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NuurSeraph Nov 2016

I shall make upon a tempest wind,
the howling lore of kin-dling Kin.
Naked as the growling lush,
exposed to gnarling mangle-brush;
cut deep a-depths~ a ghoul's ravine,
a chasm winding labyrinthine.

The cleric scolds the child's eye,
a vision purer shan't comply.
To each and every soul tis own,
the Majesty alone is known;
what cannot speak or read of such,
we walk alone, to staff we clutch.

Such passing is a bent display,
the overarching ******'s ray~
of light and luster gleams too much;
a subtle sense and gently touch.

The Maker's Mark as center thrice;
completed cross and circled square,
a lighter mist must walk you there.
Through hidden and unveiled descent,
the loving heart must twice repent.

So thorough bound~
the Hallowed Ground and dusty gems
wash clean and clear;
transmit the sound~
a vibrant round,
resounding through the atmosphere.

Like patterned rings and symphonies,
resolved upon each leveled wave;
a sonance much like paradise,
a fortitude as bolden-brave.

The House that thrills the Living Word,
enshrouds the saints upon their throne;
whose gardens groom a rich bouquet,
a fragrant mist of plush array;

Illuminates the Sacred Hall,
in reverence of which moves us all;
in song and dance, Eternally,
I leave you here to rest in me.

dedicated by ~||«§V§»||~ to the prior version of me.
~ So never doubt yourself in dancing onward and upward, embrace the experience; have fun and always be kind and generous ~
A collaboration between SG Holter and Elisa Maria Argiro

Hesitating here, silent edge of this dark forest,
I look beyond me, warm in the white fog.
Seeing your heart, now residing deep within
the ancient wood, is to know it is blessed, loved.

Silver tongue resting now in golden silence.
Palms of soul upon moss and brittle bark.
Animal song; scent of beasts approaching unafraid.
Fierce peace. The opposite of a machine.

In the rising sap of silent trees around us,
our deeply beating pulses listen, dance,
smiling kisses at the shining stars, new planets.
Eyes open, anima and animus press tightly
And distance is no more.

"What language is Yours,"
I ask the still growing giants of
"Silence and its sister tongues
Such as leaves dancing with the
Breeze," they reply within the
Gap between soft sounds and
Softer ones.
So we speak through breaths
Exchanged, of nothing.
Two souls afloat upon the stream
Of Union with All.
What is Cosmos,
But "home"?
Never a visitor.
Never a stranger.
Nowhere has anyone ever been
Lost, or

Humming your essence into my veins,
in tune with the wordless languages
of green lives and wind, listening
among delicate flowers, sleeping here
on the forest floor, wakeful and awaiting
the next sound of your voiceless voice,
wind words blowing
through my long, curling hair,
feeling the intention of your
untouched touch,
at home, just being.
Copyrighted by ©SG Holter and ©Elisa Maria Argiro
(as a collaborative poem)
  Jul 2016 NuurSeraph
If life cannot be
seperated from
death, if it's
understood as
life-death, instead
of life and death.
That's a horse of
a different color.
If life-death cannot
be seperated from
that which has no
beginning or end...
it can as soon be
reversed to: death-life.
In that light, it would
appear--and it does
NuurSeraph Jun 2016
Oh great Mystery ~
My Love, a tangled moss.

What gentleness preserves in playfulness,
like silly string~strung thin
along the limitless landscape
that forms the truth of your existence.

For in your mind is the treasure seen,
in your vision is bliss obtained.
Through the nature of your deeds,
decides the nature of your salvation.

Till thoroughly the soil of your soul,
for the seeds of your thought bear the sustenance for life.

If the flower be fragrant,
the honey is sweet and the trees be fruitful.
It's branches will extend
into the realm of peaceful spirit,
vast and luminous beyond compare.

Such clarity of light will draw down
the plow of eternal renewal and the
soil will be as rich as the seat of your soul.

Go forth ~
Labor in silence and rejoice
in righteous song and dance.
The fields are rich in vajra potency!!!
NuurSeraph Mar 2016
"You who are the Source of all Power,
whose rays illuminate the World.
Illuminate also my Heart,
so that it too can do your Work."
- Gayatri Prayer

...and so Alas, for all along the way
binding Vision with naïveté
spritely skipping as whilst tripping
blinding Truth in night-less day.

though I raise my Palm in promise
I'm as raptured as the rest
uprooted as the lute to lip
charmingly disarming
as the sounding Sirens drip...

the Nectar,
flowing freely from the Fruit
above the Vine, below the Root. may your Wine flow pleasingly & plenty, drunken Bliss upon the Earth
appealing to the healing of All intrinsic worth.

Like the flower, in it's hour of unfolding
bursting Blossom lips
upon the Altar, pierce my Heart fully open, as the Sun and Moon eclipse.

So through this selfless sacrifice,
release the pains of worldly strife.

...and may the Truth bless us Be
within this briefly Mystic blink
in our Moment of reflection with the Universal wink.

*I raise my Cup to thee All ~Cheers!!!!
"the natural instincts of animals and birds during an eclipse is similar to that of dusk falling, then night-time and then dawn, all within a matter of minutes."
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