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May 2022 · 184
Čortoloman May 2022
Hold back, light burns what is not empty. You love her too much, she told you clearly that she lacks capacity. Why tell her it's a lie? Listen to people who surround you, they try their best after all. You know that being alone is not so bad. Go back to that.
Feb 2022 · 235
Abstract other
Čortoloman Feb 2022
Troubled emotion, a wild devotion.
True to myself, despised belief with transpired bedevilment. Untrue to myself, with relaxed philistine.
Downward diagram, शिव idiom to eternal self.
See self to be, see other to feel, see all to unsee.
Aug 2021 · 171
Čortoloman Aug 2021
I've noticed something about myself.

Just floating in a river of time.

As if I'm waiting for something that never seems to come. Always waiting for tomorrow.

Now a few questions for us.

-why is this site only a place for when I feel old

-why do I only get suicidal notes, and depressed thoughts in mail

-will this be received by someone in their mail as well

-why is hot so often filled with cold and sad

-where is the balance on this site

-where is the balance in this world.

Just floating in a river of confusion

Saying Farewell to passing logs and drowned cats

Am I dead and living a hell of my own, but just not hot enough to question it? There seems to be no way out.

A few questions of my own.

-are you dead?

-with those empty eyes. Are you blind?

-with that cold heart. Are you in charge?

There seems to be no way out.

Just floating in reverse. Everything feels out of place.

Just waiting to go back trough time.
Jul 2021 · 369
Demons were now.
Čortoloman Jul 2021
Petty, petty liars
With their pretty fliers

Promising relation
Of dehumanised formation

Asked, given, but not forgiven.
Taken, gotten, but not forgotten.
I can be a demon too.
May 2021 · 166
I Love You
Čortoloman May 2021
If I were to tell you I love you, you would probably be confused.

Why me? Why now? Why at all?

But I cannot "love" you and therefore it's my fault for expressing myself incorrectly. What I mean when I say love is a state of awareness, state of being. It is all around me, the universe holds me in its lap never letting go, in the name of the Mother, It shows the way, and only the way, in the name of the Father, and it accepts all that I am, all the actions and their consequences, in the name of a true Friend.
holy trinity
Apr 2021 · 123
Čortoloman Apr 2021
I feel lonely my King. Should I strive to meet and find those that don't make effort to find me? But those that I want to meet have no ego, no ambition. That seems counter-intuitive. How can I be like them by wanting to find them? It is against their nature, their will.

It seems you answered your own question... So why are you here?

It is terrifying my King. Understanding that everything I am is my choice, my will. The process of synchronization is requiring me to first know there is a reason I choose to be Me, after that it requires of me to find those reasons and embrace them. I am scared, I am afraid. If I choose to be Me then the reasons I have must be painful... Oh so painful. I do not want to understand that pain, I am scared of it, TERRIFIED of it! How can I keep going down this path?! I will burn my soul to a crust!!

If you understand that you choose to be Yourself. If you understand that there is a reason you live like you do. Then you will also understand that the path you choose trough your Hell, is a path you want to go down. You will go down. Find comfort in that thought, find comfort in yourself. The one that is Me.
Like a rock tumbling down a hill. It has a chosen velocity and a known trajectory. Find comfort in a fact that you cannot change it. Accept your fate, and your pain will not be your own anymore. I will share it.
I love you so very much, I miss our time together. I truly hope you can get over it. I will see you on the other side my friend, my love, my life.
Sep 2019 · 177
Čortoloman Sep 2019
People only die when ready.
Rock only rolls down the hill until it stops.
Particle moves another.
Information is forever contained.

The transformation from thought to light is in every form a road to completion.
A thought is a wave until it becomes a particle.
When the cycle of this transformation is completed it will associate itself with time and become light.
It will associate itself with space and become the vessel.
Once it is both it will become reborn.
Dec 2018 · 341
Yup, I'm tired.
Čortoloman Dec 2018
Umoran sam. Baš umoran. Nemam volje više i umoran sam. Fali mi fali i umoran sam. Trnce u mišićima, trnce u žilama, pritisak u glavi i pritisak u srcu. Umoran sam.
Nov 2018 · 351
Čortoloman Nov 2018
Idemo onda zajedno u svijet.

Ja, ti i tko god pridružiti se želi. Idemo dalje od samih sebe

dok ne nabasamo na nedoseživo.
Nov 2018 · 217
Čortoloman Nov 2018
Jellyfish in the sky. Darker than sunlight, colder than water. She is slimy with giant spring in mind. Devoid of thought, devoid of sorrow. Existence she is in her own eyes, no human to say as well. Existence she is in her own mind, no thought to confirm that as well.
Oct 2018 · 263
Čortoloman Oct 2018
Puno tamnih opisa. Jezivih priča. Tko je tu lud? Ja, ili ja koji želi biti lud? Jesu li te priče priče? Ili ne želim vjerovati da su tu i sada kao ja i ja.
May 2018 · 11.6k
Čortoloman May 2018
A: Don't you find it irritating?

Z: Hm?

A: Don't you find irritating the human need to feel happiness?

Z: Isn't that only natural? When you are happy you feel good. So
you will want to feel good when you aren't happy right?

A: But that's not natural. Being happy is just a state you can be at. It's not the state you were at before or after. Being neutral is a state you came from and will go to.

Z: So should I feel the need to be sad when I'm happy just as I have the need to fell happy when I'm sad?

A: No, that does nothing. You shouldn't feel anything at all. Or have a need to in the first place.

Z: That makes no sense. Life is what the living does. You can't live without a need to feel can you?

A: Well maybe being alive is not a natural state to be at as well! If it was you wouldn't die or be born.

Z: What do you mean?

A: Well maybe life and death are also just a state you can be at, but neither are the natural states...

Z: Ugh... Third state beside Life and Death?

A: Yeah!

Z: What would that be?

A: Well for that to work I guess there would have to be a third party involved, like a soul or something, then we could say that it's only your body that is alive or dead. Your soul is then just a presence that trough a medium called body is collecting experience.

Z: What about emotions?

A: Let's add another body in the picture! Call it „emotional body“. Emotional body is using a physical body as a medium to get experience from the world and then there is a soul that is using the emotional body as a medium so we get a perfect being!

Z: Isn't that a bit of a stretch?

A: Who knows.... But then we could say that there is finally a natural state to be at. It is called „Soul state“. In this state you resonate your three bodies (the physical, emotional and soul bodies). In this state you are not „Alive“ or „Dead“, you are not „Happy“ or „Sad“, you are just a presence.

Z: And how would you get to this state called „Soul state“??

A: Well you should ask yourself why do the other two bodies exist in the first place?

Z: Hm.. Well to experience things right?

A: Yeah..

Z: Ohhh! So the soul is a presence that trough the two bodies experiences things! So once it has experienced all there is to see and feel. It will finally enter the „Soul state“!!

A: exactly!

Z: But isn't there just soo much? We don't really have enough time to experience all there is...

A: well who said you live only once..

Z: Reincarnations?

A: Mhm.

Z: But why don't we remember things from our past lives?

A: Well it would be rather easier to experience everything if you think you have only so much time. That way you will use all of the time given to you to live at your fullest!
Story I came up with to connect the puzzle pieces together in a way that i feel comfortable with XD
Apr 2018 · 358
Čortoloman Apr 2018
Koliko se puta moram uključiti u sustav i razoriti ga da bi dostigao neutralnost?

Jesam li ja sustav koji trebam razoriti?

Postoji li razlika između mene i svega oko mene?

Ako razorim sebe možda ću i svijet razoriti.

A onda se mogu ponovno roditi. Kao drugi sustav koji ima drugi zadatak. Jer moji je zadatak da razorim.

Mržnja, istinska mržnja dolazi iz ljubavi. Kao i potreba za osvetom. Možda mogu... i u ovom svijetu koji je lakše razoriti nego voliti..
Mar 2018 · 424
Čortoloman Mar 2018
Neutralnost je neutralna. Nije mir ni kaos, već nijedno. Nije bog ni bez boga. Nije ni jedno. Nije ni sreća ni ljubav ni tuga ni mržnja, već ni jedno. Informacija i znanje, ignorantnost i podatak. Isto je. Postojiti ili ne. Isto je.
Mar 2018 · 258
the truth
Čortoloman Mar 2018
I am the source of ignorance
i am the Source of ignorance
i am the source of Ignorance
Mar 2018 · 237
ignorance is a cancer
Čortoloman Mar 2018
Ignorance is the source of Death.
Mar 2018 · 263
Ignorance is a curse
Čortoloman Mar 2018
Ignorance is a Cancer.
Mar 2018 · 222
everything is relative
Čortoloman Mar 2018
Ignorance is a Curse.
Mar 2018 · 357
The cycle of I
Čortoloman Mar 2018
And so once again.
I become Me then realise it's not me.
I lose this feeling then lose Me.
And so once again I become I.
Divine Me, Divine All. Without any if it could be comprehensive at all.
So once again I become Me.
Mar 2018 · 215
Čortoloman Mar 2018
Bring it up.
Speed it down.
Blood, blood is
All i want to see.

Lift the gun.
Feel the triger.
Scream, scream is
All i want to hear.

Climb the chair.
Ready the knot.
Misery, misery is
All i want to ****.

See the edge.
Forward to empty.
Sleep, sleep is
All I really fear.
Mar 2018 · 263
Čortoloman Mar 2018
There ain't place for my mind to rest. There ain't place for I in me. There ain't place for Me in God. All i can do is wait until we become one.

Logic is something humans like to think is our road of evolution but at the same time it's a made up road that helps us escape from the rest we left behind. You are not ready to think like I do. Because neither am I so you need to go back to where it all began, back to where we were one...

But then again it's a cycle without rules and true order and in this cycle you are made not complete. Your nature is with reason without reason so you can live and stride forward wherever that may be. Because if you were truly complete you would have no reason to strive and would become God. In the end we all become one, whenever we live forever or die alone. That is what im striving for.
Feb 2018 · 228
Čortoloman Feb 2018
How hard can it be? To let it all go to hell and change what you have to change. Let it all crumble and pale.

Making mistakes is human?

Sure but when u start repeating them over and over again you reveal a idiot in you.

Because you obviously need a large cleaning. People change hard because they have already built all this relationships and have spent years of life under this construction.

You think you can change every single word that you said and regret and now realise it's a mistake? Well good luck with that impossibility.

How hard can it be? To let it all go to hell and change what you have to change. Let it all crumble to dust then rebuild again.
When life slaps you don't show teeth you stupid idiot. Who do you think you are. The world can crush you within a day. When life shows you where you break. You listen, become humble and change yourself for a better tomorrow.
Feb 2018 · 221
Čortoloman Feb 2018
Feb 2018 · 210
Čortoloman Feb 2018
Why are you so ******?
So ******* ******.
So chaotic, so depressed.
Why do you live?
Who do you live for?
You hate yourself.
You hate the world that made you.
You hate the world that left you.
You hate yourself.
Why do you wake up?
Who do you wake up for?
Searching for yourself in a place where everyone loses themselves.
Contradicting your character. Contradicting your soul.
You are hurting yourself.
You hate yourself.
You are just a human after all.
Inborn nature to create and destroy.
So chaotic. Makes no sense.
Join the rest of the universe.
Feb 2018 · 318
Čortoloman Feb 2018
(0.) Even though the irony it has 1 dot.
All is contained.

Infinite dots yet so perfectly lined up.
0 is infinitely small while 1 is already so long.

4 directions to us so normal. X-ray vision but we don't care because its not about us and because of the limit we see yet potential something we like to forget.

This is all there is. It's important to some in the future and to some in the past which both cant be seen yet all we can imagine because small is too small and big is too big. Also has the biggest potential because of its infinite directions yet so finite in our heads.

All is the same. No past or future here.
To them we are also seen in xray yet they don't seem to care either. 2. Was too small while 4. Is too big. Yet existence is, and even though in cycles, but is.

4. Was too much so what do I know about this one? Maybe here to exist and not to is the same thing as in 4. Where future and the past are the same...

Sure you still have the eyes of all seeing?
Yeah you do actually. There would be no world or no, no world. There would be no you since you are all that is. Bigger yet smaller than everything. Should you disappear, there will be everything missing once more.
Finally done :0
Feb 2018 · 347
Čortoloman Feb 2018
Nice. Dot you are mine. Or maybe not.

Why do you do or why do I?

No matter if or not, you are dot,

Dot, the dot.
Feb 2018 · 318
The present
Čortoloman Feb 2018
While I walk the woods you will walk the edge. Yes, we are both there but you seem more You, even though you will be nothing soon and won't even look like yourself anymore. At this moment you are the most beautiful thing in this world. You and everything around you acknowledges your existence.

You are alive.

This means nothing to the ones that haven't been introduced to this world yet. And neither does it mean to those that already left. But to you. Who will feel it. Who will see it. Who will know it for a moment at least.

You are alive.

Some will cry.
Some will laugh.
Some will forget.
Some will die.

While i walk the woods you will be there. Stuck inside an image forever burnt inside this one that is neither dead nor is he alive.
Feb 2018 · 985
Čortoloman Feb 2018
I like tea.
All sorts of tea exists.
Some for illness, some to calm, some to bring you up.
You came to my threshold one day asking me to show you the light.
And so i made a tea that sings the song of creation, a tea that brings death to the living and life to the dead, a tea that suits you the most.

You drank it without hesitation, A tea I could make only once, A tea made of my heart and soul.

The world was turned upside down. The past and the future became only a part of you yet all united in the one and only. To exist or not became the same and both were at the same time.

Your voice was the one heard by all. Your mind was the seed of all war, love, death and life.

Yet came the day the tea wore off.
You were turned to dust and became a part of my threshold.

I gave you the tea not to rule others but yourself. Now another eternity has to pass in order for you to appear again...

— The End —