Your prayers in church
to God Sundays
were daily routine
with me decades long.
I woke up this morning
like before alone
on a flying balloon
in windless silence
as companions
viewing the greenery below
until you materialized in it
in another queen's arms.
I fall off that ride
just to find out it wasn't
any re-occuring dream
I wake up glad right before
I hit down
in my final big boom
Per your promised word dear
we are always together
it just hurts being physically
apart twin butterfly mine.
Asleep or awake it seems
it's all the same heaven
all in the midst switching
from paradise to hell
off and on
I choose Heaven with you
when you chose hell
to be with me
I fell deeply in love with you
Understanding now
I rather share you
then lose you love,
and I no longer fall off
in dreams, or anywhere
Real Kings, mostly
do have many wives
I am glad I was yours
first love,
second wife to be
decades long fianceé
we wanted each other
for our first and last love.
Glad to know what it is
to be loved and love back
to be deeply in love
and without boundaries
enjoying this out
worldly ride.
By: karijinbba.
Revised 02-2021.
All rights reserved.