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  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
(      )
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The song is sweet

( The song so free and wild )


Stops cryin

( for awhile )

Have you walked the avenue ?

Have you walked bold centuries ?

Well if you want to

You can walk with me


( if you'd just stop cryin

For awhile )


Mountain dreams overwhelm

The sense of fear

Darlin Mary


Right over there

Promises of promises



I am so sweet

You can be free and wild

The rain falling down

The lovers slowly do repair

All broken souls

as we walk the miles

And we are done cryin

Everybody done cryin

Done with all the cryin

( at least for awhile )
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
My prayer's completed by bounty of Light.
I've no capacity to forgo the eternal--
who am I?
As all of me I give in response, and all of
me trembles at the illusory border to define
It is this life given me whose illusory border
trembles, I mustn't suffer that border lest
I concede The Way prepared for me.
My prayer's completed by bounty of Light.
I've no capacity to forgo the eternal--
I Am, the Who will take care of itself.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Even a line
in the sand...
is subject to an
inrush of
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I'm seeing stars
seeing stars
paisley patterned
sparkling stars
quasi quilted
layered quarks
seeing stars
I'm seeing stars
sugar-coated stars
sprinkled Spangled
pavement frost
seeing stars
I'm seeing stars
walking to the
doggie park
stepping along
the shiny
glittery stars
I'm seeing'em
seeing stars
glittery stars
this morning before sunrise walking my dog to the park the thin layer of frost shimmered under the streetlights like glitter mimicking the stars above
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
K Balachandran
Threatening demons prowled in hoards
in the mysterious outback of her psyche;
knowing this,she decided not to be perturbed,
tamed them, one by one with poetic mantras.
Now, they recite the chants of forces she invokes
as soon as she feels like going in to a cosmic trance.
Poetry as the survival kit for those travel in to the 'bushes'--
arid outbacks - is effective.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
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                                                            ­       ( it's you ! )


                                                       ­     The night reveals the paths

That lovers take                

( From                            
                                ­Here to There )


Those that last are those that

                                    Take awhile

That wander thru countless centuries                                      


Touch every Door

That never break hearts



                 Every step

Gentle and sure                            

               //://                  //://                


We walk alone in the rainy streets

Where broken promises litter

The sacred song with

Such indescribable pain

And blind forgetfulness


Walk on

The light in your eye

The lightness in your step

Is not



Alone in the tender rain of undying mercy


The story that lasts

Takes time to unfold

And a heart 's true intensity



There you are !

In the shadows

Watching !

I knew that you were always there


For the moment when


And the moment meet

When we truly are

Who we were meant to be
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