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  Feb 2020 Sylph
Kurt Philip Behm
You’re desperately lost,
writing your way into the madness

Each word a false beacon,
your hopes to decry

You’re desperately lost,
searching the caves of your memory

Delusion the caretaker,
your verses to lie

You’re desperately lost,
as every voice now deserts you

Time running backwards,
the heat turned up high

You’re desperately lost,
as the Sirens misguide you

The torch of the demon
—burning darkly inside

(Dreamsleep: February, 2020)
  Feb 2020 Sylph
A Mess of Words
I want to be spring rain,

Dancing gently on you.

I want to be winter snow,

Melting at your touch.
  Feb 2020 Sylph
Archana Biswal
Silence hit me hard;
When I wasn't able to hear the melody of the waves near the seacoast;
When I wasn't able to find souls & species in the most chaotic street of the Metropolis;
When the cold breeze seized to blow;
When the rain drops didn't collide;
When life met death;
But above all ;
When my profound thoughts stopped yielding noise in my head, Silence completely took me into it's realm.
This poetry of mine clearly depicts the irony of the thing that Silence is making robust noise in my head and I'm completely under it's influence.
  Feb 2020 Sylph
Frances E McClelland
The angels' harps play a sacred tune,
while planets dance around the moon;
In subtle strains our spirits rise,
and leave us grateful and starry-eyed.

Recalling life as it once seemed,
this vision floated inside a dream;
In many days of endless chants,
the angels' harps cause us to dance.

When voices touch each other's hearts,
there's always a sign creating sparks;
And with that strong secure emotion,
then lives connect with pure devotion.

No longer chilled in fears of life,
all folks fly far away from strife;
The added wealth of kinship stands,
as children sing while holding hands.
  Feb 2020 Sylph
Willow Silvera
We’re all puppets
With scripts to follow
And strings attached
Whether we like it
Or not
Blinded by their lies,
Surrendering to illusions,
Pledging to the Puppeteers,
Above us

Tied to coarse string at birth
All we know is
Curtains hanging
To keep
(Protect, they say)
Us from

The ones we willfully
Placed on their gleaming
Ruby-encrusted thrones
We gave them wine
Made from our blood.
In Return,
They changed
Our veins to sap
Our flesh to wood.

And so
We, the People
Politely clapped
And nodded.
We, the People
Supported the idea of banishing
Our own kind.
We, the People
Cheered and yelled when the Grand Puppeteer
Ordered for us to be
Isolated and confined
From the Others.
Welcome to the Land of the Free!
  Feb 2020 Sylph
Ryan Joseph
Back then as a child,
I was still scared of scary stuff such as ghosts or dead spirits.

But right now,
I am kind of scared to humans already-
which I may end up dying because of them.
Sorry, I am kind of confused to put a title so I decided this one...
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