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Michael T Chase Apr 2021
The fog of math is boggling.
Like zero multiplication
or zero addition
if next to another element.
On the one hand, duh, multiplication.
But I'm made to ask:
what are the implications of addition.
The fog always, always castes the fundamental and more basic aside.
Michael T Chase Apr 2021
What is math?
Or, what is understanding math?
It is a process of working with establishing information, which is much like finding the keys of a piano when blind.
Once the key is played, I remember, however faintly, the steps I needed to find the key.
When there are many ways this key is found, it becomes trivial like learning to ride a bicycle or learning to walk.
Thus, math understanding truly is a way of making truth less meaningful, almost insignificant.
Thus, a branch of knowledge loses its glory, its child-like wonder.
How few of us ride a bicycle  today out of fascination for the ride?
Yet, just as BMX stars compete globally, so too must a creative mind find tools which will allow me to create.
Is math doomed to fate, or will I resurrect it in creative destiny?
Rickey Henderson on third base
Takes a little lead

I have feared death for so long
In the end do you think I'll bleed?

Rickey takes a few small steps
In this world I ramble and roam

Slow throw back to the mound
Rickey stealing home:

Michael T Chase Apr 2021
It's coldness of emotion,
With only a quaint smile,
And affection for knowing.
It does not solace a hurt heart.
She was so welcoming and wholesome before she began meditating.
Now she is on point and holds to the top of the mountain.
What is left of your heart of loving humiliation?
A traveler, a knower,
Quaint smile.
Yes, this feels just like divorce.
A woman engulfed in the path to perfection.
I guess that's how I make women feel.
To concentrate on math,
With people seeming like drudgery.

I dreamed I was a year younger last night and sat with a group of mathematicians.
The focus was on math.

How sullen I am that she has taken up knowledge.
Heart's demise.
Michael T Chase Apr 2021
My math proofs are just as circular as my belief in God.
Michael T Chase Apr 2021
It seems no real studying gets done unless I solve a millennium prize.
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