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  May 2015 NuurSeraph
K Balachandran
The river, her vigor sublimated, is a thoughtful flow
after the daring dive head on from the pinnacle of the cliff,
madly arrogant roaring rush through the dense woods
in spate during torrential monsoons muddy red,
satiated now, at ease, meditative, inner currents subdued.

These planes are different, the river an uncanny imitation of a pond,
the white swan, she  keeps still, unfazed by the pulls to four sides
falling in love with the enigmatic pink lotus, my witness
that blooms alone, in the marshy shallows, only for her to fall in love.

Amazing is the swan's prowess,she  makes the mighty river
accept her ease, wise tranquil pace and brings to a slow down
little by little, listening to the inner music,which is oh! haunting
the river now comes to trance yogi like, in sync with the
foaming green waves of trees along both the banks,
the whisper of wind to coconut leaves,if you listen
is the mystic mantra, "Ï am that..I am that..I am that"

wisdom isn't alien, don't look for it atop only the mountains
it's in the wind's hands,on the lap of  land and in water's prompt,
what space evokes when one merges seamlessly in nature's divine ,
the song one hears silent within, echoes aloud in nature's chant.

My heart is ruled only by her, the white swan.I realize.
NuurSeraph May 2015
Wide-Open Arms
Outstretched Proud,
Blood Pounding Breast
~•~ I Stand ~•~
So much conviction
resounding at dusk ~
loosed, in layers
abounding, in concentrate
form of unfulfilled
painting the constellations,
dreaming, blue deep of night

un-fold-ing                     c on c en tr ic
     [Un • Open]

E  X   P.   A.    N.      S.      I.       O.        N.

vast yet vulnerable
still I'm nothing but meager,
come dawn, softly upon
craving some reassuring touch,
I fear will never come ~
instead this all will stay,
play, all of it
just out of reach.
NuurSeraph Apr 2015
Sit Still


thought comes ¡ thought goes
~ Thar She Blows ~

Sister Beating Heart
to Brother Brain
which to follow to keep me Sane??

Chutes and Ladders to CandyLand
Stick my neck into the sand!
Hungry Hippos
Oh so hungry
Sorry! for th' Monopoly
Guess Who? Philosophy
The Game of Life like Battleships
Palms will twist into tight fists
Twister contortion
Muscle Rips
and all we say is,
"God, we pray"

So I just...

Sit Still


thought comes ¡ thought goes
~ Thar She Blows ~
Warming back up Again!
Hello Poetry!!!
Hello Lovelys!!!!
  Mar 2015 NuurSeraph
I turned around then.

And questioned.

All that I thought I knew disappeared.

Leaving only the belief;

In spite of myself, I was still loved.

Indeed, Love, could not help itself.
  Mar 2015 NuurSeraph
Sia Jane
Moon callings spirited animals
wolves dancing
Dunhuang lute guitar -
playing to the soul of
a western screech owl
feasting on prey - long tailed shrew.

Gaspé mountains sheltered selves
under moonlight the coven amass
crisp autumn leaves, frost bitten toes
North standing
Novembers Mourning Moon.

Worshipping Isis -
Goddess of magic
the white tailed deer appears
shedding antlers amidst
this monthly Esbat rite.

At the alter a moon candle glowing
water bowl reflecting sisters souls,
white crystals & silver ribbons -
graced lunar symbols
to cede full renunciation.

Gather gather as all women should,
the next Supreme is not beyond a dream.
The Witches Council meets beneath moonlight.
Tonight I light this candle,
& lift a water bowl to the night sky.
I call upon you all.
I call upon you all.
I call upon you all -
to accept the changing of your souls,
akin to the changes of the tide.
We cleanse our souls in unity.
Tonight, tonight, witches of Salem,
declare yourself...
Declare yourself!
The Supreme Witch - declare yourself.

They fall to the cold slabs
ground, gravel, leaves, soil
silence falls.

One remains - the embodiment of all gifts
the One remains for eternal life against all ills.
The Supreme is named.

All women rise
dawn breaks
and the passing of the moon begins it's journey
passing into the suns glare -

© Sia Jane
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