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 Mar 2021 LaFayette
The deep shall
Always go deeper
All the way down
Without a trace...

Spirit attempts to wax brighter
In a symphony of perpetual grace

Love does not extinguish it's own flame
That's the ego playing it's foolish games

A Poet don't complain
Nor bear a bitter heart
The gift of acceptance
Is discovered in our art

So take some deep breaths
And think about thinking
Get beyond the past
And you will quit sinking!
Seeing the time is the right way
Have to take the steps
Otherwise, sooner or later
It may fall back.

If the foot falls in the wrong direction
Once in a lifetime
Lots of efforts need to be burn
In getting to the right path.

Running one mistake from the other
Will make filthy
It will not be possible anymore
To stand up straight.

That's why I think so
Go in the right path
Bring goodness to life
And, find peace in your heart.
Leave vengeance, slander, abdication
There is no achievement in harming others.
Build your life with patience
Fight against evil and injustice all the time.

When someone is in danger, raise your hand
Respect to the elders, do not harm them.
Receive the happiness that the Lord has given you
In no way do not break your integrity.

There will be nothing in the world of short days
If you do something what is good, they will go behind you.
 Dec 2020 LaFayette
until you
 Dec 2020 LaFayette
i’ve always known
how to be
a fantasy

i didn’t know how
to have one

you taught me
how to crave the taste
of someone

and to be honest,
i still do
 Dec 2020 LaFayette
 Dec 2020 LaFayette
if sunsets
have taught me
one thing

it’s how to expect
the sunrise
as sad as it is,
i don’t cry over
goodbyes anymore

and that includes

we served our purposes
in each other’s lives
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