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From the coldest winter morning,
To the warmest summer night.
For you in sorrow and despair,
I'll always be there to fight.

One day we all will die,
And i'll drift far away from you.
But do not worry my love,
For I'll forever love you.

For our love is not to be measured in time,
But in the time between our lives.
I'm the happiest soul my dear,
For I've received the love of my life.

One day this world will forget me,
Only soul remembering me is you.
Do not worry my love,
For I'll forever love you.
Why do we fear my love, why do we fear this 'time' ? Nothing can set us apart for I'm lucky to have loved you.
 Feb 2018 Karen Crisna
my beloved, i miss you.
i miss our time spent together,
miss the life you brought into my spirit.
don’t you miss how thin you were?
i told you that you didn’t want food—
carbs are bad, remember?—
and you were just so beautiful.
the etched lines of your ribs and collarbone,
carefully defined like charcoal on a watercolor painting.
don’t you miss our late-night chats?
you told me everything you hated about yourself
and i just held you as you crumbled.
i’m sorry i couldn’t bring myself to console you but
your pain was just so beautiful...
i couldn’t tear myself away.
how can you not miss our alone time?
your isolation always kept me company—
until that one day.
you yelled at me,
shouted obscenities at me until you were crying,
but different tears than the ones you shared with me
late at night.
you relapsed into our old relationship,
again and again,
until that one day.
i heard you singing in the shower
for the first time since you were ten years old,
heard you open a bag of chips, eat the whole **** bag,
saw your mother embrace you while
tears fell down her face.
i saw you drive away with
that boy,
the one who kisses your scars
and tells you your past is a tragic beauty.
i could’ve saved you.
don’t tell me you saved yourself.
we could’ve been just so beautiful.

                                                   forever yours,
                                                          ­  me<3

— The End —