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  Feb 2019 Jen
I think love is what we need in the world.
We needed it so badly we created it. Then we fought over it. And we corrupted it. It even became a disease. Until we found it had a medicinal effect. It could heal.

Love seeps into the ground where we bury it. The decay leaves traces of it. So is love also in death? Love is powerful indeed.

If love can find its way in life and death, it must not be mortal like us. Perhaps we can call it Divine. It must be what we see when we look up to the sky.

That’s why we describe it in so many ways. It flows like the blood in our veins. And when we no longer have the strength in our heart, it becomes the soul of our own.
Jen Feb 2019
Steady grip
Pressed down
To pull you up
Held with
All my strength
To pull you up
From below ground
No matter how
Hard I tried
To pull you up
You stayed down
This piece is in the eye of the beholder.  It could depict a person with depression trying to overcome it, or it could be seen as someone trying to help a person that they love who is suffering from something.  There might be other views too.
Jen Feb 2019
Static chill
Shines submerged
Making love
To dying galaxies
We all die eventually
If it were the last day
If it were only yesterday
Would you still hold back
Would all remain the same
Jen Feb 2019
You have a beautiful soul
It's been beaten
Tortured and tamed
Don’t hide it
You have a beautiful soul
Living inside
Let it out
Let it shout
Let it hide
Let your inner beauty
Shine out
  Feb 2019 Jen
Lori Jones McCaffery
All that effort
With no real gain
Nothing to show for it
But tears and pain.

All that struggle
Against fearsome odds
Earned from the world
The briefest of nods.

All that caring-
Reaching out
No one cares
What I’m about.

Bloodying fists
Against brick walls-
I’m ready to answer
But no one calls.
One step forward and two steps back.  Depression creeps in and out like the tide.
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