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 Jun 2020 Indigo
David P Carroll
As I hold you
In my arms
I softly whisper
I Love You..
A gentle kiss
on your soft
lips as we slowly fall in love
Our lives entwined together
As our hearts softly
Beat forever,
Our eternal love and
Forever happiness will
Always together.
True Love 😘
I have a badge, an official hat
I know the law, but have no heart
Run your best, I am in uniform
In this attire, my integrity is deformed.

I have a shield, Sirens and gun
I love your chains, I hate your guts
In your best days, your innocence is guilt
Even in your grace, all I see is filth.

You take me as your saviour
Well, I can't, I have lost that savour
My evils shine night and in daylight
In 9 minutes, my protection will take your life.

Your 'I can't breathe' we only give you a grave
Be still, it is televised, you will enjoy the rave
I don't war alone, my demons are with me
You are not alone, there have been and there will always be.

You can call me names, but the deal is done
You can agitate all day, what next when all is said and done?
You can chain me, there are millions with my mind
It is not a war for the street, it is a war of the mind.
Inspired by Floyd' George
 Jun 2020 Indigo
David P Carroll
She's beating in my heart
She's always on my mind
She gives me her love as
Our hearts beat together
Every day,

She's the woman I love
I've searched my life
For her
And know that I have found you,

I promise to love you
For the rest of my life.
True Love
 Jun 2020 Indigo
David P Carroll
I'm thinking about you
I can't get you out of my head
I close my eyes and still see your​ beautiful face,
You take my breathe away
Every day,
Your in my dreams every night
And all my thoughts end up
Thinking about you,

This is true love
Because I truly love you..
True Love
 Jun 2020 Indigo
MS Anjaan
 Jun 2020 Indigo
MS Anjaan
Love and water
both seem equal
Both are
Our basic
And today
Both are
Level of both at same position
Love is important in life as well as the water and other basic necessaries requires
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