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Milton Robertson Nov 2017
The Holy Bible so hard to understand but I hear people say, it's part of GOD'S master plan.

If you read it and do what it say, it will bring the dawn of a brand new day. So how do you read it and will you understand and how is it such a big part of man.

All the best selling books, they come and they go but The Holy Bible, has been here for how long? Who really know. Although some say, it's just a book, it's made up, it's not fact, come on now do you really believe that?

Because it's world wide and in about every house, it carries tremendous clout and that's without a doubt. The Holy Bible isn't it strange the only book in the world that will never change.

The Holy Bible etched in stone, you can either live by it or just leave it alone.

The Holy Bible an Awesome Tower, live by it and it becomes a book of great power.

The Holy Bible is greatly adored a book that will be here forever more.

Because The Holy Bible is Heaven sent just give it a try you might repent.

You see The Holy Bible GOD'S people call The Good Book so how are you set for the afterlife... YOU BETTER LOOK.
Here I go again with another GOD send.
Milton Robertson Nov 2017
To endure is to mature. It will teach you how to spot manure.

When to take a detour and be able to resist the allure of the impure.

When you endure you become secure, see the contour of things that were obscure and life you'll savour.

Now life will take you on a tour but if you endure it ensure fervour.

So why not grad a brochure and take life's grand tour, just make sure you endure.

Because Endurance is Insurance.
It's part of Life
Milton Robertson Nov 2017
Fear, cuts like a knife goes through you like a spear.

It's really queer how it will adhere, make you cry many a tear.

Even ruin your career, won't even let you out of first gear.

And it will make it perfectly clear that it will appear during your premier.

Because fear is an insincere domineer dut only if you let it cohere.

Then it will take away your cheer and replace it with drear.

So don't stay in your sphere, be a pioneer and get a change of atmosphere.

Try it for a year and watch your fear disappear, you'll get that feeling of All Clear.
It's Life
What is real
What’s pretend
Go to hell
Come back again

Are we human
Wondering souls
Roaming the earth
Until we grown old

Making mistakes
Fulfilling dreams
Everything around you
May not be what it seems

The grass isn’t always greener
On the other side
It’s all about interpretation
Through someone else's eyes

Crystal waters
Golden white sand
Palm trees swaying
Listening to a band

Looking at something
Believing it’s real
Tangible items
You will always feel

Is it real or fantasy
Either way you look at it
You will see clearly now
When you close your eyes and BELIEVE
Milton Robertson Nov 2017
I remember a girl from the slums, who's life was really humdrum,

To peer pressure she would succumb so her friends started calling her dumd.

They said, she would always live in the slums, the men she date would be ****, only a house full of babies would come and they would all grow up to be bums.

Saying such nasty things to keep her under their thumbs. Only she didn't dance to the beat of their drums, cause she knew she had control over her outcome.

Well, years passed she did overcome, no longer under their thumbs and she don't live in the slums because she has a very hefty income.

Now they're eating her crumbs and want to call her chum. Now who's Dumd.
Your brain should know what your tongue is about to say
Milton Robertson Nov 2017
He was super cool would break all the rules, said the heck with school, stubborn as a mule, was labeled a fool.

Life became cruel, he tried to use some tool's but his learning was minuscule, found himself in a cesspool.

But he didn't let it overrule. He went back to school, learned the golden rule, came out of that cesspool and found he's a true Jewel.

Life's like a giant pool, sometimes you'll swim into a whirlpool, which is why you'll need the right fuel.

Now what you definitely can't do is drool while sitting on a stool being scared of the pool... Stay In School.
Milton Robertson Nov 2017
There stands a man who's brave had many close shaves, wasn't at all afraid ,not even of the grave.

He was a total knave, would always misbehave because he was downright depraved.

Now he would rant and he would rave like he belonged in a cave. He thought he had it made, not knowing to Sin, he was a slave.

Til one day he had a crave but someone else needed a fav. He couldn't understand why from his heart he gave.

Then he was hit with a shockwave, from that moment he was saved. No longer is he depraved cause he was laved, now his way is paved.

Neither is he a slave for The Lord Forgave. When you break away from sin a new life will begin.

Stop being A Slave. Be Truly Brave.
Wake up people. Time grows short.
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