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 Dec 2014 Hayleigh
Dancing Alone
 Dec 2014 Hayleigh
logic is crushed by your steel-toed boots
your words wrap around my ribs,
bony fingers curling around my neck,
filling my lungs with sulfur.
glitter flashes before my eyes
the memories glistening like diamonds,
before turning into thunder,
loud enough to break even the strongest beam.
the frequency of the memory is deafening,
caught in a wave of idyllic despair
bursting past our young consciousnesses.
i am trying to grasp the fleeting moments,
hold them close,
before burying them far away
where they can remain as untouched souls,
pure and simple.
i cannot ever bring myself to wonder
if you have done the same.
but on the darkest of nights,
stars surround your shadow,
lighting up your voice
that has never left my ears.
and i am weightless
floating until my feet are no longer touching the ground.
my vision is blurred,
bursting into a thousand fiery flames
composed of iridescent snowflakes
before evaporating into the clouds.
It's a slow pull of gravity
as I fall back to earth,
crashing and diving and hurdling
toward the dusty surface,
trying and failing to regain my balance.
the world seems lost
the world seems ruined.
and i rise
lifting my face toward the light.
I can see a reflection in the mirror
I am dancing

 Dec 2014 Hayleigh
Mike Hauser
When did we become this toss out generation
Where the relationships we have
We toss onto the pile before us
Growing ever higher with no regret

If what we have between us
Is treated like trash along the way
That we litter our lives with
What about us does that say

With the time we spend texting friends
Instead of time spent face to face
We trash that bit of intimacy
That won't soon be replaced

We need this more than not
That feeling of the human touch
Something of which there is not enough
Giving hope and giving love

And we wonder why another failed relationship
Is added to the pile
You hope you'll eventually feel better about yourself
Though it may take a little while

I think the worst about us though
Is how we treat ourselves
If we don't stand up for ourselves in love
How can we expect it from anyone else

We try not and let it bother us
Hoping for happiness in the end
In this now toss out generation
Always searching for a trash bin
 Dec 2014 Hayleigh
Mike Hauser
Wait a minute, is it already Christmas again
Seems I just took down the lights and the tree
Is there no rest for the downtrodden and weary
This season sometimes takes the Merry Gentleman out of me

So I load up the sleigh with the dog and the kids
The old beat up station wagon I drive
On the hunt for this years perfect tree
We'll be lucky if we make it back home alive

As we jingle all the way to the local tree farm
Six kids and a dog singing at the top of their lungs
With only twelve days left before Christmas
My **, **, **, is already long gone

Picking the best tree out within our budget
My wife says Charlie Brown would be proud
I ask smarty pants Mrs. Santa what she meant by that
She'd rather not say with the little elves around

Before an argument even ensues
I've lost the battle before I hit the front line
You wonder how I'm so confident of that
The same thing happened last year at this time

As I struggle to get the tree off the roof of my jalopy
While Jack the dog in the frost is nipping at my toes
I fall to the ground with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head
Waking up to the dogs frozen tongue stuck up my nose

Finally with the tree set up in the front parlor
I notice it leans bad to one side
Taking my chainsaw to alleviate the problem
The gas fumes **** my kids parakeet out right

With Hobby Lobby open late for the holidays
I was able to purchase the product I need
Working late into the wee morning hours
I did a good job shellacking the parakeet

I'm not sure that my kids even noticed
Or brought up the question what for
But they sure like the shinny new ornament
Hanging next to the hamster that disappeared the year before

Well, I survived another preparing for Christmas
As subconsciously I'm being led
To wrap myself in last years present "The Snuggie"
And dream of those sugar plums dancing in my head
 Dec 2014 Hayleigh
Mike Hauser
I've collected so many collections
I'm about collected all out
Now in hindsight and reflection
I'm beginning to have a few doubts

Losing touch with those I've come to know
It's like losing a part of myself
Emptiness now is what I mostly feel
Is this happening to anyone else?

Can anyone else out there relate
To this young poet's candor
To what has become another series of weights
Doing its best to pull me under

What started off as good intentions
Has once again gone completely South
Need I even mention
That's not what poetry is supposed to be all about

As I continue in my collecting of collections
Carrying the banner in this parade
It wasn't the plan but strike up the band
As we all grow to rue the day
 Dec 2014 Hayleigh
Mike Hauser
I woke up this morning
With a brand new pain
Not the sore from the day before
Or the same from yesterday

He came dressed like the 50's
This new kid on the block
Gave a high five right between the eyes
With not a lick of after thought

Said he'd come to party
Had a few friends that he would call
So save the date and don't be late
They'll all be here before too long
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