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Have you ever fell in love?
Fell in love soo over-whelmingly
That you cannot survive the fall
Fell in love such that
That one person is your gravity
Like he is the one meaning of your existence

That one person echoing in your head
Like the vallies sutround you
He is everywhere
In your imagination
In your hallucinations
In your dreams
In your words
Just his mere mention
Can light something in you
That can make you burst with the blindness of his rime

Stuck in a satan's play
Weakened by your own blindfold game
You don't see yourself being dragged in pain which he frames
And now you realise
That you are fooled with his gorgeous smile
Now lying in cold freezing night
With the hand on your heart
Hoping for a new shine
And you think love is just not mine

Snapping the fingers
And you are out of your dreamy night
Relieved, so relieved
That you could plunge with joy

Standing in front of you
Is the love of your life
With the gorgeous smile
And the overwhelming love for you, right?
And stupid girl don't you see
Here is your cold freezing night
Your satan's play
Standing in front of you
And you! Proving yourself
That love is just not mine
She hangs crystals from the sun
Always dreaming

She streams her dreams
From magical strings
Yellow ribbons hang from the sky
She climbs higher each day
Hoping tomorrow will birth yesterday
She climbs, she dreams
She hangs crystals from the sun
He hugged me
Tears running down his face
I felt him shudder
For the whole human race

Just who condemned him
Has always been clear
The righteous
The believers
The possessors
Of fear

Yet sympathy
I felt
For the Devil
Because forgiveness
   Runs through my veins...
Traveler Tim

We pay our debt sometimes.
Saint = Stain
Scared = Sacred
Dear = Dare = Read
Life = File
War = Raw
Hate = Heat
Hatred = Red Hat = Thread
Leap = Plea
Last = Salt
Evil = Levi = Live = Vile = Veil
Ear = Are = Era
Lust = ****
Eat = Tea = Ate
Earth = Heart = Retha
Door = Odor
Dog = God
Sword = Words
Arts = Star = Rats
Art = Rat = Tar
Snake = Sneak
Arm = Ram
Neo = One
Low = Owl
Psalm = palms
Slow = owls = lows
Robe = Orbe = Bore
Baby = Abby
On = No
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Today I wrote a poem
Not to make people happy
But to cause them pain
I wanted them to hurt
As they had hurt me so

I wrote so they would cringe
At every line I spoke
Presenting to the class
I wanted them to squirm at what I wrote

I didn't just make it uncomfortable
I made it horrid and dark
I spoke the truth
Words never hurt more than when they're true
I cursed them all with reality

I've never written more passionately
Fueled by spite and rage
Then crashed after the high
But how wonderful it was!
To hurt with simply words
As they had done before

I know that it was wrong
But still
How wonderful as well
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