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 Jun 2017 Lovely
Zachary William
"I've got a good one
my dear,"
I said a bit louder
than a whisper,
"I can feel it rolling around
in there."
"A poem?" She asked
and it was beautiful
and it was perfect
and then the poem was
and I couldn't find the words
so I looked around the library
to see what words would
and the sign on the copier
which is fun for a title
and a sign on the wall
wanted to introduce me
to Muslims on the 26th
but at the end of it all
I was surrounded by endless words
while at a loss
for my own.
But I got some pretty sweet books to read, so it's not all bad.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
I looked for the same kind
Green and 7 ruled subject
But with my consistent luck
There was none to find

So I bought the closest to it
I don't know if the pages will fit

I've tore out four pages so far
And I keep losing focus
In the way that I always do
But it's not lost on other things
Just the things I wonder if you
Would have liked to do
If you'd like this
Or if you'd like that
But then I remember I'm fat
And you never liked me anyway
I just can't fit it in a perfect poem like you

And I wonder if you'll get the notion
To search this place in 10 years again
Will you still see how everything I write
Will still have a part of you in it?

And do find an inkling of respect
Tell me how great life is
Leave the foot shaped mud tracks real deep,
Tell me how the I Do went,
Kids and everything
Make sure it hurts

But I'll sit here,
Write about the things I remember
Somehow tell him it's obviously about him
If there ever is another him
And he'll ask why I'm looking at the floor.

"Old habits die hard, I guess."
The girl that puts others before herself
shes the girl with good intentions
wanting everything to be ok

Everything started to fall apart
she got tired of fighting
she got tired of waiting for everything to be ok

Everything is not going to be ok
Shes tired of waiting
Shes tired of trying to be ok
She doesn't wanna be ok
Shes tired of people telling her " it will be ok, just be patient"

Nothing is going to change
if this isn't good for me
let me just give up
let me just stop trying
let me stop fighting
I dont want your reasons of why I should live
your good advice, or when I'm alright

You dont know what its like

What is like to be in my head
to go through what I went through

you can't stop me from drowning

Dont tell me what you see
you need to clean your eyes and check again

I'm tired of all these bad days
and nothing never being ok
I'm tired of hearing "just keep your head up"
I'm tired of trying to be ok
jI just wanna be not ok

Is it ever going to change?
No its not

Nothing is going to change
So let me just give up
let me stop trying
let me stop fighting
I dont want your reasons of why I should live
your good advice, or when I'm alright

you dont know what  its like

dont look at me like you understand
dont try to hold me back

if you know if this isnt good for me
let me just give up
let me just stop trying
let me stop fighting
I dont want your reasons of why I should live
your good advice, or when I'm alright

you dont know what is like
 Jun 2017 Lovely
4:35 p.m
 Jun 2017 Lovely
I've cried often
and tasted the salt and sadness.
But that was before.
It would only take the once when
I kissed the rain from his lips
and that
would be all that ever mattered.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely

Now I'm left to wonder if it's fair to touch another heart, another soul, another being. No matter how many layers are cleaned off there will always be this one that stays. Permanent like a tattoo. A youth forever remembered by all the things I should have done. It'd not be fair to leave those black fingerprints on them when I leave because I don't think anyone could ever make me forget this.

And when I wipe my eyes clean, the black turns to liquid and runs into my eyes. The pain is close to how I remember thinking you'd forget me by Fall. But it was me. It was me that let you down.

Everything is quiet now. Silent like the evening you sang that song. And I can feel the way it made me feel empty because it felt like you took everything out of me to admire but slammed it back in when I pointed out the similarities and you said no, it's for when you find the one. But you were looking down then and I just realized that too.

And now you sing it to the one and I feel the ache again but it's different because you're not here and you never will be. And in brief moments I wonder if it tastes bitter to sing it, to feel those words on your lips. If it reminds you of the table that is long gone and the way the birds were singing in the cooling down summer evening air. Of how I had my hands gripping the bench on each of my sides because I was so nervous. And I wonder if they knew I was the first to hear you sing it. But there's a first for everything and there's always a last until the end. And I'm always the first that's replaced and forgotten.

But I'm only talking to myself here. Reliving this past alone. Drowning in black salt water by myself. And now I'm just asking your ghost when the air will be gone.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Raj was so conservative
She always wore
so many layers
Even on the hottest days
in summer
in summer I rarely saw her
wearing skin
even when my friends from the barrio opened up the hydrant and we played in the street in our bathing suits
Raj they asked me for one day
I think back and
cower over what has
become of my poor friend
She was always covered up
that I rarely saw her
but to think now
I'll never
see her
Another old poem
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