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Luna Aug 2019
Golden clouds of honey
Coat my throat
Filling my heart
With warm, sticky wonder
Luna Aug 2019
I dream
My eyes seeing nothing
But your face that isnt there
Luna Aug 2019
I am jealous
of the sun
who gets to kiss your sleeping face
every morning
I am jealous
of your hair
who gets to cradle your face
in it's wavy hands
I am jealous
of your cats
who get to cuddle you
whenever they please
I am jealous
I wish to love you
But I'm stuck imagining
your face next to mine
your soft breath dusting my cheek
warm, comfortable silence
sewn together
with threads
of love
Luna Aug 2019
It’s one of
those nights
another night
another sob
another rip in my skin
another dream
another hand around
my neck another squeeze another
scar on my hip
another bandaid
another tissue
with blood and snot and

another night.
another day.
Luna Aug 2019
you say my writing is
but you forget that you’re
the one
inspiring it
Luna Aug 2019
You take my breath away
then give me some of your own
Luna Aug 2019
when i cant see
you’re the light
that guides me home
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