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Nov 2018 · 248
Marcell Metrovik Nov 2018
Might just be
Equal to you
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
Marcell Metrovik Oct 2018
Flashing yellow lights echoing into the night
Neither the raging fires or the calming greenfields could fight against the darkness
The system is broken even if only for a split second
The regular ways are gone
You are free now
Don't be confused
You can pass anytime
You can do anything
Nüx has fought for the freedom of your mind
Live with it
You can be unseen now
The owl-light of the streets lets you hide away
Flashing, rithmically yet somehow abnormal in a strange, odd pattern
It's 2 am
I am sitting in the middle of the city
Not even cars bother going around
All the baggers are asleep now
Drenched in the **** from their last beer
The moon covers them
She sees no difference
She is just the silent lover of the sun
Never appreciated enough
She always has some love to give to the ones thought to be long forgotten
It's a silent sunday night
Silent but not calm
Its not calm because there is a rebel going on
The system is down
All colors are pale now
Only yellow echoes into the nothingness
Crying for a new order
And it happens every night
Lemon flavoured chaos
The Van Gogh kinda crazy yellow
But somehow less vibrant
Somewhat like the cornfield, where the master shot himself in the head
Every night it conquers the city
Whispering about a secret revolution
Flashing for incessant seeming hours
But then Nüx always wants more
She can never have enogh
She wants all the colors
all the lights
all the beauty of our world
My dear Blackhole Sun can never be satisfied
She declares war at every dusk
Just to be beaten a few hours later by the shining golden god
Going like this forever
Basically an old couple
Facing the same old fears
And again
Because despite all the hate
And wars, sins, scars and suffering
They love each other
As the pale tears of Isis hit the ground
Causing little yellow earthquakes in every streetlamp
Having her only time to shine
Crying mad
Without a single word
She is free
We all are
But why?
Sep 2018 · 328
Marcell Metrovik Sep 2018
Your breathing is magic to me
Also my breathing is magic too
The empty streets at 3 am with yellow lights flashing and echoing into nothingness
A tiny hidden unexplored island in the middle of the ocean
A silent lovely little lake in the mountains surrounded by the oldest trees
The mystery filled jungles full of things you yet have to find
The endless blue sky being travelled by a tiny little plane
Can't you feel the magic between these lines?
And it's nothing more than your brain painting beautiful pictures
Nothing more than the truest desires of a human
Just peace
Our whole existance is magic
Just think of it
What are the odds of such a world like this existing?
With your little spirit just being a new born in it
The trees know more than you
The mountains know more than the trees
And the stars know more than all of us
But i can look at the stars
And when i am looking at them i feel like we are equal
Just old friends talking
No words needed
Please tell me you can see the magic
It is all around us
Life is magic
Scientifically it is nearly impossible that such world could ever exist again
It is irrational
With all that is built and with all that is created
With all that is living and with all that is dead
And with all that is eternal and with all that is not
What is it if it's not magic?
Please tell me you feel it
You silent little thing breathing slowly and peacefully next to me
I wonder what are you dreaming about right know
Overall dreams are nothing more than our soul trying to make us believe in magic
I can feel your your warmth, your soft skin, your hair on my face
I can feel your heart keeping you alive, working hard every moment just to keep this beauty working
I hope you will finally see the magic around us
Science just helps it
The more we know the more amazing it gets
Think of it
Think of every little cell in you, of each molecule that's a part of your unique and breathtaking person
How unlikely it is?
And we still don't know anything
What would you call it if not magic
I am happy with seeing all the beauty of the world
It makes me fulfilled
It makes me calm and peaceful
The cycle shall never end
Sep 2018 · 454
Garden of roses
Marcell Metrovik Sep 2018
I am walking in a garden of roses
They are beautiful, as they are blooming filled with color and life
They could take anyone's breath away
But not mine
To me they are all the same
To me they are just flowers
Because i am searching for one rose
The one that i can never find
Being in the depths of the dirt
Maybe some new roses has grown out of her
But they can never be as breathtaking as she was
The most beutiful rose of them all
She has withered many years ago
I remember when i first saw her
She was full of sharp thorns, yet she was enchanting, almost...
Almost inviting me to go there to take a bath in her mesmerizing blue aura
That day she was as blue as the sky in a fresh spring morning
I dived into her sky flooting all over it
Without even my recognition i became enlighted as never before
Then Nüx has blessed the azure with her captivating, yet dangerous kiss
But i promised her to come back once every month
The next month when i saw her she looked like a river in the deepest woods
Then one month later she looked liked a small lake on the top of a snowy mountain
Then she looked like a never ending ocean
Then she looked like a stormy night
And everytime when i saw her she got a bit darker
She was still fetching but she has changed
She wasn't that playful and lovely anymore
Then one day when i went to see her all i could see was her black petals and her dead flowers battleing with the old pictures in my mind of her blooming with turquise clarity
So i got my self a knife
And i cut her blackened throat
I was bleeding all over because of her spikes but i didn't care
I digged her a grave in the middle of the garden of roses
Put her in to the dirt and covered her with my tears and blood
It was exactly ten years ago
Now i am free again and i came back here
And yes i am sure
The last time alive she was just as black as the dirt around her now
As the garden of roses surrounds us i can feel their jealous looks
But i don't care about it
I just lay my head next to grave
Next to my beloved one
And now i am just as black as the dirt too
And i will stay here with her
Forever now

— The End —