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Living in a silhouette of a dream
I can only follow the image in darkness
That lies before me

As I wake to start a new day
My head is scrambled from the night
Only to follow the lies in my dreams
The mind of a crushed  heart
leads a wicked trail of hurt

Things are misinterpreted
sometimes for good reason

The mind begins to play trick on one
The stomach hurts with pain

The one we loved has betrayed us
Betrayal is so hard to swallow for most

The mind constantly thinks of  the hurt and why
What did I do so wrong to deserve this we say

We fell nothing but self pity with out knowing
No one has an answer we want to hear
We become self seeking without knowing

Yes it hurts so bad and I have too have been crushed
It lead me down a road that I am not happy with

My wall was so tall no one could get through it
Now my wall is down and I am letting some in
Just when one goes through so many hearts...
Just when one feels that they can never love again...
Just when one builds their wall that is to be periment....
Just when one feels they can never feel that first love feeling....

It then happens!!!

I would never think and I never had a clue....

I guess in life anything is possible.

I always figured I had a better chance of winning the lotto....
There are always mutuals things that two like about each other....
Then finding a girl that cares for you, yet likes some opposite things....

When you find this person, never let them go.......
Ge to really understand that person.....
Tell them your real feelings......
Break out your skeletons...
Hold back nothing........
Play no games.....
Show love.....
Be real....

You know......
When it is right......
Any two can fall in love.....
If it is meant to be, it will happen......
Trying to lose the shadow of my past
Every night it reminds me of who i am

It stalks me and constantly talks to me
Trying to direct me to my old ways

Those feelings are about gone and
my shadow seems to be changing

It now looks for a clean life without hurt
The hurtful ways have seemed to vanished

The mindset is very new and very driven
Hurtings has changed to helping others

The angry side is now the kind side
The manipulating side is now the teaching side

Anyone can change if you want it
Never think you are invensable

Because one's time does come!!!!!!!
The drama in life,
comes in many different fashions...

The tune that your playing,
will be the song you will reap....

The dance moves you make,
will be the drama at stake....

If it's a love song,
the dance will always change...

If it's the blues you seek,
you will find yourself weak,

Now if you like to rock,
and listen to hip/hop....

Then your life will be real,
but keep off your heals...

Drama plays a roll,
in everyone's life...

So hold down that song,
and you can never go wrong....
In life the expected,
and unexpected will always be...

The challenges in life,
is what sets us free....

Hurdles are hard,
which holds the mind....

Love and fate,
we can never fake.....

Friendship in life,
we should hold very dear....

There should only by tears of joy,
and never tears of pain....

I hold on only to the good,
and never the bad....

My thought are always with,
the one I can't have....
Night sits on my chest
Squeezes poems out of me
And grinds my poor soul
Thickened stars,
to moonless nights...

To the creator,
that we sometimes fight....

Like black and white,
to love and freight....

With feelings of love...
To feelings of hate....

To the wars in this world,
to death and faith...

Is there a god,
or is he a fake....

Does satin exist,
or is it only a myth...

With time and matter,
to the clock on the wall....

When is time right,
or does it exist at all...

Like feelings and emotions,
to the loss of control...

Is love the option,
to the heart and soul....
Beneath the tree's.....
The falling stars...

We look for a life,
of who we are....

Without a trace,
of what's to be...

Could it be a life,
of you and me...

As the wind blows,
into the sun..

We look for all the  reasons,
to stay or run...

Bound by light,
we live in the night...

With broken dreams,
and mislead lies...

The passion in life,
can sometimes die...
In the night so dark and back ,
where shadows hide and goblins play.
The hearts of all black souls do lie,
in shrouds of darkness do they hide.
Webs of lies are spun and plans are hatched
and poisons mixed, by deed and word
beget the evil men and women do.
For money, love, war and greed.
the worst of humanity summed up in darkness that hides in the light of day and often goes unseen.
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