I ******* hate this school,
All our parents think it's so cool,
But they don't know the **** I've been through,
They think it's all home brew.
But most of it started when I was not cool,
Now I'm nobody's fool,
See what they say when I go away?
I came back a change man,
They still treat me like I'm trash,
They don't trust my word,
Because my past actions rule out my word.
They know I went to a military school to better myself and change my horrible ways,
But they still think I'm that punk,
That would throw them in my trunk,
Just to get a high,
You know what *******!!
I've changed my ******* ways,
So what gives you the right to treat me like I'm still that ******* "druggie"
As you would all say,
I don't care what you think,
y'all can go shove it.
I'm doing great in life,
My girlfriend loves me for who I am,
My friends think I'm a changed man,
It's just my parents and this ******* SCHOOL!!