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305 · Sep 2018
Imperfect Perfection
Kayla Sep 2018
The most beautiful girls tend to leave the ugliest scars when they leave.
At least that's what people tend to say....
In all reality every girl is beautiful to me ...
I don't care about looks ; it's about the story that lies beneath her damaged and beautiful soul ...
Her eyes became so dull due to her being put through the worlds most evil diversions causing chaos to flourish .
She may seem damaged and no good to the rest , but to me she is the greatest creation that could ultimately become my new test .
Every girl in this dysfunctional universe that gets put down in this world for whatever reason . Know that you shouldn't listen , because you are amazing and beautiful . So keep going and pushing through ! Keep that gorgeous smile on your face and conquer .
- Mikayla <3
263 · Sep 2018
Kayla Sep 2018
4 AM just laid down heard my phone buzzing
Checked to see who it was
It was someone who I'd never expect
They had called to tell me something had went terribly wrong .
I answered the call to find out that you have just been jumped and shot.
Man I just entered complete shock .
In this moment I can not breathe , just have tears down pouring on my cheeks .
Not able to comprehend and believe what I have just heard .
Can't believe they took you away .
To this day I'm still in that shock can't believe you're now at that heart breaking stop .
I had lost someone that was like a brother to me due to gang violence , so I had wrote this the day after he had passed.
183 · Oct 2018
Kayla Oct 2018
What happened to I'll never leave ?
What happened to our always ?
What happened to if I lose you, I'll forever be broken ?
You seem to be fine , I mean you ended my heart.
Not the other way around.
You left me , remember ?
I was loyal , I was faithful , while you were out their talking to those other girls .
I curved more times than I can count .

While you were out their flirting , and touching other girls .

I remember our first kiss , while you remember your last
If you love me , why didn't you show it ?
I'm now so cold and so broken .
Never again to be prized as a token .
I loved so hard that now I'm broken and shattered into a million demolished pieces .
If you loved me ,why did you leave me to be broken ?
If you loved me , why the hell didn't you just show it ?
You're a liar and a cheat , to be honest I wish I could compete .
Show you , how you left me oh so broken and incomplete .
Heart break is never fun , honestly wish I didn't have to proceed dealing with it . It's a fact of life though is the sad thing .
180 · Sep 2018
The Cold
Kayla Sep 2018
You’ve used all of me.
I am no longer whole.
You’ve used me more than people use light.
You’ve drained me of my light.
Now I am just another dark and shattered soul.
You’ve abused the love I’ve had for you.
Leaving me lonely and cold.
Not knowing who to turn to.
I turned towards using another whole.
You’ve turned me into a monster.
Causing me to use another’s soul.
I’ve drained more than I have filled.
You’ve caused me to become so empty and so cold.
That I no longer can see one for the best that try to love.

— The End —