Have you ever fell in love?
Fell in love soo over-whelmingly
That you cannot survive the fall
Fell in love such that
That one person is your gravity
Like he is the one meaning of your existence
That one person echoing in your head
Like the vallies sutround you
He is everywhere
In your imagination
In your hallucinations
In your dreams
In your words
Just his mere mention
Can light something in you
That can make you burst with the blindness of his rime
Stuck in a satan's play
Weakened by your own blindfold game
You don't see yourself being dragged in pain which he frames
And now you realise
That you are fooled with his gorgeous smile
Now lying in cold freezing night
With the hand on your heart
Hoping for a new shine
And you think love is just not mine
Snapping the fingers
And you are out of your dreamy night
Relieved, so relieved
That you could plunge with joy
Standing in front of you
Is the love of your life
With the gorgeous smile
And the overwhelming love for you, right?
And stupid girl don't you see
Here is your cold freezing night
Your satan's play
Standing in front of you
And you! Proving yourself
That love is just not mine