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Dec 2021 · 10
newborn Dec 2021
the ocean is still.
the birds fly gracefully over the fjord.
the snowflakes glisten during their time of the year.
the delicate warbler chirps, singing to himself.
the cows run home for milking.
the flowers whisper in the meadows.
the wind becomes a choir.
the sun waves to the whole of nature.

           and i stand here alone
i am only me inside of these harbors
inside of these ecosystems
i don’t dance
i don’t sing
i tried to be anything
but me.

i tried to be still
but i lost my patience.
i tried to fly gracefully
i fell down at my feet.
i tried to glisten like the snowflakes
i was still a mute color.
i tried to sing to myself and the trees
but i sounded like i was dying.
i tried to run home some day
but my enemies chased me away.
i tried to whisper in the meadows
i sounded like i was yelling.
i tried to become a choir with the wind
but i failed miserably.
lastly, i tried to wave to nature
they just turned their backs to me.

so i stopped trying altogether
i even stopped wishing
until i realized
i didn’t have to be the calm of the storm
i could be the eye
i didn’t have to be the breeze
i could soar on my own wings.
i could make a poem
about how the leaves twinkle like stars with the morning dew inside of them
about how the moon dreams of me
and how i dance for the rain
about how everything belongs in nature
and how i can fit in too.
Be yourself.
You have bigger wings and bigger dreams than everyone else
You have bigger motivation and better reasons than everyone else
Because you are yourself
And no one else
Can change that

Dec 2021 · 15
the boat’s edge
newborn Dec 2021
you stand on the dock of the ship
watching the waves rise and fall
over and over again.
you cower over the edge
glancing softly
but stained from the sword slashes.
you want to see the foreign substance
taste the liquid solution
choke your soluble throat
and bomb the disapproval of the miscreants.
you don’t know what to do—you’re conflicted.
you were told to make the best decisions
but what if you could never determine this?
maybe just one step
and the day’s treachery
and the slavery of the industries you can’t deny
will be gone with the snap of a finger.
you precede slowly
glance at the roaring aqua
and you don’t stop.
you don’t lose.
you only see blue.
The explanation is in the poem

Just read
Dec 2021 · 11
I See You In Everything
newborn Dec 2021
you make me think of unfulfilled promises
words that were never
spat out
onto the ground where the
HOMELESS lady and her
twelve children lay
in the dusk of the merciful day

you make me think of pennies skipping
and you used to smell of cinnamon
essential oils
that i know do
nothing for any
part of you
i guess that’s just what
your mom wanted

and i miss the future we imagined
cause although
it never happened
it feels as if it still weighs on my
the responsibility to keep you alive
not in photography
but in real life

i miss when we hung out
even those times when i said “no”
should have
the most confident “yes”

i’ll still see you in fresh
blooming roses
in tennis shoes hanging
and walking on the tiles
in woods
deep woods with snow
lying softly
as if it wants to be gone
in the color white
and the color blue
a royal blue
a dark color of the deepest ocean
i don’t know if i would crack the ice
where you went fishing
i would find the body of yours
and save it

cause i KNOW for
that you wouldn’t dare pick
me out of the
frozen water
you would leave me there
I still think about you.
Do you even think about me?
Dec 2021 · 49
newborn Dec 2021
I saw one dandelion in a field of frost.
It wasn’t dead, alive of course.
I didn’t pluck it from the ground
Or even make wishes to benefit from this astonishment.

And if you can survive
Keep turning heads.
Keep removing stress.
Keep making everyone’s life get better when there’s a trace of you.
You might be scared at times
But I’m right here.
Oh, I’m right here by your side.

You don’t have to cry, dandelion.
newborn Dec 2021
Your eyes are silver and shades of
My destiny
You’re beautiful
“No one has said that to me.”
I want to taste your saliva
I want to lock in your love
Cause it’s when your rain falls
That I feel at home
They might be killing us from
Every side
But who said we can’t
Put up a fight
You seem petrified
I don’t want you to drown
In the murk of the water
Or on the Devil’s side
In the own safety of your sorrow
Bathing in your sisters blood
She’s not dead in your heart
And you gotta move on
Just watch the beads of sweat
That tumble down my dry and
Erase face
Focus on me
Blessed are you for keeping your
Cool and
Not dying
And bless your peach tree lungs
Lips that taste like cinnamon
You know I’ve never seen such
Beautiful eyes
Holes in someone’s face
Colors, tricolored
Like the fireworks
I haven’t seen since I
Had a mother
But you’re the figure I’ve always
The shoulder that feels like
But is as strong as steel
So even when the barbed wire
Pierces my olive oil skin
I’ll run to you darling
And find sanctuary
In the holes at the top of your head
That glitter
When you smile
Even as everything goes to dust
You’re still afloat
You’re still your father’s girl
You’re still my safety in this world
You’re still a jaw dropping
Type of girl
No one’s soul
Could ever shine as bright as
“Mira, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you smile?”

From the book I am reading right now. It’s so adorable
Dec 2021 · 35
newborn Dec 2021
steroids and temptation
           the wind blows
   and reminds you that you are still alive
                   breathing and gorgeous
  you’re not a waste of paper
                        there’s not a line I wouldn’t
        write for you
                         you’re more meaningful than
         the scenery that passes our eyes
   in seconds
                     in blinks
                                   they are there for a
       you are here for a lifetime
You’re here
I’m taking you fully in
Dec 2021 · 15
Love is
newborn Dec 2021
Love is selfless.
Love is surrendering every part of your entire being to make someone’s day.
Love is giving everything away that you treasure just to fill someone’s soul with pride.
Love is never losing sight of what is truly important.
Love is after a day of heart wrenching failures and flaws, you can confide in them.
Love is like the dark side of the moon.
The one no one gets to see, but once it is full, it is a glowing light, lighting up the dark.
Love is painful.
It’s hard to commit to and can even take a lifetime to perfect.
Love is compassionate.
Like giving every single part of you to help the other person, without expecting anything in return.
Love is sacred.
Love is meant to be shared and shown to everyone, and is meant to be kept close to our hearts, always on our minds.
Love is crazy.
Like screaming at someone you know can’t hear you, but you do it anyway.
It can drive to the edge of a cliff, but grasping back onto you, forcing you to not jump.
Love is hopeful.
Like feeling butterflies in your stomach after you make eye contact.
The burning sensation you feel inside when your breath is ripped away, so quick you don’t even have time to think.
Love is flawed.
Like a dream can make you want something you can’t have.
Nothing is perfect, so of course, love isn’t either.
Love is difficult.
Like solving a math problem you don’t know the answer to, but guessing anyway.
Like having to push away the toxic ones from your life, and having to develop huge growing mountains that create valleys and streams.
While accepting that not everything can go to plan.
Love is risky.
Like a tiny string that could be ripped apart in less than a second, but it’s still hanging on.
Right before you start to free fall and you know what’s in store.
Love is exciting.
Like getting a new toy or entering gates filled with gold and silver, waiting for your entrance.
Love is everything.
Like God put us in the world, he provided others to help guide us on our paths.
Love is everything good, like sweet treats and amusement parks.
Like laughing at jokes, smiling at a T.V. screen, dancing to your favorite song, creating memories.
Love is everything that we wish to be.
You can only love if you choose to lose control.
Love is nothing more than what it is
And is nothing more than it isn’t.
Love is.
What is love like to you?
Leave it in the comments below
Dec 2021 · 40
A Man
newborn Dec 2021
I like a man with charm
As he rests his arm about the hand railing
And says, “You go first.”
                            One who summersaults
           Or dreams of a big wide ocean
   Right in between my notice
                          Want someone who walks like a boss  
          Not a little boy who’s lost
                    I like a man with contempt
     One who wants to trap me beneath his robes
                    His swords
And his guilty words
                             One who touches me like I’m
          The icing on a cake
Like I’m his future wife and we just had
                      Fifteen kids
                                      One who stands over me
       Like a statue
                        I lick the marrow from his bones
         He doesn’t hate
He only acts like he doesn’t care  
                         He knows that gets me high
     Higher than a skyscraper
                            But we still have to eat dinner
      I want someone who thinks I’m sweet
But then flips me over
        And I’m floating in the Dead Sea
                           One who towers over me
    Like a doorframe
             Who softly grazes by my hips
                                                 I wanna kiss his
        Lips cause they taste like independence
And loyalty
                              One who remains cool
Even when the awkward
                Pause is deadly
   He doesn’t have a
                     But what I really want is
     Someone who wants to be with me no matter    
                                            Someone who’ll
   Cuddle right on my front lawn
                        Cause he doesn’t give a crap about

                              I love him
I just want someone lol
Dec 2021 · 29
u r Ugly
newborn Dec 2021
You’re ugly
I told you already.
You touched me with the hands of a coward.
I took away your despicable power
But now I’m the monster.  

She’s ugly.
Her eyes are brown like dirt
And a smile with teeth like cut onions.
Who called it a smile?
I call it wild.
But now I’m following the crowd.

He’s ugly.
He looks like a wannabe female.
With tears that stain on his feminine lips.
I call him out
But now I’m coming for his throat.
You were just poking fingers.

I’m ugly.
I draw myself with pencil marks.
Pencil my own beauty standards in.
I’m not desirable or prudent.
You torch my skin
No one breathes a word.
And I’m still the enemy.

Weird how standards work.
You’re pretty until she’s prettier.
Weird how standards work....

So let’s just get rid of them!
Dec 2021 · 41
newborn Dec 2021
One of the first things I learned
Was that caterpillars break out of their cocoons
And become beautiful butterflies.
      So I tried.
I tried
Tried and tried.
I wanted to break out of my shell
But I never could.
Or maybe I’m not brave enough
Maybe I just entered my cocoon
And I’m about to break out of it
I just need the right amount of courage.
I want to break out of my cocoon
But I don’t know how to
Dec 2021 · 26
social interaction
newborn Dec 2021
i hate social interaction with a burning passion.
the lights, camera, action!
the crying inside but laughing.
the talking, asking.
wearing me down.
seconds from crashing.
the holding together when cracking.
the losing air, the gasping.
the bombs, the blasting.
the “i’m gonna die” contrasting.
the almost ending but lasting.
the social interaction.
I thought of this while walking through crowded school hallways
It stresses me out.

I understand everyone who is struggling with social anxiety.
I’m here for you.
Dec 2021 · 23
What Is Life?
newborn Dec 2021
What do I do with my life?
Running so far my feet can’t touch the floor
I’m lost
I don’t enjoy anything but writing
The pages that call my name
Keep my secrets between their pursed lips
No person is like this
What things do I like to do?
What do I love?
What does my heart throb for?
My heart calls for the expression
The words I can’t express unless I’m surrounded by my emotions
What do I like to do?
I never understood why
I never understood how
I was never my own person
One who only paid attention to herself
I’m the side character in my own life
Why is that?
Do I have to like everything?
I don’t know what to do
Besides write
And the paper will welcome me
Even after a day of ****** and claustrophobia
I’m safe in the arms of the pages
Safe forever:)
The only thing I like to do is write poems and look at you.....
Dec 2021 · 41
Bleeding Conversations
newborn Dec 2021
I’ve always dreamed of textbook conversations
Words that flow like a river or stream
Paper thin small talk
With little to no casualties
My tongue would welcome the soul
Not spit fire
That catch on pale skin
Ignite into a billion warships
The devil himself admires the disappointment
Because I can’t whisper a single word
That wouldn’t **** an innocent soul
He’s just always there
Ripping my throat open
Demanding war
Even though the peace deep in my heart
Wants to scream
He puts me on sale while my face turns
sea green
And oh, a blessed child
Wants to ask me about my day
Although my mind is profoundly shredded
My thoughts screeching
Insisting I reply
But he stops me halfway
Spits in my face
Oh, and I’m speaking like a half dead horse
Whinnying as its back is beaten
By the whip of the beholder
Still remaining submissive.
I wrote this walking out of my classroom.
I thought of how I am struggling with anxiety
And I wrote a poem about it.
The words kept coming out
So I kept writing them.
This is basically what it feels like in my brain when I converse with someone.
Like exactly how I feel
Dec 2021 · 15
newborn Dec 2021
He’s confusing
         I sure am stumped
                As if a puzzle came to life.
  Unlike a book
          I can’t read him
                 Maybe I don’t speak his language
   Yet I still try
          Which proves that I care
                  And I’m not scared
    Because people aren’t open books
           You have to discover them on your own
                     I love that one person could be
    Rocks to me
             And gold to you
                    Even a crescent moon
     And what I see in him is a tree
               With moss, with roots, with leaves
                     Don’t cut it down
     Because someone out there might want
          To plant a thousand more seeds
   From your sprout
                     And grow a society of trees.
For one of my friends. Confusing people, am I right?
Dec 2021 · 20
HAte mysElf
newborn Dec 2021
i talk like a blinding light
  i shoot my opinions out like rockets
not asking, “do you want to hear it?”
   and i hate my voice as much as myself
            and i hate my opinions
hate my face
hate my bones
hate the way i’m obsessed with you
hate the way i’m clueless around clusters of stable fairies
hate the silence when i want to speak
hate my tongue
hate my clothes
hate my beliefs
hate my friendships
hate that i hate my friendships
hate the way i crave laughter
hate the way i ruin moments
hate the rawness of emotions
hate when i run into doorways
hate awkwardness when i can’t hear a word
hate waiting
hate the way the sun shines like a bullet
hate the social interaction
hate everything
          but i don’t hate the boldness
  the flavor that you bring me
         cause before i ate warheads
    and called them sweet like the only word in my dictionary
    but now i’m indulging in candy
  it tastes so bittersweet
             because i didn’t know anyone could love me like i wasn’t a disease
    like i wasn’t an ant to step on
    or a watermelon seed to spit out
                           and i thank you
      because it’s almost been a year
     and you make me hate myself a little less.
“It’s almost been a year and you make me hate myself a little less.”

Since you entered my world
A thunderstorm is just a small interruption
Anxiety is just an illness
Dec 2021 · 24
a while
newborn Dec 2021
I haven’t liked anyone in a really long time
   I mean, in person, in real life
I’m afraid of chasing ignorance
Or waiting for the traffic light to turn green
       So I can run so fast that my legs wish they
    Were broken
              You probably don’t even know
    That when I see someone I’ve seen for a
    I get those old crush, soda can moments
               I don’t even like them
It’s as if the spring wind impresses
      Me now
               When before I was astonished by how
       The snow glistened when the sun shined
     Or how I fell into your arms
          Begging for a lifetime
  But I would only get a measly line.
Idek anymore. I haven’t liked anyone in person in a while now lol

— The End —