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 Mar 2014 morgan
Saturday Jones
I looked up...
and it was already Wednesday.
These hours trickle into days.
These days drip into weeks.
These weeks pour into years,
and these years flow right along.

Life is long when your conscience of the seconds,
but oh so short when you reflect on the years.
And even when my end draws near,
I still want to remember the time I spent here;
     -The life I spent here.

Quietly contemplating upcoming quests,
I don't want to miss a single detail.
Missing millions of minor milestones,
that would literally be hell;
     -and everything that word entails.

I looked up...
and it was already Wednesday,
so I'm never looking down again.
Because if I take my eyes off the sky,
I may look up and it be the end.
 Mar 2014 morgan
Rachel Mena
 Mar 2014 morgan
Rachel Mena
Won't you please just let me be
Please just leave me at my own peace

Won't you please just go away
When I say leave, I don't mean stay

When I push with all my might
Do not fight back, it is not right

When I stop and start to cry
Try not to look me in the eye

Do not try to fix my life
You were not the glue, but the knife

Say goodbye and let me go
Accepting all you do not know
 Mar 2014 morgan
 Mar 2014 morgan
I fell into the pit
Of sadness and doubt
All because of this thing
Called society

I tore out myself
And shredded the things
That used to define me
All because they told me I can't
Be who I wanted to be

But society doesn't change
They judge you for who you are
And who you aren't
It's a prison
And we cannot escape it
 Mar 2014 morgan
Jonny Angel
I spent my days
on warm summer breezes,
through winter winds,
circling the sacred trees,
and now,
on tattered wings,
I go West,
to die in the shadows
of the setting sun,
free at last.
 Mar 2014 morgan
Claire Elizabeth
crickets serenading the crows to sleep
trees send out calls to one another on the wind
rustling branches
what a masterpiece the stars make
nestled in the spun navy blue of the night sky
fawns and deer scream to one another
grunt warnings and snort dry grass
baby bunnies chirp to distant moms
being chased by auburn tailed foxes
the frogs try and calm their throats of the
incessant pockets of air that erupt from their
the moon's veil casts lacy shadows on the leaves
filling the gaps in the branches
white moonwashed asphalt sparks with diamonds
the sun trying to break the barrier of darkness
pushing and bulging over the horizon with a pop
hazy pink lemonade spills over the edges of
distance mountain ranges
orange Starbursts melt on the tips of the crows' claws
lavender wax seeps around the sleeping bunnies
still chirping in their shortening sleep
the stardust that fell during the night
sparkles like dew on the blades of grass
and floats like fairies through the
apple juice air
thick and warm cinnamon roll clouds
roll by in the liquid gold sky
the scent of cherry pie and toast every morning
in the summer
and the scent of honeydew melon
with bamboo extract right before
The dates are rolling over
Just as the pages in a novel-
A novel of my life
And I am folded into the spine
With you
And him
And her
And even the willow tree from my days as a child
Stuck inside a book
Kept far away from the world outside
The world which howls and leaves a ringing in my ears-
A taunting that makes me ache-
Fractures my fragile bones
And drives shivers that even my finger tips recall each time the moon cycles in the deep blues of night

I hide away
Fears kept in bundles-
Racing in figure eights in my never resting brain
As much as I inch my extremities out-
As much as I struggle for a forward motion
I am held
Here inside of the pages of a novel
Inside the creases of its spine
Where I lay my trembling mind

It is here you can find the things that I could never let pass my lips
When I have lost all of my breathe
And the trembling has finished digesting my mind

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May revise at a later time. Hmmmmm.
Oh the sunlight as it's shafting through her hair
and her eyes with their beauteous glare
oh the perfect, quiet moments alone
and all those long nights we spend on the phone
These are the things I long for the most
With this girl as beautiful as the heavenly host
 Mar 2014 morgan
Shel Silverstein
I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
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