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Khaab Sep 2020
She is strong enough
to hide her wounds and tears.
And meets the world with
a warm hug and bright smile.
Even though the wounds are deep
And she knows, it will take years
to fill them...
But she disgusts over herself
As she can't stand being weak
So she picks up her sword
to bring an end to it...before it ends her too.
Every girl out there is a born warrior, fighting with a grace like that of a queen.
Khaab Sep 2020
She calls herself a poetess.
Everything around her flows
like the verses of her poems,
So poetic!
She looks for words everywhere,
Under the table
Between the pages of a book
Behind the tree
In the sky
and in her soul...
Her heart is an ocean of feelings.
Someimes she drowns in them,
But sometimes I find her
playing with the most dangerous tides.
She writes on the pages
like rain from sky.
Moments breathe alive in her poems.
And with each passing day
poetry becomes an indelible part of her.
I wish her luck!
Khaab Sep 2020
Socrates said it right,
"True knowledge exists in knowing
that you know nothing."
You are not that great...humble down.
We are a tiny part of this nature...
So let your roots be grounded
But grow tall and high...reaching the sky.
Just like a tree...which humbles down
as more and more fruits grow on it.
Remember being humble is not your weakness
As being humble means
you know where your inner strength lies.
So be courageous and lead a beautiful life.
You are strong.
You are different.
Keep your self esteem high...buddy!
And do not change it to arrogance.'s rare to find a humble person.
So let's be rare😊
Being arrogant won't let's just try being humble.
Khaab Sep 2020
There is nothing like good or bad,
I guess this world is something above that.
The things which were repulsive
and horified me as a child
are conventional in this world.
It was just me...a kid, splitting up
this world into good and bad.
My father has always told me...this world is completely different than what it is in my head...Today I understood your point Pa!
Khaab Sep 2020
She believes, there is always a shade of light
even in the darkest places.
She feels, even the darkest hearts
have light of love alive in them.
Even if it's itty bitty...
But it is always there.
A person who is cold towards everyone...must have someone he or she loves unconditionally. As we humans are made out of love, it's just the situations...that make hate enter inside us.
Khaab Sep 2020
The ones who have to stay,
will always stay.
And the ones who don't deserve you,
will drift away.
Sometimes it's not your fault...but you are told that it was all yours.It's the time you need to reflect back. But if you know that you gave your best and there was nothing wrong you did...just stand high and ask that person not to question your loyalty.
Khaab Sep 2020
You are your own Sun
And the little thing beating
inside your chest
has your rising phoenix soul!
Yes...that little beating thing
which is caged inside your ribs,
It's precious but wild as well
So take care.
Just embrace it! shine bright!
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