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We are all travelers
Journeying through life
Seeking to visit new places
Destinations, where we stop
Momentarily, and then pursue
We arrive but we do not reach
We travel outside, never within
Are we familiar with the road
Which leads us to our inner self
Hopelessly seeking approval
As we are our approver…Realize
Till now, journeying in wrong direction
Forgetting the familiar alleys
They lead us, to us
For the journey is from inwards
Then moving to the outside world
Seek the destination within
For it will lead you to the right direction
Kindle the light within
And, it will guide you through the darkness
Carry the light within, to seek the path
We are all travelers

© Amitav (Radiance)
you are my pain
you are my cure
you my sorrow
you are my smile
you are my start
you are my end
you are my dream
you are my reality
you are my love
you are my life
    -cute crazy-
you are my every thing..............
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Do not forgive me.
I do not want your forgiveness,
I don't not want to think I might need it.
Do not forgive me.
I do not want doubtful thoughts,
thoughts that maybe you are right, I have wrong.
Do not forgive me-
I do not want to give you this chance-
the chance to feel gloriously magnanimous.
Thinking about Nora from A Doll's House by Ibsen

April 9, 2014
1:36 PM
 May 2014 Hayleigh
 May 2014 Hayleigh
A shining portal, shimmering
in tiny glints that enchant us. We
plunge in, emerge exilerated, dripping, free
having removed and placed aside
all the trappings of our daily lives, all
the tiny disguises we wear
daily, unthinking, all the walls we construct
to keep the world at bay. At this bay
we surrender, immerse, maybe secretly hoping
that the salt water will sting the eyes
watching you, so that you are not seen
fully, after you have removed your surreptitious armor.
Later, we will wear it again, dressing
in the clothes and glasses and jewelry
we have built our visible selves from, more comfortable
now that we are covered, protected.
But the vision of you uncovered, plainly yourself
will not leave me for a while-
it has seeped through my cracks
and is staying like those tiny grains of sand
I can never completely wash off.
April 9, 2014
2:04 PM
 May 2014 Hayleigh
 May 2014 Hayleigh
I am trying not to
let your silence get
to me because I
know that you mostly
speak with your limbs
and they say love
but maybe your heart
speaks a language I
understand well while your
head communicates in foreign
tongues I cannot translate
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Would you have
     our stars not shine?
Would you have darkness
      be your shrine?

r ~ 5/5/14
For our school girls in Nigeria, and the world over.
Years later
And you still
Have my heart
Feeling like
Butterfly wings
Fluttering against
My insides,

Oh so softly.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
K Balachandran
Her red shoe heels
made clicking sounds
around the hall
attracting attention;
his shoes,
alluring, plush,
black magic silence
power worn on feet
cried for recognition.

loudness gravitated
towards silence

black silence  angled wild red

he measured her
foot to hip,
she focused on his  intense face

the silence
with in the precinct
approved their
illegitimate cravings.

Avarice for attention
came together
held hands,
kicked up their heels,
to **** competition
in *******.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Poetic T
Pieces of eight I got on the high
sea, a tail be told how I got thee.

First was the coin I got off me
mum, as she said have fun my
bearded son. Dont spent it all
on one eye patch or sweets, spend
it wisely my son be the pirate you
wish to be.

So time went on and I kept my coin
I bet it on a chicken race, and won my
second piece, look in my palm its
gold its plain to see.

So I took  a walk on the beach and
in the sand another I did see, my
luck was in. I chewed on it and it
was as real  as could be, this day
I know does have three.

Four and five I won in a bet, but I
have a peg leg where there once
was a foot. Now I  have a wooden
peg but Arrr i won the bet more
gold I see.

Six and seven were as hard as could
be, a dare with a shark, well feed was
he. A hook is all the rage they say.
Mine has a can opener and wi-fi
ya see, I hope that shark gets a grip
inside that hursts it tummy each and every day.

Number eight was what I got for
going to sea, to be the captain of
the pirate vessel king of the seaI.
I roam around the waters me and
my first mate, my monkey horrible pete.

Pirate king I wasnt meant to be, as
this rowboat king of the seal, is hard
to row with one hand and a peg from
the knee. My first mate is a monkey
who works for yellow skins, but he
cant row a boat, short arms has he.

So around and around I go three
foot from the peer, at least I,m  now
in the sea. But my pieces of eight is
all the treasure l will ever see. Me
and my boat and monkey horrible
Pete enjoying our life on the open high sea.
Wrote this for my little ones, hope to get this as a book of three tales..
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