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Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I hate it,
When someone looks at me,
and tells me that since i dont know alot of trucks,
that I'm not a man.
You know what *******!

Just because I don't know as much about trucks than you,
doesn't mean I'm not a man,
You just proved to me that you are not a man.

I worked my *** off to better myself as a human being,
I learned from my mistakes,
I been in this world longer than you,
and I have seen **** that you probably won't even see in your life.

So you might want to learn that from me,
Next time you say that to someone,
They might lose their temper like I almost did,
and they just might hurt you.

So you are very lucky today,
I'm not going to let this weigh me down today,
Or anyday.
  Oct 2019 Orion Lesneski
Elle Richard
It's screaming my name.
The urge is killing me.
I'm trying to stay clean,
but right now all I see is

My vision is blurry,
my mind is a mess,
it all makes sense,
and I know I shouldn't
but in this moment I'm weak.

All I want to do is
   r  e  l  a  p  s  e
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
We went to Albion Idaho,
to the Haunted Mansion,
you were so clingy to me,
And I loved it.

A clown jumped out,
you screamed,
and you buried your head in the crook of my arm.

A guy came up and showed you a big glass box,
he said look at my spider,
I said **** that **** I'm out,
and when I moved you kept looking.

Then he moved and the glass box split in two,
it happened so fast,
a face shot out and you screamed.

You turned around thinking I was there,
But I wasn't,
You turned around looking wildly,
I shouted your name,
You saw me and ran to me.

You ran into me and we both went down,
I was holding you and we started laughing,
We got up and left.

The ride home was amazing,
laughing about what happened in every house,

Jezz I missed you Ashilee,
We took a long break from each other,
And the time frame made us love each other more.
I am so happy that you are with me right now,
I'm ready to make more memories.
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I said never again,
you hurt me so many times.

But we started talking,
and you stole my heart again...
This poem is about the same girl that I wrote my very first poem "Unforgivable Love" about.
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