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HanaB Aug 2018
Now this is a new chapter ,
No I will write my new book.
HanaB Aug 2018
the words filled with love,
I was overflowing with,
I didn’t know what to do with that wave
So I poured it all out word by word, with you’re warm arms guarded my heart
now my naked heart lies,
Stronger than ever it beats.
the thought that you will be happier without me.
Thr sadness I have that you left, will be underneath.
I will keep waiting for you,
I will rise up I will rise up, my heart and brain will blossom to something that you never thought to be.

Will you then warp your arms around me again ?
HanaB Jun 2018
Going back home,
Going back to your warm arms.
Those arms cover my cold soul
and lift me up from my misery.

— The End —