No more tears allowed.
There is a Palace at the end of this road,
Which turned out to be long and stony,
Pieces washed out by floods of tears
And avalanches of regrets,
Highwaymen around each corner.
No more sobbing in the night.
The castle walls are within sight
And the drawbridge is slowly coming down.
There is a light in the tower window
And the smell of dinner in the air.
Only one last mile to conquer
And at last I will be safely home.
We finally found our perfect house. Not a perfect place, but it will do. Laughlin, Nevada by the Colorado river. Summer temp 110º and up.
You can't have everything, and as long as the AC works, I'll be OK. Such a relief that it's going to work. It's been a tough 8 months. But in 30 more days it'll give birth to a whole new home and surroundings.Thank you Lord.