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Sep 2020 · 108
Detention Center Villanelle
Jeff Sep 2020
Pain, unimaginable to the innocent mind,
Wracks their bodies at night.
To their suffering, the world is blind.

All of their requests declined,
The guards spit on their humanity with ill disguised spite.
Pain, unimaginable to the innocent mind.

The government tries to keep their voices confined,
As they keep the centers far out of sight.
To their suffering, the world is blind.

Screaming and crying, mothers and children are reassigned
To separate detention centers bathed in harsh light.
Pain, unimaginable to the innocent mind.

Far from the cities, they are trapped behind
Bars of ill disguised jails as they cower in fright.
To their suffering, the world is blind.

Behind their tv screens, the world watches the tragedy unwind,
They watch, sympathizing but not acting on, this violation of rights.
Pain, unimaginable to the innocent mind,
To their suffering, the world is blind.
Dec 2019 · 118
It's Been a While
Jeff Dec 2019
It's been a while since I've written anything for fun,
my mind has gone to rest.
School has made writing something that I shun,
which turned me into a mess.

I constantly run around in circles,
searching for the right words to say.
I have to try to clear an endless set of hurdles,
as I struggle to wade across the boundless bay.

The bay separating me from my creativity.
The bay separating me from my truth.
The bay keeping me in timeless captivity.
The bay that's taking away my joyful youth.

Someday I'll learn to bridge the divide,
to transcend the barriers that keep me on the shore.
To let parts of me out that I usually hide.
To be myself and never ask for more.
Apr 2018 · 182
Time I've Lost
Jeff Apr 2018
Sitting in this classroom,
silently thinking about,
all the time that I have lost.
Jeff Nov 2017
Pluma, usted es una burbuja
Yo no le veo mucho pero,
Cuando yo le veo, me hace el dia.
Como una burbuja, siempre es libre,
libre al andar con los vientos,
donde se van.
Ahora, sin embargo, yo no pienso en usted mucho.
Cuando yo lo hago, yo le imagino atrapado,
atrapado en una colección de arte en una casa,
pensando sobre la vida que tenia cuando fue libre.
Pero, todavia espero.
Espero que un dia, va a ser ser libre otra vez.
Libre a andar con los vientos en el cielo.
Tambien pregunto, todavía recuerda,
cuando yo le sostenía en mis manos,
Y después dejando que vuele mientras gritaba con felicidad
porque finalmente, yo ayude algo a su libertad.
Nov 2017 · 221
Ode to a feather
Jeff Nov 2017
Feather, you are a bubble.
I don't see you very often but,
when I do, it makes my day.
Like a bubble, you are always free,
free to ride the winds,
wherever they may take you.
Now, however, I don't think of you as much.
When I do, I imagine you trapped.
Trapped in someone's art collection at home,
thinking about the life you had when you were free.
But still I hope.
I hope that someday, you will be free once again,
free to ride the winds in the sky.
Also I wonder, do you still remember
when I held you in my hands,
And then let you go while shouting with glee,
because finally, I had helped something to be free.
Nov 2017 · 216
When I was only five
Jeff Nov 2017
Tragically when I was only five,
my grandfather needlessly passed away.
He was a man with a fierce love for life.

I clearly remember the day he died,
I think it’s my clearest memory to this day.
Even though at the time I was only five.

We played guitar and watched the hours pass by.
Through our bones we felt the chords resonate.
He truly had a fierce love for life.

Sadly he also smoked and drank, and with time,
it killed him but I never saw his ashtray,
probably because I was only five.

We shared the same birthday, him and I.
Together we celebrated that special day
Led by his deep and fierce love for life.

For me, Far-Far was the name he went by.
I still remember his whiskers on my face.
And even though I was only five,
I still remember his fierce love for life.
This is the first villanelle that I have written so hope you like it!
Nov 2017 · 596
In this modern age
Jeff Nov 2017
In this modern age
we have so many things.
We forget what we have
Jeff Nov 2017
I think to myself everyday,
what have I done to deserve
this loving family?

All I do is complain
about small trivial things
such as chores and homework.

Yet I still manage to keep them loving me,
to keep them caring about where I go,
and who I am.
Nov 2017 · 182
Jeff Nov 2017
Looking up at the trees,
thinking quietly to myself,
am I worthy of love?
Oct 2017 · 213
I love you
Jeff Oct 2017
I love you.
These are just three simple words,
that can mean so much
but can also mean nothing at all.
Oct 2017 · 216
Brisk Wind, Warm Breeze
Jeff Oct 2017
Brisk wind
       blowing through the window
                  making me feel
                           like I have energy once again.

                           Warm breeze
                   blowing through the window
       making me feel
drowsy as hell.
Just because..
Oct 2017 · 181
Jeff Oct 2017
shining through the clouds
making me feel like things
might just be all right
Oct 2017 · 494
Tropical Storm Nate
Jeff Oct 2017
I was trapped on an island of isolation
I had nothing to do but play guitar and wait
I could only hope that my dad wouldn't say any more bad puns
Sadly bad puns are kind of a family trait

I was just wondering when the rain would stop coming down
When it would stop pounding over our heads
Tropical storm Nate was the cause of all the frowns
It left all of our stuff slightly wet

However, one day the rains finally stopped
And the sun started to shine through
We stopped having to use a mop
To clean up the morning dew

This experience really educated me
It showed me how privileged I am
It helped to show me how to live simply
It made my perspective on life go BLAM
Oct 2017 · 239
You need to be
Jeff Oct 2017
You need to be saved
you have sinned beyond belief
you need to learn how to behave
before you drift out beyond the reef
Oct 2017 · 210
Why wont you
Jeff Oct 2017
Why won't you listen
Why don't you care
Why don't you understand
What is happening in here?
Oct 2017 · 231
Sitting in silence
Jeff Oct 2017
Sitting in silence
just listening to the birds
then old thoughts start to crawl in
that make me feel hurt

Sitting in silence
lets me reflect about myself
It lets me get a big hit
out of what I did when people tried to help
Sep 2017 · 227
War, Violence, Rape
Jeff Sep 2017

These are just 3 of the main problems
that are present in
our current global landscape
Sep 2017 · 213
Why can't we
Jeff Sep 2017
Why do we still write on paper
when we have computers and phones
why do we hold on the what's old
instead of embracing what's new
Why do we find it so necessary
to remember what's in the past
Why can't we just let it go
and embrace the new color hues
Sep 2017 · 184
Some People
Jeff Sep 2017
Some people
may try to shield us from the real world
they may try to not let us know
the dangers that the world holds
Sep 2017 · 202
What is our obsession
Jeff Sep 2017
What is our obsession
with what is popular or not
What is our obsession
with things that are not even connected,
to the things that really matter
Sep 2017 · 183
What is poetry...
Jeff Sep 2017
What is poetry...
is it just words put together in a rhyming pattern
on a page?
Or is it something more

Is it a way of expressing
what is underneath.
Of what no one else but these pages
will ever know...
Sep 2017 · 162
Why is it?
Jeff Sep 2017
Why is it
that everyone I love
just forgets me in the end?
Sep 2017 · 161
Why do we care
Jeff Sep 2017
Why do we care
whether people are straight or not
why do we care
we are all just humans underneath
Sep 2017 · 164
Jeff Sep 2017
Why do people shun certain people
just based on how they look
why do people think that they
are somehow worse than them based on their ethnicity?
Sep 2017 · 148
Jeff Sep 2017
Pounding overhead on the roof
Drowning out the sound
of my cries for help
Sep 2017 · 165
Jeff Sep 2017
Life is a *****
I know this all too well

It will do its best to put you down
But you have to do all you can to get back up
Sep 2017 · 161
Jeff Sep 2017
Being different is not a crime
it is a thing that should not make us want to cry

Being the same is just denying
that we are all individuals and that we need to start trying
Sep 2017 · 142
Jeff Sep 2017
I want a new computer
I want a new phone
what is our obsession with getting the newest thing
Sep 2017 · 139
Jeff Sep 2017
Why do we waste our energy
making other people feel like ****
making them feel like they wouldn't really
mind if on the highway they got hit
Sorry about the language, it was the only way I felt like I could express it in this poem :)
Sep 2017 · 170
My life
Jeff Sep 2017
My life is a complete mess
No one really cares about me
They just bully and tease me and leave me to guess
What I did to deserve the burning heat
Sep 2017 · 177
Donald Trump
Jeff Sep 2017
Donald Trump is president
What has this world come too
Who would elect a man who admits the the fact
that he gropes women and then says that it's insignificant
Sep 2017 · 223
Jeff Sep 2017
We all say how much we love the earth
Yet we are killing it all the same
killing it with the pollution
And somehow, we are all still sane

We need to work together
To fix the damage that we have wrought
We need to create a greener future
For ourselves, our children and what not
Sep 2017 · 279
We are only human
Jeff Sep 2017
We think to ourselves
Oh, it's just a cigarette or a drink
We think that it won't hurt us at all
That we are invulnerable to sickness and pain

However, I know that that is not the case
we are all just only mortal
and that one just for fun pack or keg
could turn into your funeral

My grandfather died from drinking and smoking
That's why I'm writing this now
He had cancer from smoking, addiction from drinking
And it cost him his life with everyone knowing why and how
Sep 2017 · 227
Peace, War
Jeff Sep 2017
Such an important thing
It is not very present in life's mix

A sadly important word
It is all too present in our world
Sep 2017 · 216
It's Your Life
Jeff Sep 2017
Get a good job
On the test get an A
These things are what they want of us

These things are told to us
by people like
our teachers, friends, and family

The important thing is to remember
That they cannot dictate our lives
That is what we are supposed to do
I know it doesn't have a rhyme scheme in it but I just wanted to to something new out
Sep 2017 · 178
Jeff Sep 2017
I feel like I'm lost
like I'm drowning in a sea of sorrow
I feel like almost everyone just mocks
Instead of helping me to reach tomorrow

However there is one person
who helps me to not be sad
and who can help me learn
how to not be sad or mad
Sep 2017 · 374
The Social Norm
Jeff Sep 2017
Why can't we just be ourselves
This is what I ask myself everyday
I feel like we just need a little help
To be not just a piece in some hay

Why do we change who we are
To fit into the social norm
Why is life kind of like a farm
producing ideas that are all uniform

We need to break down the barriers
That prevent us from being ourselves
We need to respect our peers
And make more room on the social shelves
#BeYourself #Don'tBeAfraidToBeYou
Sep 2017 · 260
Jeff Sep 2017
Every single day
We may ask ourselves this
Why do we slave away
Learning things that in the future we will just reminisce

Why do we spend
7 or 8 hours a day
learning things that most of which will
Never earn your pay

This answer to this is simple
and this answer is
It will teach things that will enable
us to understand what someone discreetly says
I just wrote this in school so... not my best work but hope you like it!
Sep 2017 · 205
Jeff Sep 2017
Friends are the people who help you
Get through the most difficult things
They don't just stand there like a statue
They help you keep your heart strongly beating

The sad thing is though
that not everybody has them
They might just be waiting for someone like you
To help regrow their broken off stem
Sep 2017 · 383
Jeff Sep 2017
People will judge you for who you are
It is a thing you cannot thwart
They will judge you like it's an art
That they practice for an award

If you're part of the LGBTQ community
they will judge you for not being straight
They will judge you for the person you are
they need to love instead of hate

If you need someone who won't judge
Just know that i'm here for you
I'll respect you if you just need a hug
I want to help anyone who feels undervalued

We need to learn not to judge
People who are being who they truly are
We need to learn to adjust
We need to eliminate the social junkyard
Sep 2017 · 234
Jeff Sep 2017
Music is one of the ways
That people can express themselves
It helps them let out what they want to say
And it can also improve their mental health

It is a wonderful thing
That truly knows no bounds
It flies on its widespread wings
On the wonderful currents of sound
Sep 2017 · 258
Losing Someone
Jeff Sep 2017
When you lose someone you love
It is a feeling like no other
It feels like nothing anyone does
Can help you find another

But you just have to keep living
just remember them for who they were
just try to keep on believing
that they are now flying like a bird

I have had this experience firsthand
And it is not a fun thing to go through
But it comforts me to know that
He is now riding the trails past the moon
Even when you lose someone, just try remember to remember them in a good way, and to believe that they are now in a better place.
Sep 2017 · 225
The Darkness
Jeff Sep 2017
Sometimes you feel hopeless
Like you are sailing a sea of black
It feels as if this sea is endless
Like you can never go back

Sometimes you feel like there is no hope
As if there is no light to be seen
It feels like you're on an endless *****
That is on an everlasting lean

It feels almost like
This life has no meaning anymore
It feels as if you have put up a fight
But you are still a prisoner of war

You want to write your will
You feel like your death will come tonight
You want to say goodbye
But you can only wait in fright
Sep 2017 · 169
The Mist
Jeff Sep 2017
The mist spreads over the valley
Swathing all in white
My friend and I sit under a tree
Admiring the evening light

The mist comes closer and closer
And we both start to fear
That the mist will act as a disposer
And that we will all just disappear

And just as it is about to hit
It all just dissipates
It is like we are in a protective mitt
And it could only intimidate
Sep 2017 · 183
Our love
Jeff Sep 2017
I compare our love to a sea
Because it knows no bounds
It is always running free
And all of us it astounds

I compare it to a bird
Because it is free to fly
It cannot be deterred
It is forever free to explore the skies

— The End —