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Milton Robertson Apr 2018
This is about classmates who would medicate because they had to much on their plates.

They were in constant debate, with school, social and family life they

couldn't equate and no one could see they were under enormous weight trying to please people by being great.

Now full of confusion and delusion, life they started to hate so they would self medicate.

Not knowing The Beast was lying in wait for them to open the gate and it was going for Checkmate.

They thought it would dissipate if they could regulate but kept finding more reasons to celebrate and it would only escalate.

The Beast would now dictate when to medicate. They found to late they were dealing with a Super Heavy Weight.

They were devastated and stagnated, living in complete disgrace. Then along came the beautiful face of Grace.

People who could relate and demonstrate how it's ego you can deflate and change your fate.

They became captivated, then dedicated now donating their time educating.

So beware, when you self medicate you'll open the gate and release a Super Heavy Weight. CHECKMATE
when you self medicate. You must beware of The Super Heavy Weight it only go for Checkmate.
Milton Robertson Apr 2018
Be a lamp in the dark and gloomy night.

For the lost souls, a beacon of light. It's

So easy to go wrong instead of right. So

Many are full of terror and fright, on their

Woeful plight in the night. So stand like a champ,

As the world is becoming a concentration camp.

Turn up the amps and be a Heavenly Lamp.

Shine bright, guide them to the light.
Shine bright, guide them to the light.
Milton Robertson Apr 2018
This is the story of Joe he was all aglow, love to put on a show and whatever he did he did like a pro.

One day he was feeling low said life was moving to slow, he felt he needed to grow and make more dough.

So he tiptoed to the sto came back with a kilo of blow, pure snow and hell soon followed.

He felt on top of the world until he met Pearl such a beautiful girl. Much to his suprise she was the Devil in disguise.

The man didn't have a prayer, his life turned into a nightmare, she made him his best customer

She turned his life into a movie thriller full of snakes, wolves, gangsters and killers.

He went from all aglow to full of woe. He started pacing the floor because he needed to score. So she took him to get a play but in rushed the D.E.A.

What Joe didn't know, he had become the prey. You see, they were planning on putting an end to his days, I guess The Lord do work in Mysterious Ways.

Now that mess, Joe let go and good seeds he's starting to sow. Instead of the night he see a beautiful rainbow and basking in the afterglow.

So if you want it fast and you want to stray off that straight and narrow path take it from Joe, don't go. You could be lead through the wrong door and be no more.
Take it from Joe DON'T GO.
Milton Robertson Feb 2018
The journey of a ****, sports really rocked, the jewels, the pools forget about school, his people were saying, you're being a fool, he ridiculed.

He was in stride on a wonderful joyride. While in the background they'd lurk watching him do all the work they get all the perks, total jerks.

As things got funky he felt like a flunky, soon turned into a ******. Alas, he'd been outclassed felt like a complete *******.

Started to think, what should I do Prayed for a breakthrough felt so low he had to climb a ladder to tie his shoe.

What kept popping in his head was the game of poker. He reached deep inside and pulled the joker.

He got over the ****, came out of his slump no longer in the dumps and whatever they threw he'd trump.

So whether you're on top of the world or the least in the hood. GOD IS STILL GOOD.
Milton Robertson Dec 2017
I no bigger than a fly. In mind's I, is sometimes labeled a wise guy, tough guy, a bad guy and none of those do I deny.

Because I can diversify, which is why I cry, is shy, lie, can fly don't ever have to leave the ground to get very high and not by becoming glassy eyed or pie eyed but edified.

Although I love's to signify about the only three that qualify, while being too preoccupied with me, myself and I.

Then I will hit a sacrifice fly just so someone else can get their piece of the pie because I can hear their outcry and must stop turning a blind I.

Thereby I is qualified to testify, why? And who am I??? PERSONIFIED.
It's all about Life
Milton Robertson Dec 2017
I use to be hip thought I was the captain of the ship, well equipped.

Until I had one too many *****, one too many nips, I tripped, flipped the script had to abandon ship.

Now ain't that a blip, when you start taking ***** and nips, Once they get a grip it becomes a dictatorship and all you get is gypped.

So take a tip, when you're trying to be hip You'll wind up a drip with your face in the dip.
That's Life
Milton Robertson Nov 2017
Let's touch base with a thing called Grace.
Something we no longer embrace Instead
We're trying to replace with this meaningless
Rat race.
Now Grace we don't have to chase just retrace
You'll find it's your birthplace And it use to be showcased.
Even in the workplace but now it's being replaced.
With disgrace. So we must put on a bold face.
Replace and enlace with Grace until it becomes commonplace.
Be an ace and join the race to bring back the wonderful face of Grace.
Grace, such a beautiful face.
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