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Leah graves Jul 2018
City lights look so much prettier teary eyed
And crashing waves drown out the sounds of breaking hearts
I look up to the sky and wonder where all the stars have gone
And I think about how im the sky and everyone is the city
They outshine me
Leah graves Jul 2018
Its like constantly looking for somebody to be there
Somebody to talk to about it
But when they’re there
Words don’t seem to form
You’re rendered speechless
And looking like a fool
You don’t know how to say it
How to explain
Even when you do you always hate the silence that comes after
You can practically hear them thinking about what to say
How to react
They don’t understand how you could feel this way
And  why
So you say its nothing its just a moment that will pass
But it hasn’t passed in years
And you’re scared that it never will
  Jun 2018 Leah graves
"The problem with suicide is that when it becomes an option in your mind, it's always an option."
Leah graves Jun 2018
I think the problem with me is that I don’t know how to settle
I said I wanted to live abroad
I did it but now I want to go home
I spend months looking for a good job
Once i find it I quit on the first week
I say that I want a boyfriend
But I push away all the guys who try to be in my life
All I have are excuses even I don’t buy
Im impulsive
And reckless and destructive
Ive never known how to settle
So I mindlessly walk around my life not knowing
What to do
Where to go
Who to love
How undeniable lonely being lost in yourself really is
Leah graves May 2018
I mumble the words I want them to hear
Yet don’t
I wrap my hands over my chest in attempt to protect it
From what I don’t know
I say okay but I don’t want to
Nothing was ever simple
I found myself in the corner cowering
I realize ive been there for too long
I look up at the sky and I get overwhelmed at how big the world really was
And I understand why I confine myself
In the safety of my dark room
Because I could never fail if I don’t try
No one loves the sad girl
So im not sad will you love me
If I reach out my hand I could almost feel you yet I know you’re way too far
I don’t really believe them when they say im pretty
Because I know every stretch mark, acne scar, rash, dark spor there is on my body
And as much as I try to romanticize my flaws I hate them
And I feel ugly
I hate my birthday
I hate growing old because im scared of being alone forever
Being sad forever
And not sad that I cry alot
But sad that I occasionally cry but most of the time im just laying in bed staring at the ceiling feeling completely empty
I love you but
I like you but
You’re amazing but
You’re funny but
You’re nice but
You’re pretty but
You’re not her
Just as a friend
She’s so much better
It gets old
You can be such a *****
You’re fat
I feel so sad today
Leah graves May 2018
Today I met a guy who blew my mind
  We didn’t talk long but we talked about a lot
He asked about my family
And what my siblings were like
We talked about religion
And how out moms were almost the person
He told me he was at that point in life where he got everything he wanted
And he’s just looking for someone to marry
Told me not to give up on  love this young
Now im laying in bed
Thinking about all the guys I’ve met
All the moves they made to get me into bed
All the false praise
And the shallow conversations
And Im happy
That I found someone who genuinely wants to get to know me
He spells
And i like him
I like how much of a dork he is and how he spells cool with a K
Im so used to guys flirting
That it doesn’t phase me anymore
But im giddy
And he made me smile
Now I can barely sleep
Praying that he’s the one I’ve been waiting for
And if he’s not I hope he doesn’t go too  soon
Please let him be the one
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