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Bonga Zuma Jul 2018
Watching you sitting opposite of me, I'm mesmerized by your movements.
I'm lost in your voice, I'm listening yet I'm not.
The trance is broken when you look into my eyes.

Instantly I'm taken on a nostalgic journey to that night when our stars entwined to bring us together:

It was a summer,
We sat on the cool sand and basked on the silver light of the moon.
We watched the waves crash on each other as if in a lovers' quarrel.
The smell of the day's hot air filled the air around us.

We listened
And tried to figure out the secrets shared between the twinkling stars.
On an attempt to touch the sand,
Our fingers touched instead
And the life-long connection was created.

The sound of your voice brings me back to reality.
You opposite of me,  it's all clear; this is forever
Inspired by a very close friend of mine; Onalenna "July Stone"

— The End —