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Heavy Hearted May 2018
When all you love just isn't there
reach out and pull it through the air
hold that open and keep it true
let go off all which may harm you

Remember the people, their places and things
and cherish the comfort their memory brings.
Remember the sounds, and all of the songs
remember the way for eachother we'd long?
Remember our trip?
we did laugh till we'd shake
Remember the Ocean.
The cottage? The lake.
I remember
the way your eyes would really see
the way I loved you, the way you loved me.
Heavy Hearted Apr 2018
If I had a happy, beautiful government
public punishment
in its loneliness and isolation
would near an ending;
& brilliant lives we'd guide
till it's time to cure the world
found poetry from articles across the toronto star April 2018
Heavy Hearted Apr 2018
Hey- you,
Am I doing it right?
You're gone- as always

But you know im still here.
Heavy Hearted Apr 2018
Of modern tragedy I sing
Deluge-  tears forwardly fling
Watching winter melt to spring...
goodbye snowflakes glistening.

I've let these months weave past my grip
& I have a feeling I wont return
So take this time and read my lip;
From these words I hope you learn

That No drug ever is stronger than me.

There's always a choice

You are free.
Ive got something no pill could ever ****
Heavy Hearted Mar 2018
Down swoops lonley owl
Graceful talons search for prey
As field mice scatter

May you land, dear owl,
Where love is a place, learning
the languange of the night.

May you understand
"...the unfinished creation
Of a changing soul."
tripple haiku
Heavy Hearted Mar 2018
Looking to the park-
I long to surrender, sleep
Swallowed in cool dark.
what a tangled web to weave, as a spider crawling home
Heavy Hearted Mar 2018
In the darkness of nighttime black
We reflect as we react:
To the lives which we must lead
Desperate dreams demanding plead
That to thyself, always be true
Denials strong, but truth is too
So, To my friend who fears they lack
Worry not of times to come-
with diamond hearts, of spades, club's Jack-
Yes, awful can be some.
Yet Wonderful it is to know
despite a life of glass,
  the best times of our lives, indeed,
  Still have yet to pass.
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