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103 · Aug 2020
Lost Smiles
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
My smiles keep getting lost on their way to you,

ending up everywhere except where they're meant to;

You're a Northern star, unreachable to ships at sea,

but an indicator of direction, of where they should be.

Like petals of cherry blossom the wind blows away,

they're too fragile and light, to be able to stay.

I envy the breeze that caresses your face,

softly, like the gentle touch of fine lace.

And my smiles wander, disoriented still,

sensing the space between us, that they try to fill;

a bridge of smiles, held together by hope,

a love letter in a transparent envelope.

So I keep waiting, like a bud awaits the spring,

hopeless yet hoping, a bell on a string -

a silent melody, safely stored away,

waiting for Dawn, for the light of day.

(for S.)
102 · Aug 2020
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
'S' is for Sorrow, 'S' is for Sadness,

today and tomorrow, driving me into madness.

'S' is for the Sweet Sound of your voice,

for the Seduction that gives me no choice.

'S' is for the Smiles you flash without thinking,

as I feel my heart inevitably Sinking.

The fresh Start I thought I could have

if I Stayed away, but I wasn't so brave.

'S' is for the Song my heartbeat sings,

so close, but not mine, and that Stings.

The Simmering feelings that just won't fade,

the truth behind my everyday facade.

'S' is for Silence, that cuts me deep,

alone, without you, and I can't sleep.

'S' is for Sunlight incarnate,

bound by a red String of fate;

a hunger only you can Sate,

my weakness, which I hate;

my Sanity - for that's too late,

this love has become innate.

(for S.)
101 · Aug 2020
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
Heartbeats in my eardrums, the rhythm of despair;

nobody ever said love was fair.

I know you are poison, I am well aware,

yet I cannot bring myself to care.

I clutch this rose, whose thorns bleed me dry,

drunk on the scent, so high I fly.

The crimson petals and blood drops that fall,

a lonely violin melodies a call.

Like Fire, the thorns burn into my palm,

I'd never let go – you are my calm.

At your command, a hypnotized thrall,

my soul, my love, you can have it all.

A dream, a dream! this must be it –

it overwhelms me bit by bit:

Sparks to stars to supernova light,

frost to 'flakes to an avalanche in white.

– My thoughts – in pieces – incandescent shine –

Conflagrate – this fantasy – finally mine –.

(for S.)
98 · Aug 2020
And I Can't Sleep
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
So close, too close, and yet not close enough -

Cupid has bound me to you with a silver cuff;

not that I mind, but I'm in too deep,

thinking about you, and I can't sleep.

Did you feel it too? - how my heart jumped,

I thought the whole room heard how loud it thumped -

when you leaned closer to whisper something,

the rest of my world blurred into nothing.

I'm going insane, just poetry and you,

life seems to have taken on a different hue.

I try to burn this love, collect the ashes in a heap,

but it comes back to life, and I can't sleep.

That smile, that angels would **** for,

every inch of you, all I adore;

I'm losing my breath, drowning in dreams,

empty fantasies, crystal sunlight beams.

Get out of my head, if you're not mine to keep,

you're always on my mind... and I can't sleep.

(for S.)
93 · Aug 2020
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
You never let down your guard.

Charming and polite; a poker-face behind the card.

Around you are walls of smiles and lies,

a fortress in which the true you hides.

I wonder if you are a little like me,

behind that mask of "always carefree".

I think there's more to you, for the little things you say,

quietly, in the evening, more truthfully than during day.

You're a little too perfect, to be fully real,

and I'm dying to know - what is your deal?

You keep declining, to join us and drink,

you must have your reasons, and that makes me think.

I won't drink either, since it's of no use

in forgetting about you - it just lights the fuse.

Though it would be easier, to just blame the liquor,

and the liquid courage, that makes it all quicker.

But there you go being a Good Influence on me,

my Silent Suffering, my Penance, my Ecstasy.
(for S.)
93 · Aug 2020
If you knew...
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
Would it overwhelm you if you knew?

Today I literally climbed I mountain for you.

And I'd do it again, to see that smile,

to drown in your eyes as I pass each mile.

Would you think less of me, if you knew?

I am a coward. And I will never tell you.

I'm grateful for the tiny, ephemeral things:

your voice is the gentle touch on guitar strings.

So, I take no risks - too high are the stakes;

I prefer little to nothing, to make no mistakes.

You know, from every card-game we played,

I am no gambler, my decisions are weighed.

Or perhaps, more truly, I am afraid,

too lose even these crumbs, if the wrong card is laid.

I wish I could tell you, all that I feel,

but my tongue is tied, on my lips there's a seal.

If you knew everything, from beginning to end,

would you no longer be even my friend?

Are we even that? Do you even care?

Is this image real, or mere lens flare?

You are the Dawn, the flash of light on dewdrops...

I'm just a poet, hollow wind in the treetops...
(for S.)
88 · Aug 2020
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
It's ironic that I keep addressing

these poems to you, to whom I'm confessing;

yet you will never read a single line,

just like you won't ever be mine.

We haven't much in common, truth be told,

you're a go-getter, and I'm not that bold.

You are the Fire - I merely smoke,

you're the real deal, I'm just a joke.

A reflection, a shadow, a distant dim glow,

the inklings of frost on a winter window.

Broken up pieces of soft sea glass,

a whisper that quickly will fade and pass.

You wouldn't even like this fluttery rhyme,

these wings without bodies that fly into time,

disappear in the veil of an anonymous abyss,

ephemeral sparkles that no one will miss.

My soul trickles into every verse;

not for a moment did I regret this curse.

It's bittersweet, this lovely pain,

your presence is a diamond rain -

sharp and brilliant, all in one.

You are the Moon, but also the Sun.

(for S.)
84 · Aug 2020
Drunk On You
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
So drunk on you, without a drop of alcohol,

there's nothing I can do, even harder I fall

then I've already fallen; I'm high on this overdose,

because until midnight I had you so close.

It's torture, but sweet - just an inch away,

I never want this night to turn into day.

Lost in a chestnut forest that sparkles in your eyes,

we laughed and laughed, I didn't notice how time flies.

And you looked so happy when we won the game,

I wish every night could be the same.

And yet you remain so elusive to me,

a bittersweet pain, what we might be;

So nice to everyone, it's difficult to tell

whether you know, or if you also fell.

Bring me to life - give me a sign,

I have to know if you would be mine.

(for S.)
76 · Aug 2020
Over You
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
I used to have hope, devotions ran deep,

would have given everything for you to keep.

Like clay in your hands, I could have been whatever

you wanted of me, but the answer seems "never".

Could have taken a bullet for you in a heartbeat,

and perhaps I still would, but this feeling must forfeit.

I'll get over you, I have my pride,

I'll look away, to the other side.

I've been acting like someone I don't know

irresponsible, weak, soft like dough;

I'm taking my life back in my hands,

I won't be controlled by my heart's demands.

A chemical cocktail I was drunk on,

it's time to get sober, the party is gone;

and as the night turns into dawn,

you will fade too: brown into fawn.

Chestnut into sand, for the wind to drive away,

time heals all wounds, only memories will stay.

And I'm not sorry, darling, for the poems that I wrote,

but I'm moving on, I have found an antidote.

(for S.)
71 · Aug 2020
Haley Harrison Aug 2020
Like nothing else matters, you make me feel free,

I could move mountains with you next to me.

I could reach out and touch the sky,

do anything I wish, with you I could fly.

I know you're not perfect, but neither am I,

we make each other better, higher than high.

Arms I could melt into, safe and sound,

just thoughts of you lift me off of the ground.

I walk the city streets, floating in clouds,

wrapped in fluffy fantasies, not noticing the crowds.

As long as there's the slightest chance,

I won't give up, I love this trance.

I could live off your smile, I've said it before,

Never enough of you, I always want more.

If I had to cast a Patronus, the image is clear:

the memory of you laughing drives away any fear.

The brightest star in a constellation, softest note in a song,

I've never been in love before, until you came along.

Even across distances, I wouldn't forget

this feeling, this fire, on that you can bet.

Only on you my heart is set,

I owe you all these poems - what a lovely debt.

Just say the word, I'll fall into your arms,

There's no way I could ever resist your charms.

(for S.)

— The End —