This is the story of Joe he was all aglow, love to put on a show and whatever he did he did like a pro.
One day he was feeling low said life was moving to slow, he felt he needed to grow and make more dough.
So he tiptoed to the sto came back with a kilo of blow, pure snow and hell soon followed.
He felt on top of the world until he met Pearl such a beautiful girl. Much to his suprise she was the Devil in disguise.
The man didn't have a prayer, his life turned into a nightmare, she made him his best customer
She turned his life into a movie thriller full of snakes, wolves, gangsters and killers.
He went from all aglow to full of woe. He started pacing the floor because he needed to score. So she took him to get a play but in rushed the D.E.A.
What Joe didn't know, he had become the prey. You see, they were planning on putting an end to his days, I guess The Lord do work in Mysterious Ways.
Now that mess, Joe let go and good seeds he's starting to sow. Instead of the night he see a beautiful rainbow and basking in the afterglow.
So if you want it fast and you want to stray off that straight and narrow path take it from Joe, don't go. You could be lead through the wrong door and be no more.
Take it from Joe DON'T GO.