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 Jun 2017 Lovely
It still hurts
If you will ask
Like being shot with countless fine cold needles
It pierce through my heart
Whenever your memories bypass

It's not the same anymore
Like eating spaghetti without tomato sauce
Like driving a bike with deflated wheels
Like eating sinigang without meat chunks
No, it's not the same

I don't write poems that frequent anymore
Nor short stories you used to love
I'm afraid to begin or start things now
For I worry that I might lose them too
Just like how the universe has taken you

I think I too died that day
For I only feel alive when I recall our moments together
And now after that dreadful morning, I realized
You died but lived a life
While I'm alive but not living.
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Boaz Priestly
I was drinking tea.

Or, trying to.

The key word is trying.

I kept on choking,

and coughing,

and gagging.

Now my throat hurts.

Almost as much as it did

when I decided to strangle myself.
This is an old poem, I am okay.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Irate Watcher
Can I borrow your cat?
I heard it meowing at the door:
Please, I need love.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Throw your head back fast,
Don't over think it,
Lids closed don't last
Eyes down to fit

Wooden table with years of weather
It's probably long gone,
Replaced with something better

You find comfort in knowing
That new trees are growing
To build new tables

And you'd sit at the table,
Place it in the same spot
And wait for a dying fable

You would sit there forever
For him to find a little down time
Because he knows how to be clever
Turn the ending sublime
And make you feel better
When you knew it was the end of the line
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