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Sep 2019 · 358
Advent Changes
Adam Saunders Sep 2019
Fallen have the leaves of the past,
As new seasons draw near.
Veiled frosted glass when I glance back,
With roads ahead more clear.

And snow fell. A blanket anew,
No memories to bear.
But opportunity holds true,
To follow the white hare.

Changes have come at last? I asked.
Not to be misconstrued.
Under a great oak tree he sat,
Nibbling flowers bloomed.

Aha! It's come! The Spring is here,
A time to sew new seeds.
Harvest will be better than last,
With not a single ****.
Sep 2019 · 257
Adam Saunders Sep 2019
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
Lie in safety as your warden I'll be,
Comfort of a kiss to please the dreams possessed,
Meet me in a land with both our minds undressed,
Draw near and see vulnerability,
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
Naked in spirit as with nothing suppressed,
Fall victim to the possibility,
Comfort of a kiss to please the dreams possessed,
Guilty in love with this surrendered arrest,
Sharing moments of peace and tranquility,
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
We're trapped in this place yet feel oh so blessed,
Never to find latent hostility,
Comfort of a kiss to ease the dreams possessed,
It's only with you that I feel at my best,
Paving the way for only nobility,
Sleep easy for nothing that rests will duress,
Comfort of a kiss to please the dreams possessed.
Sep 2019 · 100
Adam Saunders Sep 2019
Fallen had she without time on her mind,
Eyes open wide yet attention was fleet,
Bliss and comforted "don't leave yet" he whined,
Oh what to do when your heart skips a beat,
Colors of beauty confusing and free,
One freckle to add a bit of mystique,
Forever I'll wonder how you see me,
Cant help but to light up each time you speak,
This world full of grief- you fix everything,
Never you worry- together we'll sing.
Sep 2019 · 108
Adam Saunders Sep 2019
Square is the sum of myths serenity,
Serpent will hav't succumb at first sight,
Struggles forgotten this one swims the sea,
Such significance sought by sleep mystery,
Secrets so solemn they conquer all plight.

— The End —