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1.9k · Oct 2016
To Patience
Nobody's Oct 2016
Sixteen years i have waited

and Sixteen more i shall wait
1.5k · Jul 2015
The farthest
Nobody's Jul 2015
You are the farthest place away from me,
And you can still break my heart everyday.
1.2k · Jul 2015
In my arms
Nobody's Jul 2015
I want to hold you

I want to kiss you
In my arms

I'll show you

The place
That will always

Be empty

You finally come home.
592 · Jul 2015
Some nights
Nobody's Jul 2015
Some nights
I lay awake for hours
Thinking of you.
. . .
Some nights
I fall asleep quickly
Dreaming of you.
405 · May 2016
Nobody's May 2016
It is heartbreaking, my gut twists with pain
I'm nobody without somebody
359 · May 2016
Nobody's May 2016
I can hear your voice
And in my head you are so far away

You stare steadily at me
But not in hate
I know you are just waiting
For me to finally say

That I am ready
to wholeheartedly accept your stay

I wish to say yes
Yet I know I won't today

The truth is that I do want you
But today is not the day  

The loving look in your eyes
Tell me you will wait
340 · Nov 2015
Nobody's Nov 2015
Well ****.
I wrote something.
Something long and great about who inspires me
The people who have encouraged me through this life time
And I asked. . . .  at the end of what I wrote

Who inspires you?

Now I'm not much of a religious person,
but I know a sign when I see one.
I went to add the (Poem)
And somehow pressed something that sent me back to my homepage
Imagine that.
I was so ****** because It was so long and I hadn't written it down
So I didn't bother trying to write it again because obviously HP didn't want me to
I'm laughing just thinking about that.
Life finds little ways to ***** you over
Or to let know when you're being stupid.
Maybe both.
Whether or not you decide to take notice is your choice
But anyways
I just wanted you to know it was a great poem
Well I thought so(not)
Maybe send a little prayer to heaven about it later.
(Im just kidding)
Those who can find happiness In the darkest times
People who can fall to hell and then climb back, are inspiring to me.
They're stronger then most and an inspiration to many.
What about you?
Who do you find inspiring?
The poem didn't even rhyme, it was really horrible.
312 · May 2016
Nobody's May 2016
I want to smile and laugh

I close my eyes and sleep

I hear you laugh
Nothing's ever made me so sad than when I see you smile

Your happiness cuts through my skin
Sinking in like black ink
Your simple life
Is everything I want
The need to have what you have
Is so strong
I would **** for it

That black ink is what keeps me going
You are what keeps me going.

— The End —