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  Oct 2019 Orion Lesneski
A poet's finest words,
Are the ones he left unsaid.
The words you can only see
By the tears on the paper.
That was all he ever had.
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I never thought I would get this far!!
All of you have made my year better than the years before!
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I ******* hate this school,
All our parents think it's so cool,
But they don't know the **** I've been through,
They think it's all home brew.

But most of it started when I was not cool,
Now I'm nobody's fool,
See what they say when I go away?

I came back a change man,
They still treat me like I'm trash,
They don't trust my word,
Because my past actions rule out my word.
They know I went to a military school to better myself and change my horrible ways,
But they still think I'm that punk,
That would throw them in my trunk,
Just to get a high,

You know what *******!!
I've changed my ******* ways,
So what gives you the right to treat me like I'm still that ******* "druggie"
As you would all say,
I don't care what you think,
y'all can go shove it.

I'm doing great in life,
My girlfriend loves me for who I am,
My friends think I'm a changed man,
It's just my parents and this ******* SCHOOL!!
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I hate it,
When someone looks at me,
and tells me that since i dont know alot of trucks,
that I'm not a man.
You know what *******!

Just because I don't know as much about trucks than you,
doesn't mean I'm not a man,
You just proved to me that you are not a man.

I worked my *** off to better myself as a human being,
I learned from my mistakes,
I been in this world longer than you,
and I have seen **** that you probably won't even see in your life.

So you might want to learn that from me,
Next time you say that to someone,
They might lose their temper like I almost did,
and they just might hurt you.

So you are very lucky today,
I'm not going to let this weigh me down today,
Or anyday.
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