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M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
I reminisce on memories
of before we ever touched
Cherishing what had yet to happen
Already missing you so much
Digital communication
and lifelines of long distance
shaped our love's acclimation
to suffer with our persistence
A decade passed...
and then another half
just faded away
without seeing your face.
What a ******* waste.
But now we have forever
because whereever
is now in my arms
And no matter how hard I love you
You still soften to my charms
                          -Fri 13, March 2015
Just trying something different. My style seems to vary depending on mood & inspiration, so I spread it out to try and capture the different feelings I had throughout the two decades of meeting, falling, loving, degrees of separation & loss, longing, hope & reuniting with the one I truly love.
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
I feel like we finally started seeing each other
last night when our hands were together
your words were soft
mine, understanding
working toward a life of forever
Who knew love could be this hard?
Back in the 90's
when the net was young
words were our life
like your name on my tongue
We grew closer and intimate
without the feeling of skin
We opened our hearts wide
and accepted the other within
As the years flew by
and distance reigned
life drove us apart
as though fate were feigned
But, together at last
through a fateful verse
I reached out and you answered
dispelling our curse
Now, a few years later
we fight hardest for our love
learning to embrace
when our instincts are to shove
I know we'll make it together
My faith is greater than the Pope's
We have the rest of our lives together
sharing passions & play, hearts & hopes
Symbolizing my commitment and desire
I've given you the hardest stone
You gave me in return
your heart and body to own

030415 ~ 12p
Sometimes true love isn't enough. Sometimes you have to work really hard to change yourself into the person you need to be that allows a relationship to flourish. Always you need hope and endurance to make it through. Recalling an amazing history that's torn my love from me and reunited us, again, many years later. We met on the internet when it was only text and we wrote poetry together, had long (expensive) talks on the phone and we grew to love each other from the inside out. Distance overwhelmed with a country between us and we grew apart. I measured every love after that by what we had and no one could ever live up to what I needed. Over ten years later, a poem rocks my day & forces it's way out through my heart. I sent it to her out of the blue and she responded, still missing me. We moved to the same town and fell back in love, determined to make it last for the rest of our lives.
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
I want to be the one who's strong
the one to hold the sun
to keep the days so long
I want to be your Summer warmth
to take the Winter chill away
I want to be the light
to give form and beauty to your day
I want to be your Spring
even though you love the Fall
because we're so deep in Winter
cold and darkness covers all
022615 ~ 10a
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
Loving the way we intertwine
our hearts and limbs and minds
Lying together, hearts beating as one;
so easy to feel that forever's begun
I'll never leave without taking you, too
Without my goddess,
there's no reason to go through
another lovely sunrise
not reflected in your eyes.

082713 ~ 8.34a
"Morning Prayers" is a group of poems that comprise a writing exercise that I undertook for a few years. I would write a poem at least 5 days a week, first thing in the morning, devoted to my lover. Sometimes I would really surprise myself.
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