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44/F/Mumbai    I'm a passionate seeker of knowledge. Any copyrights solely belongs to me.
Tiana Marie
19/F    Literature is a symphony, and we read it for the same reason we listen to music: it makes us feel something.
Amanda Kay Burke
29/F/Alaska    "Those who do not understand true pain will never understand true peace"
16/Non-binary/a universe far, far away    - I haven't been on here in a while, but I plan to post more things soon!! - they/he/it
moon child
26/F/America    sleep in the car drive away in your bed
Solaris Lanayru
23/F/California    Have the courage to seek the wisdom that will grant you power
20/Non-binary/USA, CO   
Stacy Mills
Michigan    I'm just me That's all I'll ever be Its just me I want you to see Just me That wants to be free All writing ...
17/Non-binary/with my good friend, Grim    I'm breathing but not alive
Non-binary/Haven, ME   

— The End —