-loathing to self-loving. I wish the world was a little more kinder and accepting but it's fine. Only you can make yourself happy and content and no one else.
Jan 2019 · 500
Feeling Empty
SingingTree Jan 2019
Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we love.
Jan 2019 · 350
Voices in my head
SingingTree Jan 2019
You can't do this.
You shouldn't do that.
I am weak.
I don't deserve this.
I am good for nothing.

Everyone of us have gone through the phase of self-doubt and self-loathing once in a life.

Don't listen to these useless voices in your head, instead focus on that small voice coming from deep within your heart, and let it overshadow the other voices.
I can do it.
I can do it.
I can do it.
Jan 2019 · 328
Life goes on!
SingingTree Jan 2019
She looked at her old life one more time,
And whispered "I will never see you again". Period.
Moving on and forgetting the hurtful moments in the past is one of the most difficult challenge in one's life. However, once you overcome it, you will emerged more stronger and powerful.
Jan 2019 · 156
Last Night
SingingTree Jan 2019
I decided to take control of my life, and never let others dictate how it should be lived.

It's my ride, and I will take all the turns and curves that I like.

I will stop to see sunrises and rainbows.

I will lay down and sleep till my head hurts.

I will get up and sprint till my legs hurt.

And, I will live my life my way.

That's what I decided last night.
Jan 2019 · 885
I am done!
SingingTree Jan 2019
Done with all the negativities,
Done with fake people,
Done with this winter,
Done with you,
And, done with my life.
Jan 2019 · 202
Love and hope
SingingTree Jan 2019
I am gonna be honest with you, I know nothing about you.

I still haven't seen you smile.

Yes, We have all heard the world is small, and this small world has billion of people.

And, yet we fail to find "the one" we love.

But the best part is we still search as love is another word for hope.

Yes, I hope to know you, and see you smile.

Yes, I hope to go miles with you, and I forget where and when we started, and when's it's gonna end.

Yes, I hope to count the stars with you holding hands and talk about our future.
Dec 2018 · 320
I agree
SingingTree Dec 2018
I agree, I am naive as I trust easily.
I agree, I am clueless as I go out of my way to help people who are ungrateful.
I agree, I am immature as I see happiness in small things.
And I agree, I am not good for you as you don't deserve someone like me.
This naive, clueless, immature, and good for nothing is going to shut you off my pathetic life.
Dec 2018 · 177
Drifting away
SingingTree Dec 2018
The decade long bond has lost its lustre,

I don't know if she is the reason or me,

The number of arguments we have is same but the post patch-ups have vanished,

She says I have changed, and I think she has changed,

We have started making permanent decisions due to temporary fights,

I tried to talked it out but all in vain,

Something has changed, and I can't put a finger on it,

Is it okay to let go of this friendship, and start afresh?

Is is okay to stay away to avoid it ruining it further?

I think I have tried everything in me to sustain this friendship,

Is it okay to call it off now?
People we know throughout our lives change, and I always wondered what I should have done differently to keep them in my life. Unlike many, i am worst at saying goodbyes.
Dec 2018 · 270
Loyalty is gold
SingingTree Dec 2018
It was, it is, and it will always be about loyalty.
Hate to put so much time, emotions, and energy into people who are temporary.
Dec 2018 · 166
Good night
SingingTree Dec 2018
Goodnight, let's meet up in our dream,
Where you and I are we.
Dec 2018 · 376
I Promise Ama (mother)!!
SingingTree Dec 2018
She was standing at the arrival gate with her searching eyes screening the thousands passangers.
Her eyes lit up when it met mine. Her arms outstretched she hugged me with all the love.
Overwhelmed with her touch, I rejoiced in my Ama's arms, the world's safest and happiest place.
As we were heading back home, something was different,
I looked at her holding my hands, caressing my face and telling me stories unheard.
Her touch, her gaze, her talks were same, then why she is looking different?
As I dived more for the answer, I noticed her graying hair.
Then, the reality hit me hard as rock, she is ageing and her body changing.
My hero, my idol and strength with her fragile body was doing everything for me like before.
However, she was more tired, more weak then before.
As I registered these inevitable changes my Ama was going through, my heart broke.
But my dear Ama, I promise to hold your hands and walk you through the difficult road called life as you have done for me.
I promise you to be your spectacle when your eyesight falter.
I promise you to be your knight and protect you from all the evils.
I promise you to be your best friend and listen to your endless stories.
I just want one promise in return, that you will be healthy and happy, and never leave me alone.
SingingTree Dec 2018
And maybe, it is enough to have just one person who stands by you through the storms.
Maybe, just one pure soul is enough to share all your life with.
Maybe, it's not about people.
Maybe, it's just about one special person.

— The End —