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Oct 2018 · 299
Growing Old
Kenechukwu Oct 2018
There are a lot of things I sit down and remember
I guess it's just me getting older
Days, months and years go by...
Soon you'll say to your youth good bye
Where maturity is king and childishness is a dream
Where work is a must and relaxation is a fairy tale film
Let's not forget the marriage pressures
When all we want is endless pleasure
With a new year comes a new birthday
Reminding you that your closer to becoming clay
Experience becomes painul wisdom
And hard work becomes neccesary income
I leave you to ponder, or even wonder
But don't forget your getting older
And if you have forgotten my name because of age...
Yours truly, Carlton 'the writing sage'
Life is never constant, sometimes you make memories other times you sit back and visit those memories.
Kenechukwu Sep 2018
It starts off...
A pen, paper and nothing,
I walk through the de-sert,
With the belief I can't afford anything,
A slave to the earth,
Always wanting everything,
So I sold my soul and every limb,
All gone now I'm looking in the darkness,
A voice whispers to my skull,
FEAR ME and fearLESS
FIND ME and LOSE you,
Let ME work on what's left,
Give me your broken pieces,
I will find the rest from birth,
I will make your ugly look pretty
Just look on Jesus,
And see how a life of pain,
Turns to one more sheep to gain,
In your destruction lies HIS beauty
From a low life beggar,
To a chief in the community,
But you always remember,
Now that your brighter than the galaxy,
That pride goeth before a disaster,
And you may return back to beauty in destruction,
Like the once top creature,
That thought he was the best creation.
What is beautiful can be destroyed.... What seems to be destroyed can be destroyed.
Sep 2018 · 2.8k
Kenechukwu Sep 2018
I am being pulled from left to right
Every candidate claiming to be the light
Promising heaven, earth and even twilight
Once they win they forget you and take flight.

Gun to our heads by the future leader
'Better vote wisely or become a casper'
Ballot boxes filled with forged paper
Hold your peace or it is a recipe for disaster.

If wishes were real, beggars would ride
Voted for a meal, while the politicians lied
my country is a deal, sold as a cheap bride
All they do is steal, it's time to say goodbye.

You know we are back to the embers'
there's always someone's blood they forget to remember
Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
We are in a fine mess with honorable villions.
My view on elections and voting in some countries.

— The End —