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M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
Reaching out,
you're reaching down
An extended hand
as I slowly drown.
Just in time
-I was slipping away
Numb from the conflict
yet, here to stay.
Forever devoted
to what we're building
But, my heart is warfare
and used to shielding
Used to fighting
or running away
Trying to live
to love another day
But, with you
I'm up in arms
caught off-guard
with no alarms
It's finding a way
to buffer our space
Learning what to say
to keep peace in our place
But you don't want peace
You just need to express
to just let it all out
no matter the mess.
So we continue the war
of express and retreat
back to the therapist
in brutal defeat.

022515 ~ 10.11a
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
I try to heal
Knowing nothing has changed
in the way we feel
But we woke up softer
on Saturday morn
and a slow caress
became delicious ****
Fingers interlaced
A gentle morning moan
Waking with your taste,
it's your pleasure that I own
And one was not enough
because, baby, it's been too long
Muffled through pillows & sheets,
I can hear your ecstatic song.
022315 ~ 9.16a
Making up waking up
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
What I feel is so confusing and so resentful,
resting like gritty stones in my stomach
Like a force-fed fowl fighting to smile
I swallowed down too much, too whole
Trying too hard to have a great time
Trying too hard to not agitate
Teeth clenched,
eyes not seeing the sights we flew around the world to see
I'm dragging you around
You're dragging me down
You want to relax
I want to explore
You just wanna go home
I never want to see that door
ever again.
I'm making myself miserable
Growing numb from the ache
I'm fighting so hard
because our lives are at stake
like a witch hunt in Salem
I feel the fires all around
But this burning doesn't feel like it used to
when we wrote so romantically to each other so long ago.

022015 ~ 12.42p
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
Life is hard and work is long
So many things to come between us
Misunderstandings and different ways to live
Disagreements on when to take and when to give,
When to fight and when to yield
Sometimes we're a sword when the other needs a shield
But learning and forgiving is how we make it through
Even when the romance seems to have fallen, too
You will always be my lover, always keeping me alive
I will always be here for you,
Hungry for the times
When things are peaceful
And you're in my arms.

101513 ~ 9.53a
"Morning Prayers" is a group of poems that comprise a writing exercise that I undertook for a few years. I would write a poem at least 5 days a week, first thing in the morning, devoted to my lover. Sometimes I would really surprise myself.
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
I will remain
until time collapses
Your beauty within my mind
firing the synapses
Everything I desire
burning within your eyes
Everything I crave
pillowed beneath your thighs
Mouth watering,
even as I type,
your naughty flesh burned
deep beneath my eyes
Never will I want
without your flavor on my tongue
And never shall I breathe
without your love in my lungs.
You define life and pleasure until I die
My greatest wish answered:
that you be by my side.

111813 ~ 1.39p
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
Patiently waiting
for you in my arms
Distance is fading
with morning alarms
Hands wrapped tightly
pulling you closer in
I've longed for you nightly
Feeling such hunger as I did back then
You'll always be my goddess
Always the one I adore
To me, you're **** and the hottest
I'm counting the hours til you walk through our door

122713 ~ 7.15a
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
I imagine us
walking in fields
as green as my bowl
hand in hand
as we grow old
Yet, you're never older
just held longer in my arms

There's flowing water
in a creek nearby
the rushing sounds
creating beautiful noise
You lead us there
to the pebbled shore
Our bare feet on cool stones
fingers interlaced to feel you more
The water, invigoratingly cold
You subtly
pull me
deeper in
I am mesmerized within your eyes

I lean for a kiss
and sink under with you

I'm drowning in your love:
my desire is an anchor
I cling to
like life
It is not languor
but steadfastness
which holds me as I sink
These depths are everything
I need you around me
like rushing water
You are sustenance,
a need,
like no other.

020514 ~ 10.58a
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