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Oct 3 · 31
Four Meals of Comfort
sweetycandy Oct 3
Four meals arrive, each one a delight,  
First, sweet ginger tofu, gentle and light,  
Tender whispers wrapped in flavors so kind,  
Nurturing warmth, a love intertwined.  

Next, the fire, bold and ablaze,  
A meal full of passion, igniting the days,  
Spicy and fierce, it crackles with might,  
A reminder of strength, a dance in the night.  

Then comes the coconut milk, cool and fresh,  
A soothing embrace, like a soft, summer mesh,  
Refreshing and light, it flows like a breeze,  
A taste of the calm in the warm evening’s ease.  

Lastly, sweet bread from family’s hand,  
A slice of home where warmth takes its stand,  
Golden and soft, like a sweet night’s embrace,  
In every bite, love finds its place.
I have no idea but I find today is so cool in odd way. I feel better.... :3
Oct 2 · 40
sweetycandy Oct 2
In shadows cast by thoughts unseen,  
I weave poems that’s purely mine.  
You may enjoy or turn away,  
But my heart’s story won’t be swayed.  

As watchers here, just pause and breathe,  
This is the path I choose to weave.
It’s not your heart I seek to hurt
This journey’s mine, beyond compare.
Today a person asked me if I talked about them in Eden theory, one thing I hope people know that, I want them to be my readers, watchers, not a character in my wonder world because what I wrote all about my emotional. . . You might not get my means, fine, you can ask. But if you were overthinking and feel hurt about it, I feel bad, honestly. I’m sorry for that. So, better to stay out of it and being a reader.
Oct 2 · 43
sweetycandy Oct 2
In stillness, I rest, time slips away,  
No need for ambition, just peace in present  
In the dark, I stand, a quiet help
Helping souls find the thing they have.
I always think how I like to observe, help people in the dark, and having no desire in this life are related? But I think it is also one of life purpose while I am driving my own life. I love watching stars.
Oct 1 · 35
9 lives
sweetycandy Oct 1
Care is the way I try and share,  
Yet how to care? That varies, I swear.  
With a heart so bruised, I tread with care,  
For heartbreak's weight is too much to bear.  

While some have nine lives to rise and fall,  
I hold just one, so I guard it all.  
Through pain and wounds, I strive to be cool,  
Protecting my heart beneath open skies.
I have no idea about the real definition of care, I'm not a person of words, so I show it by giving what I have, not really care how it cost (not really about money). And I have a real situation about health, so I can't have a heartbreak, so the question is: are they trustworthy? If yes, I will give them a knife. They can **** me, seriously. I'm sorry, I know you just try to convince me in good way, but I can't do it easily, my friend.
Oct 1 · 86
Water Drops
sweetycandy Oct 1
Kitty'll be here through the night,  
Until they spreads their wings and takes flight.  
In their freedom, its heart will rejoice,  
As they find their path, guided by their voice.

A kitty chases shadows in flight,  
Following birds that vanish from sight.  
In its heart, their songs still play,  
A love for them that won’t fade away.
Today, a friend of mine cried over something I don’t quite understand. I might be heartless and too independent for this warm world. If I can’t provide a solution, I will offer my shoulder. I wonder if that’s enough to help her...  I don't know how to show my care, although she said "don't worry!", I hope she meant it.
Sep 29 · 42
sweetycandy Sep 29
I’m lost in thought, the problem still there,
His words linger, heavy, in the air.
But then I wonder, as moments slip by,
If I plant some mint, would it satisfy?
If you read this, H, give me some mint candy :p
Sep 29 · 51
sweetycandy Sep 29
There’s a man called H, cloaked in night,
Both my partner and shadowed delight.
He’s my amigo, my “curse”,
Though I fight him, I lose every fight.

In his grasp, I am bound, though I try,
To escape from the grip of his eye.
I build walls to defend,
In his darkness, my courage runs dry.

I wonder what thoughts linger in his gaze,  
As he offers me two paths to amaze.  
The last, a blade with two tongues of strife,  
Does he seek my fear, or sharpen my life?

He’ll return next weeks, seeking my choice,
Asking which path calls to my voice.
He stands by my side, no one else near,
Not his family, nor mine, just us here.
I hate physical touching, but I don’t think I mind it when it’s something like “a shoulder for vulnerable ME.” However, it’s bad whenever he touches my reverse scales. He shoots at my heart with words and eyes —it’s freaking bad, but I still smile.. idk, might be because I trust him or weakness? haha
Sep 29 · 44
sweetycandy Sep 29
The faces in the manga felt so real,
Like people I know, with the same appeal.
I showed it to X, T leaned in too,
Both amazed at how much they knew.

Then the chat shifted, as it does with flair,
To left and right hands and styles of hair.
X used the left, T used the right,
In simple things, we found delight.

Amid our laughter, ideas took flight,
We found a way to build our project right.
Inspired, we crafted plans, a vision in sync
My fourth phone with a pop-up, “Get.”
Strange, I have no words to describe this moment. Its not bad hmm
Sep 28 · 43
Spiral Charm
sweetycandy Sep 28
He asked, “Are you a black spiral near?”
“Why, do I pull you in, my dear?”
With a smirk and a tease,
He made me laugh with ease,
His dark humor drew me so near!
Just another one, his jokes are never stop lol
Sep 28 · 39
Normal J
sweetycandy Sep 28
He asked, “Are you French, by the way?
’Cause Eiffel for you, I must say.”
I was confused and said, “No,”
But he still had that glow,
His cheesy line brightened the day!
I was stressed by several things in my work life, but he made my day :D
Sep 27 · 38
sweetycandy Sep 27
Though screens divide, our minds align,
In patterns where our thoughts entwine.
He’s serious, though not like me,
A little stern, but I can see.
We balance well, a push, a pull,
His humor sharp, my humor full.
We talked about some pattern art for work. We argued (sarcastic funny way on screen) and realized that we could do things by mixing up. Alright I get the benefit of flaws lol
sweetycandy Sep 27
My bed, a gift I ignored,
In tired times, it has stored.
He hides his fatigue,
In silence, so sleek,
But like me, it’s rest he’s adored.
A long and tiring day, many things to do
Sep 26 · 52
sweetycandy Sep 26
Today I learned the simplest things,
In every moment, joy it brings.
A mix of feelings, light and new,
A quiet guide, and I just knew.

He led me down a path so clear,
Step by step, I followed near.
With every turn, the doubts fell away,
And somehow, I felt okay.
He is right about some points, so I can get rest at home in the day with complexity thoughts and feelings.
Sep 26 · 56
Mint Candy
sweetycandy Sep 26
I wonder if your care was ever true,
In waking hours, I never knew.
Our last words linger, lost in dreams,
Where nothing is as real as it seems.

You gave me a mint, cool and sweet,
But in the silence, we did not meet.
If only I could hear your voice once more,
To say goodbye, like before.

But dreams are fading, soft and slow,
And now, my dear, I let you go.
The reason that I don’t say goodbye, because it hurts me. I rather let people say it first, then I will feel better. I’m selfish person, I’m sorry for that. This is real.
Sep 26 · 36
It’s Already Late
sweetycandy Sep 26
Though I say, “I trust you,” it’s untrue,
While “I love you” reveals what I knew.
To ease all the strife,
Let’s part from this life,
For forgetting is best for us two.
“I trust you” is the lie that cloaks the pain,
While “I love you” holds the truth; better we part and refrain.
Sep 26 · 73
sweetycandy Sep 26
In a world of voices, I stand alone,
With a heart open wide, my seeds have been sown.
I hold no grudges, no spite in my chest,
For every soul dances, seeking their best.

I cherish the laughter, the stories they share,
Each life a tapestry, woven with care.
Why question my heart, is it light as the air?
I prefer to uplift, to nurture, to spare.

Let me witness the triumphs, the dreams come alive,
In the warmth of connection, our spirits can thrive.
So let go of the burdens, the weight of the past,
For in kindness and joy, true freedom is cast.

No hate in my heart, just a wish for the light,
To see all souls flourish, to nurture the night.
So I stand in the silence, a witness, a stranger,
In a world full of love, where all hearts can mend.
People often ask me if I judge them. Actually, I don’t mind what they do or think. I care, but I don’t concern myself with everything they’ve done or are doing for their plans.

People also ask me to keep their secrets. I won’t spill anything for two reasons: I don’t remember what they say, and second,  I believe their stories aren’t mine, so I prefer to interpret them metaphorically, leaving no one acknowledged.

People can say I’m heartless, I want to change it in positive way. It is hard and painful when I have to express emotional sides. Anyway, I’m not perfect.
Sep 26 · 44
Odd People
sweetycandy Sep 26
I met two men beneath the sun,
Each shining bright, yet they were one.
The first would smile on darkest days,
A light that cut through shadowed haze.

His warmth was soft, his laughter kind,
A balm for troubled heart and mind.
But now he’s gone, his glow is past,
A sun that set too soon, too fast.

The second man, a different flame,
Still warm, but never quite the same.
His light is calm, though shadows stay,
A sun that drifts, yet holds the day.

Detached, he stands with quiet grace,
No smiles, but peace within his space.
Two suns I’ve known, both bright, yet far,
One lost to time, one distant star.

Now he’s my mentor, guiding me still,
He teaches with patience, each lesson a gift,
In moments of doubt, it’s his light that I lift.
A beacon of calm under ever-changing skies.
I am wondering why I meet a lot of shining people; they shine a lot, but they give humble, silly words like I am not like that. But I think people have both sun and moon sides; what they show off is their unconscious choices.
Sep 26 · 231
sweetycandy Sep 26
I heard his name in winter’s chill,
A whisper soft, but lingers still.
He taught me all the strange and rare,
A mentor lost to rain-soaked air.

He gave his legacy, then went,
His love, his wisdom—both well-spent.
He’s now the scar I wear with pride,
A mark forever by my side.

My amore, in death’s embrace,
Yet always with me, not a trace
Of you will fade; you stay instead,
A love that lives within my head.

In mind, in heart, you’re never dead—
You live forever in my head.
He has been dead since 2022 but I always talk with him in dreams. I have a “magic” that I can talk with my dear death people whenever I miss them. Only two people, my dear best friend and my amore.
Sep 25 · 46
sweetycandy Sep 25
At a young time, he learned to keep
Crazy moods as cold as stone.
No tears, no cracks—just balance.
To protect his soft heart,
He must behave the right way.

Madness stirs, but he holds it firm,
A dance between calm and chaos.
Sometimes, the sun needs to rest,
To give space, or else burn too bright.

Planets drift, seeking their safe place,
And he, too, needs trust or distance—
To protect himself, he steps back,
Until he can come close again.
He is like the sun, woke people up, and also drained people out if they got too much. I realized that I also caught his little moments, being cold because of same reason. It is not the right thing, but time would solve if we tried.
Sep 25 · 38
sweetycandy Sep 25
I have all the things I can hold,
But seek something deeper, untold.
He laughs through the screen,
Says, “You’ll see what I mean,
Just give it some time to unfold.”

Though I plan and I think every day,
He reminds me, “There’s no need to stray.
Life moves at its pace,
In its slow, steady grace,
Don’t worry, you’ll find your own way.”
He has some cool advices, but he is really a cute *******.
Sep 25 · 55
The Sound Of Silence
sweetycandy Sep 25
T hrough empty halls, he walks alone,
H earing only the quiet’s subtle tone.
E very echo fades, dissolving in the night.

S tillness surrounds him, sharp and bright,
O nce more, he feels the weight of time.
U nseen currents flow, almost sublime,
N othing stirs, yet something deeply moves.
D ark rivers course through veins, he proves.

O n the surface, calm — within, unrest,
F or silence hides the shadows unexpressed.

S lowly, he listens to the silence speak,
I t hums in hearts, both strong and weak.
L iquors black like night flow through each vein,
E ntering his thoughts, deep and arcane.
N ow, alone, he finds the quiet true,
C aught in the space where nothingness grew.
E very soul hears silence in its core.
I remembered a time when I created this poem with my man. I have just completed the last part of it. It was inspired by a song named The Sound Of Silence.
Sep 25 · 34
sweetycandy Sep 25
In the twilight mist where shadows entwine,
I met a girl in a white T-shirt, divine.
Her eyes held secrets of worlds yet unseen,
Whispering riddles where darkness had been.
We wandered through echoes, where time seemed to bend,
Each step a mystery, each glance a new end.

“Follow me,” she beckoned, her voice like a spell,
“To realms where the magic of night softly dwells.”
Through the veil of the forest, we danced with the unknown,
Unraveling dreams in a language unshown.
In the depths of the night, where the hidden hearts roam,
Together we ventured, in shadows we’d smiled
She is beautiful, not like some world standards, my intuition whispered she has more than she expressed today. Oddly, I still find she is so pretty even though she has 12 fingers.
Sep 25 · 41
The Late Apologies
sweetycandy Sep 25
In the quiet corners of my heart,
No hatred lingers, no bitter part.
Yet shadows whisper of those I’ve wronged,
With silent sorrows, my spirit’s song.

I’ve seen the pain in their weary eyes,
A glimpse of truth beneath their sighs.
Though my actions weren’t what they believed,
Innocence lost, and trust deceived.

I stand with shadows, some false, some real,
Caught in a web, emotions conceal.
Regret dances softly on the edge of my mind,
For the hurt I’ve caused, though unaligned.

So here’s to the souls I’ve let down,
I wear my remorse like a tattered crown.

I am sorry!
I would say, there were things that I did not do like people believe, something, I was blinded by false faiths. After all, I hurt people, no more excuses. I’m sorry!

I don’t hope people will forgive me, just hope they continue their life, and no looking back. Let me die slowly.
Sep 25 · 43
sweetycandy Sep 25
In the mirror of his choices, he sees his own face,
No longer a pawn in this intricate race.
The roles he has taken, he wears like a cloak,
Not shackles that bind him, but armor bespoke.

He owns this journey, the paths that he treads,
Neither saint nor sinner, just the words he has said.
Good or bad for another, that’s theirs to define,
But the power he holds is solely his design.

He won’t let the titles dictate who he is,
Not a king nor a beggar, just a man with a vision.
These labels are fleeting, like whispers in air,
He breathes in the moment, letting go of the care.

What he has is temporary, a gift in disguise,
Each day a new canvas, painted with skies.
So he slows down the tempo, finds peace in the flow,
Embracing the present, wherever it goes.

No rush to abandon what life has bestowed,
He’ll walk with intention on this winding road.
He’ll savor each heartbeat, each laugh, and each sigh,
Living for now, letting time slip by.

With every decision, he carves out his way,
No chains on his spirit, just freedom to sway.
In the dance of existence, he’ll find his own song,
For he is who he chooses, and he’ll carry along.
I love my old photos. I did not feel shame, but guilty because I did not appreciate my fragile time. Still fragile now, but I don’t hate it like the past. He, hated his past decisions, also forgave himself, why can’t I?
sweetycandy Sep 25
We stood together, side by side,
Watching the apple trees far and wide.
A family tended them with care,
A simple life, without despair.

No crowns to wear, no battles to fight,
Just the quiet peace of fading light.
You and I, we shared the same dream,
To be nothing, to let go of the gleam.

No burden of names, no titles to hold,
Just the warmth of the earth, a story untold.
A wish we carried after all these years,
To live without weight, without our fears.

We looked at the trees and whispered aloud,
Maybe this was their wish, the first and proud—
Adam and Eve, in a world so wide,
Longing for peace, with nothing to hide.

To return to the soil, to live and to breathe,
Without the sorrow, without the need.
We saw it there, in the family’s hands,
A life of simplicity, not by command.

And as the apple trees swayed in the breeze,
We felt the truth, as soft as the leaves—
That we and they, through time and strife,
Only ever wished for a normal life.
Hoping people will read it as an audience, no matter if it was right or wrong. It was just one of my good moments.
sweetycandy Sep 25
A man spoke today, with wisdom in his eyes,
Saying we are both angels and demons in disguise.
Half-blood creatures, born of mud and light,
Walking in the gray, neither black nor white.

We live between worlds, where shadows blend,
Near to the divine, where heavens descend.
Like Lucifer, who once soared so high,
Now walks among us, beneath the same sky.

We strive to be near the gods, though flawed,
Half-believing, half-doubting, we still applaud.
For even in darkness, we see the truth’s gleam,
Agreeing He is there, as real as a dream.

In this gray life, we rise and we fall,
Both cursed and blessed, yet connected to all.
Angels and demons, in a dance so divine,
Seeking the godliness we know is mine, is thine.
Sep 24 · 38
The Piano’s Voice
sweetycandy Sep 24
He sat beside me, quiet and still,
His hands on the keys, with a hidden skill.
No one knew the song he could play,
But in that moment, he led the way.

His fingers moved with gentle grace,
A melody soft, filling the space.
He said, “I find it hard to show,
The feelings inside I barely know.”

So he taught me how the music flows,
How in each note, a story grows.
Through keys and chords, his heart was revealed,
A language of sound, long concealed.

He wasn’t one to share his mind,
But through the piano, we intertwined.
Each lesson more than just a song,
A way to express what felt so wrong.

No words were needed, no voice to speak,
His emotions poured in every streak.
I learned not just the notes he played,
But the silent thoughts he’d never say.

And as the melody lingered on,
I felt the depth of what had been drawn.
In teaching me, he found his release,
Through music, his heart had found its peace.

Now when I play, I hear his soul,
The quiet man who made me whole.
In those lessons, I came to see,
That music was how he shared with me.
He played you are my destiny
His fingers moved like magicians
He shares same aspect of my dear old friend
He stands still differently, in an odd way
Sep 24 · 39
sweetycandy Sep 24
He was born into power, a family so grand,
The eldest of three, with the weight in his hands.
Two younger brothers, with hearts full of light,
He swore to protect them, to shelter their flight.

His dreams were once vivid, of stories to tell,
With a camera in hand, he’d capture the spell.
But duty called louder, the legacy clear,
So he buried his wishes, without shedding a tear.

Each day, he smiled, though the ache never ceased,
A secret he carried, a longing unreleased.
For the world saw strength, but his heart held the pain,
Of dreams left behind in the shadow of gain.

He gave up his passion, became their shield,
To guard their ambitions, his heart never healed.
Sacrifice noble, but it weighed on his soul,
For every lost picture, he lost more control.

But love has a way, like a whisper it grows,
His brothers could see through the mask that he chose.
They pleaded, they begged, “Let us carry this too,
You don’t have to break for the dreams we pursue.”

He faltered, then yielded, and shared what was real,
The burdens, the sorrow, the weight he could feel.
And in that moment, he found what was lost,
The love of his family, whatever the cost.

He had been strong, but in sharing his load,
He realized true strength was lightening the road.
His brothers stood with him, no longer alone,
In love, he was lost, but in love, he was home.

Now the dreams he once hid no longer seem far,
For family’s love is the brightest of stars.
And though he still bears the legacy’s name,
He’s found his own path, and it’s never the same.
My legacy, His legacy.
We have the same legacy with different meanings now
I don’t think that I am something
I just feel his heaviness on shoulder
I feel good and bad for our wings
sweetycandy Sep 24
In her father’s grand empire, she took her place,
Once full of visions that time could not erase.
A heart full of plans, she envisioned wide and far,
But duty called her back, like a guiding flame.

She set aside her youthful flight,
To carry his burdens, to stand in his light.
At first, anger surged, a fire inside,
But now she sees the love he tried to hide.

For he was not a man of easy words,
His love unspoken, like distant birds.
Yet in his silence, she finally knew,
Every act was a way to say, “I love you.”

No longer burdened by anger or pain,
She saw the care in his quiet refrain.
Through sacrifice, both hearts found their peace,
And her soul, once restless, now found release.

The man she loved heard the tale one day,
Her father’s heart, in its clumsy display.
With a gentle smile, he took her hand,
“Regrets mean nothing, it’s all just the plan.”

“Every step you took, though hard to see,
Was part of the journey that set you free.
You did your best, even if it felt late,
Now you’re free to create your own fate.”

In his words, she felt the weight lift,
The past, once heavy, became a gift.
Her father’s legacy no longer a chain,
But a memory to her growth, after the rain.

So she embraced her present with a heart unbound,
Her father’s love, in silence profound.
And with the man she adored by her side,
She walked into freedom, her spirit untied.
The red girl gave me a death wish and painful truth. She is no longer in my memory but the blessing. My man told me the same thing, we don’t hate her as we thought. I found my dad and my man in the darkest nights. Wishing everyone will archive everything they want in life.
sweetycandy Sep 24
On a quiet shore where the waves softly kissed,
She wandered alone, lost in the mist.
The sun dipped low, painting skies of gold,
When a figure emerged, his story untold.

He knelt by the tide, where the ocean meets land,
Writing something secret in the warm, golden sand.
Curiosity stirred as she drew near,
A message inscribed that brought forth a tear.

“I was dead,” it read, “but now I am found,
In the whispers of waves, where hope can abound.”
Her heart skipped a beat at the words he had penned,
A moment so fleeting, yet time seemed to bend.

He looked up and smiled, a light in his eyes,
A warmth in his gaze that felt like the skies.
In his hand, a bottle, filled with sea’s treasure,
A gift from the depths, a token of pleasure.

“Take this,” he said, “for you’re never alone,
In the depths of the ocean, we’ve all found a home.”
With sea glass and shells, the bottle held dreams,
A piece of the ocean, or so it seems.

She stood there in wonder, with the setting sun,
As waves danced around them, their spirits as one.
For in that brief moment, a connection so real,
She found something precious, something to feel.

As the tide washed away what was written that day,
The message lingered on, in her heart it would stay.
For the man by the shore, with his words in the sand,
Gave her hope in the ocean, and the strength to withstand.
sweetycandy Sep 24
He loved the flaws she tried to show
The scattered pieces, her tender side.
The little cracks, the gentle strain,
All the parts that brought her pain.

She once sat in a father’s dream,
A chair bound tight in another’s scheme.
His ambitions pressed, her own were lost,
She paid the price, she knew the cost.

But in his eyes, she found her peace,
His perfect vision brought release.
He saw the beauty in her mess,
In every stumble, no less, no less.

She loved his gaze, so pure and true,
For it was what she longed to view.
Not another path laid out for her,
But the love he gave, so sure, so pure.

For in his sight, her heart could be,
The woman she had longed to see.
No more the weight of others’ dreams,
Just his love, like flowing streams.

And as she sat, no burdened chair,
But in his world, so light, so fair,
She found the man who loved her flaws,
And in his perfect view, she saw.
sweetycandy Sep 24
For Star, with love from lilac

I loved you as the night loves the moon,
A quiet, distant glow in the gloom.
You were cold, yet beautiful—so far,
I reached for you, my lonely Star.

You smiled, but the sadness in your eyes
Held secrets, like the endless skies.
A soul so deep, so rich, so pure,
But pain too vast for love to cure.

Your talent gleamed like morning light,
Yet darkness clung to you each night.
No family held you close and warm,
No arms to shield you from the storm.

The world gave you its fleeting praise,
But in your heart, you’d set a blaze.
A fire that burned from deep within,
And none could see the hurt, the sin.

I tried to love you, tried to stay,
But you were already drifting away.
The closer I came, the more you’d hide,
Lost in the emptiness inside.

I called your name, you heard my plea,
But you were too far gone to see
That love could reach, that love could heal—
You’d frozen your heart so you couldn’t feel.

Now, I speak to the stars at night,
Hoping that somehow, you’ll hear my light.
Though you’re gone, and the pain won’t end,
I’ll love you, Star, until the bend
Of time itself brings you to me,
Where your soul at last is free to be.

But until then, my heart will weep,
For a love too deep for you to keep.
For the person who I will never forget, my star!

— The End —