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  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
waters of the spirit world meet the fast moving waves and crash in a melee of white foam throwing the fragile pebbles onto the beach
this is where I found you wandering aimless and sure in your steps
not yet prepared to leave your shore and join with the spirit world I returned to the sea to await your decision of when you would fling off the solidity that held you tight to the sands of mortal times.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Amitav Radiance
There was an esoteric land
Unknown from the world
Hidden behind reason
And higher consciousness
A mythical place
Neither on land
Nor, in the sky
Somewhat in-between
The scene and unseen
Only penetrating vision
Could conjure the position
The axis of power
Everything white
The minds and bodies
Pristine and clear
Outside the realm of everyday
So much more was there
Full consciousness
And soul’s originality
Empowered the inhabitants
In the esoteric land
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Towela Kams
I won't allow you
To question me
On old, broken mirrors
And old, shattered dreams
I won't let you see me
Based solely
On what the world did to me
Through the eyes of self-pity
So to answer your questions
Yes, I'm doing just fine
With all that has happened
I found a way to survive
Not by myself though,
I can't stand here and lie
I had some extra help
Something divine
I haven't written in such a while. I feel like my poetry is somehow loosing value. I don't know what to write about but these words came to my mind in a split second.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Elizabeth Squires
the chappy from Moree
and his Narrabri sidekick
put their heads together
and came up with a dandy trick

it was effective in hunting
those common B Graders away
for they'd determined that only
exemplary talent would stay

the chappy and his sidekick
are a most fabulous cohort
they'll not freely associate
with any routine sort

into their hallowed space
you'll be rapidly ushered in
but it is a must to wear
their Mason's variety of grin

some have got aboard
the chappies and sidekick's train
they'll be projected into
the fastest possible lane

the lad's conditions of rule
are certain and absolute
to be atop the mountain with them
you need to be resolute

it is safe to say that the chappy
and his sidekick know their stock
they'll not permit ordinary people
to join their excellent flock

at all times they patrol the zone
with a vigorous stick
to not let the riff raff
gain any illustrious pick

twill make their day to see
the run of the mill shown out
so they've all the clout
that can be bandied about
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Banter is but anything less
than the sound of wind through wings;
all else is just breath past lips
to raise nothing more than a fading voice
to a wanting ear.
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