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174 · Mar 2021
That Small Small Moment
Mel Mar 2021
Let’s lay on the grass
We can just hold each other, pressing our lips together
In unorganized harmony

We can be the only ones in the world
Just for a moment


We can be the only ones in the world
To lay on the grass
And kiss
I want this so much, you know?
161 · May 2019
Mel May 2019
Why do you hide?
Hide where?
Under the bed, I mean?
Because it's safe.
Are you sure?
Can I come and see?
As long as you promise to not touch anything.
Welcome to under the bed.
What's this?
Don't touch it.
But I want to.
.... Too late.
Welcome to under the bed. Your new home, child.
151 · Oct 2021
Falling in love
Mel Oct 2021
Falling in love is something people do

But only on days that don't end with y

And only on mornings when the sun doesn't rise

Only when the moon reaches its highest point in the sky

That is when people fall in love and take a trip

Quite a dive
Mel Mar 2021
When you’re born without
How are you supposed to view the
                                        And the brilliant
How are you supposed to see the
                          And the dark
When the lack of color you have
        Makes you only see
               The color of
                   And the color of
          The color of
                What do you do when you’re
Born without

                                                        ­                                                          Color
Enjoy, the spacing is hard
118 · Sep 2021
Mel Sep 2021
Taking this medication [REDACTED] will cause the following symptoms

Falling in love
Sleeping unwell
And dying
114 · Dec 2020
Mel Dec 2020
Listening to the birds talk
And the fish sing
It reminded me of something

I forgot to turn off my oven
I'm not sure what this was. But it's here now
106 · Sep 2020
Mel Sep 2020
Fear surges through the legs
As you watch in what all might consider,
The sulfur-tongued creature
A conspiracy against the world
In the corner of it all, the damning evidence of
The world,
Let it slam into your face
And let it consume
I'm not entirely sure if there is a message behind me words, but I felt like I could relate to it in some way...
106 · Dec 2020
Mel Dec 2020
When our eyes meet
I was scared the color from them would drain

But instead, I'm lost in a field of grain wheat
Lost in a world where there is no pain

All I want to do is feast
Feast on the eyes that I want in vain

But we all know as soon as I look away,
The color will drain and we will be on our merry ways
105 · Dec 2021
Science Class
Mel Dec 2021
Sitting in the science room
You glowed brighter than the moon
But I couldn't see past the ego
That sits in front of me
The heart that needed to know that love
Is for anyone and everyone
Mel Dec 2020
Don't listen to the demon
Just because it has your face

Doesn't make it right
If I continued to let the inner battle take over
How am I supposed to start
a new?
90 · Oct 2021
I Wish I Knew Your Name
Mel Oct 2021
I've never been able to remember
your name
Or remember the upturn of
your lips
I've struggled to recall the sensation of
your touch
And the hardships we had faced
90 · Mar 2021
Can you Blame Me?
Mel Mar 2021
I just had a thought,
A tiny
Measly thought
What if everything,
Really isn’t my
I hate that I feel this way
84 · Dec 2020
Romeo's Juliet
Mel Dec 2020
For she is the sun
And I am the moon

We are meant to never meet except  
once every 360 to 410 years
Get the joke?
70 · Jul 2019
Mel Jul 2019
Under the starry sky
Under the moonlit water
Under the toiled ground
Under the heeps of dirt
Under the souled shoes
Under the girl in red and blue
Under the boy who can't count
Under me and you

I imagined a small town on a cliff, that over looks to a lake. And you can figure out the rest on your own
61 · Aug 2020
Every evening
Mel Aug 2020
The letter arrived this morning
It was the first to come this spring
I read it over and over and over again.
Each day,
Each night,
I study the letter
Until it became a habit to read it every morning,
Every evening
By the end, I might have learned
To rest, take a nap,
Spend time with people
But for now, I’ll just read the last letter
The letter from my love
Using a word generator:
60 · Aug 2021
Classroom Glass
Mel Aug 2021
The trees outside the classroom glass

seem to look brighter than the trees I see

at home
51 · Aug 2020
Title Page
Mel Aug 2020
In five words or less
enjoy the silence
47 · Mar 2020
Would you love me then?
Mel Mar 2020
What if I changed for you?
How would you feel if I had green eyes
If I had blonde hair
If I was curvier and shorter
Would you love me then?

What if I smiled for you?
How would you feel if I bore my teeth
If I grinned like the Cheshire Cat
If I only smiled at your name
Would you love me then?

What if- What if- What if!
These shouldn't be what if!
I will change for you!
I'll look different so you will love me just like you love her!
I will smile only for you and I will
I will
I will
I will

But will you please love me in return?
Note: I'm poking at society, not directed towards a certain person
46 · Mar 2020
I am
Mel Mar 2020
I'm falling
Falling into the ocean
Falling down a rabbit hole
Falling off a cliff

I'm drowning
Drowning in my tears
Drowning in my feelings
Drowning in the river

I'm dying
Dying to have change
Dying feel my feet
Dying to live

I'm dead
Dead to society
Dead to humanity
Dead to myself

— The End —