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Blake Aug 2017
Where is she,.
I look for her flying behind airplanes,.
I look for her to be lying in the reeds,.
By the ancient lake where we met,.
She caresses my soul like I am a wounded pet,.
I find solace in her flaws,.
Her imperfections make her shine,.
She is afraid I will destroy her,.
Like so many have done,.
The lies she has been told makes her hide,.
Behind the tress, away from the moonlight,.
Where her voice trembles softly,.
As she whispers, "I am over here",..
Blake Aug 2017
You think you're the victim,.
Such a fantasy, please make a schism,.
Match by match,.
You found a way to detach,.
Drip by vapory drip,.
The gasoline that drops from your lip,.
As you speak your words for hire,.
Your volatile saliva splashes onto the pyre,.
Where you tied me down when four words were shared,.
This seems to be the only way to show you care,.
I plea to you, I question you why,.
Do you feel the necessity to let us die,.
You tell me to be patient as my soul burns,.
Preparing a feast out of me for the worms,.
Every excuse you can make,.
For me to bleed fire on the stake..,.,.,
Blake Aug 2017
She bleeds the fire from her eyes,.
She plucks the stars from her lonely skies,.
Places them in pockets of her soul,.
Forever longing to fill the rust lined holes,.
This systematic destruction of her esteem,.
The end result of the liars' horrible dream,.
She believes her path is lined with coals,.
Burning their mark between her toes,.
Replacements for the stars she takes away,.
That lose their glory the next day,.
Forever seeking out a happy future,.
Ironically pulling out her beautiful sutures,.
Bleeding upon the liars' harvest floor,.
With nothing but hatred and their seed, they return for more,.
She smiles and says it is okay,.
When the one she loves wants her to stay,.
He throws the stars back into the sky,.
As she walks toward the men that lie,.
Once again she will try to believe,.
That she is is all right,.
That these men that take her as a sacrifice,.
And leave her in the bed,.
Sobbing while she looks to the sky,.
And takes down the stars that fill her eyes,...,.,
Blake Aug 2017
This had to end at some point,.  
Pointed ends of poinsettias,.  
Being eaten by a cat,.  
That has lost his way in some horrible nightmare before christmas,.  
I wanted this to happen more than anything,.  
Now i sit and smile with a ****** up knowledge,.  
That it was all some game,.  
Training me like a lion in a circus,.  
That ate the poinsettias when he was freed,.  
Leave me be,.  
I need to be mentally free,.  
I turned into a monster over you,.  
I sacrificed my sobriety and mental well-being over you,.  
And you laugh on comments,.  
And stab me with your impotence,.  
Of love and understanding,.
Misleading me like a pack of wolves,.
Running off a cliff,.
Into your self-made ignorant bliss..,.,.,

— The End —