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Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
Seattle eyes,
Longing, searching,
Filling and flowing,
To be earthed,
With arms open
In a puddle

Phoenix lips,
Pursed, bitten,
Scabbed at the corners
Red in the center
Waving cautiously
To Seattle draught

New York fingers,
Fidgeting, picking,
Anxiously waiting
For the electricity
Of a subway stare,
"Get the **** over here".
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
Oh and slipping...
Strands of hair,
Moon water,
Fall air

Dried roses,
Dead vines,
Alarms howling,
Over stayed,

Gray tones,
Mature bones,
Cracked lips,
Tired hips,

Six feet below,
Light years above,
Hollow cave,
Pure white dove,
Black veils,
Black blood
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
Delicately sitting
On the apple
Fallen not too far
From the tree

Candles blown
Wishes askew
Pearlescent hue
Dreams of you
My apple

Or tossed
I thought
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
May he be created of Earth
The man who takes my breath
He who tends to my raging fire
The calmer of my chaotic sea

Coerce me down from colliding clouds
Where rainfall drowns out the sound
Of my diligent thoughts dividing and
More so often than not multiplying

May his granite eyes become my home
To tether me to this place dissolving
Such as quicksand but at a glacial pace
Might the branch to save me be his face

I'm tethered but it's fraying
My body is here but it's decaying
And I'm trapped inside my head
Just too drained to leave this bed
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Butterfly kisses
Sun licked
Salt brined
Soft sand

Two hands
Twenty fingers
Light gust
Waves crash

Soft spoken
Silly smirk
Beach towel
Wet saliva

Butterfly kisses
Sparkling water
Sweat tresses
Held secure
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
I think I prefer him on the down low
Getting him on the cellular is a no go
Stays ringing in my heart and ears
I want his backhand and his tears
Creeping during the darkest hour
He is my nightshade poison flower

Bad boy with bulging veins
Stripped down to his pain
And he's not so tough anymore
He's got the sweetest core

I think I prefer him on the down low
Plan a date in the day and he's a no show
Leave my midnight window ajar
Like an alley cat he's never too far
My thighs double as his pillow
Got that sadness like the willow

Bad boy covered in ****** ink
But he smiles and I sink
And he's not so tough anymore
When his clothes hit the floor
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Fine mist permeates
Decorated, adorned
Sweet caresses
Glistening, drenched
Pulse points pounding

Inhale deeply
Influx of images
Some imaginary
Most are memories
Muffled deep within
Beneath the subcutis

Dewy skin
Silver shift
Moonlit dancing
Forceful invitations
Disrobed temples
Soft moans
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